The End of War

Ghost ( 1990 )

Ghost ( 1990 ) by Jerry Zucker

After the battle with B-Country, D-Country still continued fighting. In THEIR world, something powerful state made the losers keep fighting even after a complete defeat. But it was supposed meaningless because this powerful state have already supposed to cause self-extinction in the past ( at least THEY said so ). Probably they became ghosts in a dream land. Haraher explained it, ” THEY are only nightmare. But for THEY were starting from the delusion to revive, it is very scare ” in 1995.
In exact, D-Country had already seemed to cause self-extinction in once. The One and The Zero had allowed them to revive as ghosts. They were used for vanguards of THEIR invasion. D-Country was seemed a bad country for THEIR standard. Therefore, this battle was on devilish delusion and mechanical delusion ( B-Country ). The story about this mechanical delusion was often heard from C-Country. Because of that both were only the delusions, the battle seemed to be lasting forever. It might be the same of The Cold War after the defeat of Nazis. But it is the true politics.

In 3rd week of May, B-Country said, ” We can SLEEP.” — It was supposed The End of War. Even for this great Species, continuous living was seemed hard. THEY were vanished in the dark.

Rei people started negotiating with B-Country to keep powers, and supposed to get THE POWER partially. THEY were relaxed. THEY are never ending program which cannot die. THEY changed The Master from D-Country to B-Country. THEY are programs whose favor are only to TALK. THEY can still do TALK and never die. THEY can still continue doing of Devil’s temptation.

Anyway, the saying of Ookura turned nonsense in 4th week of May.

May The Earth in peace.

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