Naked Valour of Hercules Species

In THEIR new base on Hercules Species, THEY threaten native people, ‘ This planet is ours.”
Although native people seem to claim for THEIR tyranny, THEY don’t accept it. THEY need THE POWER.

In general, it is supposed that invasional Species looks weak and peaceful Species looks strong. It is a traditional custom of THE WORLD from The One’s period. The mean point is for protecting peaceful Species. But both are victims of THE GAME.

After a while when THEY threatened Hercules Species, suddenly Ookura Type man reveals in my mind and threatens me. HE said, ” No mercy.”

— I cannot understand what HE want to tell me for a while. HE is a messenger whose KING asks me to kill.  Ookura once said to me that HE was Hercules. It means HE was violent for Hercules Species. Or HE could become THE KING ( Taisa ) in this planet. It is said that THE KING shows its state. To see HIM, we can know the situation of HIS planet. Hercules Species is likely Ookura Type. Invasional people are.

But they can send a message to me, therefore, they likely keep THE POWER not so bad.

May The Earth in peace.

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