Pinpoint Bombing on The Universe

It must be hard to bomb at pinpoint in The Universe.
— But it is one of mysteries that THEY can come here to TALK but THEIR missiles or lazors never reach to The Earth. THEY often threatened to destroy a hole planet, however, no planet has been seemed to destroy until now. In Japan, THEY had threatened so in 1996 and 2016 but nothing had changed.
In 1996, after the battle of Mt. Bandaisan, THEY began to threaten The Representative of Afterlife of Japan to destory Japan. But it was only ended a threat. Haat had appeared instead of missiles and said, ” THEY are not existent.” HE said THEY could not add any effects in the real. And THEY only said THEY were just natural phenomenons ( in 1995 – now ).
In 2016, after The Siege of Skam Base, THEY began to threaten again seriously. But nothing had changed except for THEY tried to become PLAYER in behalf of My Guardian spirit ( and many disasters had occurred in Japan and America ). THEY ( Oltar ) only excused, ” We will stop it.”
— THEIR changing mind was not certain the reason.
After the bankruptcy of Lehmann brothers ( 2008 ) and 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake, THEY had threatened. But these were only ended to the bashing of Oltar and Seki.
— I cannot understand why THEY could not counterattack.
There is supposed something rule for inhibiting to enforce the final option.
In exact, D-Country said after the defeat of battle with B-Country, ” They don’t know our hidden balls.” It means D-Country has a big shot behind victory. And THEY usually said so, ” Turn things behind victory.” THEIR big shot is supposed to use Black-Hole Bombshell. THEY will win the war to be able to destroy enemy’s home planet. But B-Country do not seem to keep own home planet ( C-Country said so at least ). There is no meaning.
THEIR big shots cannot hit any targets and ended in vain. It would be too far to use it.
May The Earth in peace.

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