Changing Affiliation

Orlando ( 1992 )

Orlando ( 1992 ) based on the novel of Virginia Woolf by Sally Potter

THEY said again, ” You don’t know it.”
THEY still keep bullish tone. THEY seemed to change THEIR base to newer Species. THEY could not accept B-Country’s policy. THEY are suposed to move in Draco Species whom Oltar once talked about its existence ( the direction of Cat’s eye nebula ). THEY said about it, ” THEY had lived there the closer than you considered.” — It was supposed the existence of The Attic whom would try to keep a position of newer Species’ heads. THEY would want to become important at any costs.

THEY are animals only to find how to win THE GAME. As THEY don’t supposed to have any suicide circuit, THEY continue fighting in any situations. THEY It is as same as Nazi party which attacked to Hungary for getting fuels even when Russians were close to Berlin. They also lacked bullets exactly. They never considered to surrender.

May The Earth in peace.

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