Informations about Hercules Species

Apollon of Roman Empire

In 1995, Ookura Type man came to me and said at the south gate of Shinjuku Station, ” I am Hercules.”
— I could not understand what HE was talking. Before this, HE said, ” I am Ookura-shō ( Ministry of Finance ).” I could not even understand HIS changing mind to Hercules. I have never seen Hercules who spoke Japanese. In THEIR WORLD, these words seemed to have special meanings which were Hercules, Ookura, Ogura, and Ooishi Kuranosuke. It was supposed that Ookura was a short word of Ooishi Kuranosuke.
Anyway, I decided to call HIM as ‘ Ookura.’ It was not certain about the relationship with Hercules. Maybe it was the place where Ookura Type men could live on easily. If THEY get a position, THEY would start becoming a dominator. Hercules Species was supposed so.

In Shinjuku, I could see a lot of strange things. Alii Type Lady suddenly appeared and said to me, ” I don’t know like this nobody who knows. ( in 1995 )”
I could also see Human Trafficking ( Android Trafficking ) there.

When I was walking along the south gate of Shinjuku Station, I saw a beautiful woman standing on steps. To see her, some Industry man said, ” I’ll buy ! ” Denpoodoo said to Nakatra, ” They are mad.” Nakatra agreed it in silence. Denpoodoo explained it to Nakatra, ” We cannot do it openly, so we did it on the street.”
— I convinced it strange obviously. It was as like slave trading on Ancient Greek street. Anything else, I could not find the necessity of Human trafficking on the street.

Until this time, I could get much information about Japanese Media. They did not want to use me in spite of that Japanese Imperial Family had asked them a favor of  it. To ignore this intention, they started spreading unfounded rumors about me, and let me get mental disorder. The Industry owed this mission. It was as the same case as when Japanese Police shot me. The Industry would supported natives’ excuse.
For doing this, they accused me for an insignificant man by using Alii Type Lady ( like above ), and they tried to deceive me by using Ookura, Ogura, Denpoodoo and Nakatra. They belonged to unknown will of THEM. They excused it after, ” We did it because they said so.” — They did not realize what they had done.

Several weeks after, Ogura Type man came to talk with me. He said, ” They are good at Nigi-Nigi ( destroying evidence ).” — It was supposed that THEY had regarded us down.

They had opened The Pandra Box without thinking. They considered it okay to follow THEIR will. Nothing would be happened on them. But THEY were warning it exactly. But they only considered it okay to USE. They had unfounded confidence to USE or TALK.
Anyway, to think about this conspiracy was come from THEM, it was supposed to show what was The Android society. The society of extinct Species would have such a nasty situation. — Lies, deceives, and Android Trafficking were spread into their society.
THEY said that Hercules Species had invasive attitude. These notoriety was supposed to become the starting of invasive states in THEIR WORLD.

Herodotus ( 484 – 425 BC )

Because THEY emphasized on ‘ Return of Herculeidae,’ it was also supposed to have The Meaning. SDFA-E reported it that Draco Species was Attica ( or Akkad ), so Heraclids might be Hercules Species. Both Species existed in the same period. It was natural that two Species had lived in the same age, but one was an artificial Species in THEIR WORLD. THEY introduced Hercules Species as invasive Species only. No one knew their location and history. They might be vanished or extinct people but Oltar did not named HIM-self as them. The Two pretended for them.

THEY also emphasized the battle of Sparta and Algos in Historiai ( Herodotus ). That was the battle among Heraclids ( Algos men were killed all by Spartans ). Myura1 said, ” They were killed like that.” It was when I played TV game of Arugosu-no-Senshi ( アルゴスの戦士 ). It likely had some meanings, too.
THEY stuck on the words about computer, that were algorithm, routine, kernel, rectangular waves, I/O, Mac and Windows. These supposed to have some kind of special meanings. But these would not have relationship with Hercules Species. It was supposed to relate on the management of THE WORLD.
Female SomeONE said, ” Hmm, there are seemed a lot of meaning to computer. Mother board, kernel, routine… What are they ?! ( in 1995 )”

I could get a lot of information from West Gate ( Nishiguchi ) of Shinjuku Station. Nishiguchi is the town of computer even now.

May The Earth in peace.

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