The Charter of Micronation of MichiroJohn

Preamble — Declaration of Spiritual Independence from Japan —
To see Japanese society, many Japanese are diligent but they do not have subjectivity. This lost personality is come from samurai culture which is mentioned in the book of ‘ Bushido the soul of Japan‘ by Inazō Nitobe.
For many Japanese, it is the most important that they could get along in this houseism ( お家主義 ; Oie-shugi ), so they belong to houseism companies without any arguments. In my turn, I could see a lot of unfounded rumors on me from this Oie-shugi people. They believed in strange world that Japan repeats history itself. In their world, it allowed to offend laws for keeping their order. They even justified the murder for it. Their Oie-shugi was gone extreme. They showed this way to all diligent Japanese and were laughing. Mostly Japanese Media did it, even in NHK the Japanese national television.
People dying were just only one of ‘ game over ‘ like TV game. They usually explained it to say, ” He is ended.” They even believed that they could push ‘ reset button ‘ in the case of worst. But they could not push this button, and many people were killed or driven into suicide. After realizing it, they blinded the truth. They colluded with Yakuza and Yakuza Police, and even with The Aliens who never showed true figures.
Somebody must have showed the difference of true world. We must have noticed it to them that people would be against them if they did such things.
In this sense, I declared of the spiritual independent from Japan in May 8th 2016.

I left the words of samurai which can be seen in the book of Hagakure ( 葉隠 ).

— Bushidō is really the way of dying. —

Hagakure written by Tsunetomo Yamamoto, Tsuramoto Tashiro

Chapter1 : Purpose and Principle
This micronation is only for protecting the rights of MichiroJohn. The spiritual territory is only within my mind, but the territory of my movement and my occupation are given same benefit from The God. People in the same territory can refuse this governance from The God.
MichiroJohn always tries to investigate the world of The God. It is called as ‘ THE WORLD ‘ from The Aliens. The relationship with The God and The Aliens is one of my investigation.
MichiroJohn moves of believing that ‘ Dying is the best art for any lives.’ Because I believe that it is necessary of generational change for keeping the order healthy.
MichiroJohn puts into practice of my three methods which are ‘ Live,’ ‘ Love,’ and ‘ Record.’
To see the Aliens’ society, all people are mechanized ( Androidised ) and lost individuality by the control of computer. Even they have changed their history by changing time lines. They all look brilliant and do not have any fault like God. — It is just only the deception. We must tell them what living humanoid is getting along.
This micronation is managed by some Aliens’ supporting whom is against nasty situation of THE WORLD. They seem to establish The Afterlife in their virtual space, they recommend us to live within fresh bodies. They show that people can live happy forever for whom people had lived firmly ( The City of God, The Kingdom of God ).
There is a room of argument whether The Afterlife is necessary or not, I followed this idea and tries to know THE WORLD. As the most principle is that we must repel the interference of The Aliens by using anything, otherwise we will be occupied by The Aliens who will invade peacefully. They can seize our society without using any weapons.
But for they will do it by taking long time, we can also get long time. The Invaders are afraid of the eyes of third parties who are against them. They need The Reason to invade. The bullying to me must be one of the best reason for them.
Anyway, we should be afraid of them with the right knowledge. This site is for it. I left the words of Sun-Tzu ( 孫子 ) in the last paragraph.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

Art of war ( 謀攻第三 ; Chapter III: Stratagem and Attack )

Chapter II : National Flags and Badge
Micronation of MichiroJohn uses below the flags and badge for insignia.

National Flag with Badge
National Flag ( plane )
National Badge

The Colors of flag mean —
Proudly I live like Sun ( Red )
Freely I live like Cloud ( white )
Calmly I harmonize with The Universe ( Purple ).

The feature of badge praise five heroes who have fought with MichoroJohn, who are Daisen, Ikaruga, Atsuta, Nikko and Hachiman. They are assembly in The Afterlife of Japan, but not individuals.

Chapter III : Legal Basis
1. Micronation of MichiroJohn is followed by Constitution of Japan ( 日本国憲法 ).
2. Micronation of MichiroJohn follows Constitution of Japan.
3. Micronation of MichiroJohn follows the present rules of THE WORLD.
4. Micronation of MichiroJohn refuses The Death Rule.
5. Micronation of MichiroJohn refuses The Telecommunication Law of THE WORLD.
6. Micronation of MichiroJohn refuses The pre-conversation between Universal Species and The Afterlife of Japan.
7. Micronation of MichiroJohn follows The Treaty among Universal Species.
8. Micronation of MichiroJohn follows The High Sea Law of THE WORLD.

Chapter IV : Organization
Micronation of MichiroJohn is supported by The Afterlife of Japan. The organization of Afterlife of Japan is supported by The Third Parties of The Aliens.
Micronation of MichiroJohn put units on the ground base of The Afterlife where The Afterlife of Japan have occupied. The unit leader is elected from The Afterlife of Japan. The members of MichiroJohn’s Micronation are only composed by dead persons. Even MichiroJohn is not its member. They are treated equally, but they can make hierarchical organization for The Battle. They work for early warning system on The Earth.

Chapter V:Constitution of Micronation of MichiroJohn
We often have seen a lot of unfounded rumors which degrade the innocent people in Japan. Although such lies are guaranteed by freedom of speech, it is nothing to say this freedom of speech cuts both ways. Oppressors usually use it for suppression of speech. The typical example is that they spread rumors of that disasters and incidents have been occurred by my description. There are the different aims for spreading such rumors, that are for destroying evidence, ignoratio elenchi, and getting Aliens’ future technologies. For these, many people died but they do not reflect on own behaviors and activities. People must fight with such oppressors. At first, Micronation of MichiroJohn will fight with them ( or THEM ).
Article1:The pen is mightier than the sword. We will do Nonviolent Disobedience Movement.
Article2:We never trust on unfounded matters but never ignore these unfounded matters.
Article3:We do not trust on the governmental Japanese Media. It is the notoriety that is not democratic and is there on out of civilian’s control. We never buy the commodities which would advertise on such vicious Media.
Article4:We do not use as a reference for TV programs or other artistic matters which do not indicate the special study of production side. To the information manipulation by such unfounded authority has brought, we will respond with the above No-Buy Movement.
Article5:Hate not person but the vice ( 孔叢子刑論7 ). We believe in the freedom of speech however, we should not do the personal attack. We should research the reasons of such behavior or activity how the social background and the historical process would cause it ( Neo-structuralism ).
Article 6:Micronation of MichiroJohn follows the general interpretation of the law by The Universal intelligent lives. The execution of this interpretation is carried out within the scope of domestic laws.
Article 7:Micronation of MichiroJohn deals the delusional means with Weapons. USE or TALK or other delusional means which is not used by electromagnetic instruments is regarded as the act of combat.
Article 8:MichiroJohn is never used by any Japanese Media and they never use MichiroJohn. It means the declaration of war that Micronation of MichiroJohn would fight with THEM forever, even after his death.

Chapter VI : Limitation of Activity
Micronation of MichiroJohn would be ended when our science will unravel the existence of afterlife or repell the existence. It is not ended when MichiroJohn will be died.
Micronation of MichiroJohn is only effected on spiritual matters. The interruption of Aliens’ peaceful invasion is mostly owed by the weakness of our minds and our unscientific behaviors. The informations of this site will be supported your efforts. May God Help you.

written on June 14th, 2020
rewritten on June 21st, 2020
Added Chapter V on January 1st, 2021
Added Article 6 and Article 7 of Chapter V on March 31st, 2021

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