The Arrest of Murder

Apocalypse Now Redux ( 2001 )

In May 6th, B-Country detected The Realm of Murder near space of The Moon.

In this Realm, I could HEAR that Messe suggested to Buredoo, ” Should we stop it now ? ” But Buredoo shouted, ” You don’t understand what Time Works goes on.”— The message could not HEAR anymore. B-Country seemed to repel THEM all from our present world.

In May 7th, B-Country detected Paaru on Shanghai. HE excused, ” It’s the first time to write down like this.” — B-Country captured this data and took away. This Yuu Type Man did not seem to have any data about colonavirus.

Blade Runner ( 1982 )  by Ridley Scott

Messe and Buredoo might be destroyed. But new eyes are fixed on us from behind…

May The Earth in peace.

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