The Way of WWIII

September 11 attacks ( 2001 )

There are many reasons to occur wars, which are mostly economics and politics. Monglians and Normans made wars to secure their trading routes. Religious politics often made wars like Muslims, Crusaders and Nazis. There are the cases to occur wars by the reason of that they kept too enough armies. That are Yuan dynasty in China and Toyotomi administration in Japan. European states which had caused The Great War are same reason. Their states were so peaceful that they thought obeying around countries.

Kubilai ( Yuan )

Toyotomi ( Japan )

THEY are also supposed to make wars by same reason. I could HEAR that THEY thought power politics. THEY are wasting time. THEIR planets must be peaceful.

In THEIR planets, THEY are seemed to ban doing wars severely, so THEIR thoughts have gone to quite twisted ways. I could HEAR that THEY made events after THEY have negotiate with SomeONE. THEY searched out native problems in the target planet desperately, and THEY made problems worse in behalf of native vicious group. As THEY said it was justice to make natives peaceful by the way of THEY only did bad things. — It would be okay to kill people for making peace.
But they never want to live in Syria or Somalia where had a lot of problems. THEY are so peaceful that THEY cannot live in such dangerous worlds.

And also it is okay to make disasters. THEY said, ” It is a natural phenomenon.” — THEY are seemed natural phenomenons. THEY insisted on THEY are not living. That means it is okay to make disasters if it is caused by ghosts.

To see coronavirus pandemic, the inspector from B-Country said, ” There are not any evidences enough.”

— It might be the beginning of next war. The collapse of economics often cause a war.

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