Exile to other Species

THEY are not seem to accept by Draco Species. THEY must leave from this planet, but THEY have kept another planet to intrude. THEY have done THE GAME among many newer Species and deceived them. THEY were supposed bullish in every planet.
The Van who pretends for another newer Species can see fugitives from Draco Species, HE says, ” Don’t come here ! ” — New place would be comfortable for HIM. HE becomes the representative of this planet.

Before this, the fugitives said, ” Hercules Species are there ! ” THEY might be there. We can know the situation of other planet’s state by listening to THEIR saying.

Between THEIR exile of Draco and Hercules, I could find my site was rewritten by somebody.
I found the top page of my another site have been changed. The sentence which I wrote —

‘ Nevertheless, such naked valour like Ikki-gake was often seen in Europe. ‘
was changed to —
‘ Nevertheless, such native valour like Ikki-gake was often seen in Europe. ‘

The latter sentence was my first upload with mistyping. I changed it soon. There is no way to do so. For checking access logs, visitors of my another site was supposed only me except for search engines. Something strange.

And the more to tell, The sentence which I wrote in this site —

‘ THEY never admit the defeat.’
was changed to —
‘ THEY newer admit the defeat.’
( This sentence was now rewritten to ‘ THEY never consider to surrender.’ )

To see this mistype, Yakob was laughing with saying, ” You are wrong typing.” And I could see that Nakatra tried to know the password of my sight. There is no visitor to read my wordpress site ( it is certain ), THEY would need natural explanation to change my files in my server.
If THEY can not explain this way certainly, THEY will execute by THEIR law ( the offense of illigal interference to new species ). And Nakatra said a lie yesterday ( May 27th ), ” I’ve got the password.”
— It is a little too late. I found these falsications in May 26th. In this day, THEY still accursed not to find my password because I changed my password in May 23th. THEY failed to explain.
I could read these sentences without feeling so brilliant. The change supposed to occur in one moment.

Anyway, Draco Species has supposed to keep such electrical instruments. Strong Species.

May The Earth in peace.

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