Negotiation with Micronation of MichiroJohn

Mr. Vampire ( 1985 )

Mr. Vampire ( 1985 ) by Sammo Hang Kam-bo ( original title is ‘ 殭屍先生.’ )

THEY continue negotiating with my country, which is The Micronation of MichiroJohn. THEY pretend trying to use me because other Japanese want it. But THEY want to do it with bad. Because THEY think it could become the power of The Japan lesser than before. THEY want to get the more power to struggle with both Japanese and Micronation of MichiroJohn. Therefore, THEM and The Collaborators will continue picking a quarrel with me.
— As I have already disliked them all, it is welcome for picking a quarrel to me. THEY might not realize there is no mean to fight with me. THEY are still misunderstanding of me something powerful. It is obviously wrong to know my status ( I am just a physician ). But it even would look something special for THEM. THEY look fools for me but it might become so to see from where THEY are there ( it means the distance or time was too far ).

That’s aside. THE POWER of THEIR VOICE has become the much weaker than before. The reason is mostly supposed that THEY lost The Ophiuchus Base than THEY lost natives’ support. B-Country seemed to destroy a hole planet of Ophiuchus Base, THEIR VOICE are obviously weakened after that.
THEY said, ” The Ophiuchus is made for THE GAME.” — Probably no one still lived there. Animals or micro-organisms would have lived there. THEY tried to survive by using its lives for the shield. THEY knew it well that Third-Parties did not destroy the planet which lives had existed. THEY were Vampires who were parasitic in living planets.

But for I can still hear THEIR VOICE, we still had to fight with THEM. THEY start showing brute behaviors, THEY insisted on not to use me. — We have already reached this agreement for years ago. I’m also asking THEM not to use me forever. There is no room to use me because I have not written any stories for 15 years. I have lost the method of scenario scripting.
But THEY insisted on the same condition again. THEIR aim was supposed to set on the different point.

Before 15 years, my master of professional scenario scriptor said to me, ” The Industry men are so arrogant that they never use persons who are against them. They never change this opinion.” — They would think it keep the order of The Industry. I’m not already against them at that time, it became being against them what I had still survived. I decided to quit my scenario writing. It was good for My Guardian only to find they did not use me. Seki Type man had already decided not to use me.

This Seki Type have been already dead after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, and My Guardian had also been dead by THE WAR ( in 2019 ), but it has been continued our negotiation. The president post of Micronation of MichiroJohn become empty, The Ikaruga often take leadership in behalf of My Guardian. In other side, THEY continue negotiating with us and tries to get back the lost places where Micronation of MichiroJohn have occupied. If it is allowed, THEY will make disaster with THEIR own favor like 2018 Japan flood. We refuse it by the reason of that we do not sign any armistice.
It would be contined until THEY will be repelled on The Earth. But it is not supposed so long. Time stands by us.

By the way, THEIR conditions of this negotiation are following as —

  1.  We do not allow any use of MichiroJohn.
  2.  We shift all responsibilities of making disaster and war to MichiroJohn.
  3.  We continue bullying MichiroJohn as ever.
  4.  We admit the effectiveness of MichiroJohn to THE WORLD. We use his method only.

We can get new condition on article 4. — I am seemed to evaluate by THEM. But for nothing to change whether we agree or not, we cannot reach any agreement. THEY just only want to bully me. So we refuse it and continue doing The Mental Internal War in Japan.

May The Earth in peace.

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