Informations about Hydra Species

They Live ( 1988 )

THEY continue doing TALK with saying a phrase of the movie ‘ They Live.’

— They are safe as long as they are not discovered —

They Live ( 1988 ) by John Carpenter

THEY usually threaten us when THEY are standing behind victory. While THEY threaten us, THEY are running our behind to keep THE POWER. Once THEY had gone to The Realm of SomeONE or The One, or THEY are running into The Ground Base on The Earth. Now THEY are running into the heirs of EMPIRE ( The Diadochoi ).

THEY likely have settled down in Hydra Species. THEY come to say, ” We are natural phenomenons.” — The Species who lives in the direction of Hydra Constellation is not seemed to have real effects. And while I see THEM, I become seeing the figure of Tesaki. HE is supposed its dominator. But it is a dead planet.

It is a strange thing that THEY consider to manage new Species only by one. THEY don’t think about sharing powers. ” This is my country.” — That is THEIR thought. Female SomeONE wants to give the power of colonial planets for all her children, so she allocates THEM one by one to it. The choice of its domination is decided by THE GAME. It means that the winner of THE GAME get the planet. Thus, THEY continue THE GAME forever. It is never-ending-battle with THEM.

If we will give it up to live, THEY would take possession of our planet. We will have to live in our planet until The Earth will get severe global warming like Venus.
It would be also dangerous to become mechanical Species. THEY will seize our Central Control Unit ( THEY call it ‘ The Hijacking ‘ or ‘ Freejack ‘ ). In this case, We must get complete virus protecting for doing mechanized.

Freejack ( 1992 ) by Geoff Murphy

Nothing to say, Living Human have complete virus protection because it can get along without any electricity. Living is the best art of any lives.

May The Earth in peace.

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