The Intention of Vanishment by Draco Species

Children of Paradise ( 1945 )

Draco Species seemed to decide vanishing from this world, they said good-bye to me. They said to us for taking a place of their governance.
— It looks hard even for Universal Species to keep society for long time. There are supposed two choice in the end of their existence, whether they will vanish into The Afterlife or reincarnate to New Species. There is not a room for these midway. To lose real bodies would cause new battle with Rei People ( Haat once said, ” THEY are maggots.” ), to reincarnate to New Species will cause a conflict with poweful Universal Species. THEY have regarded as that the midway is only going on the way of dying.

Tambar1 once said, ” All humanoids become androids and died.”

— It means that THEY will stalk surviving Species until dying. It would be the end of losing real bodies and society. It is not clear of the reason but all Rei people have lost real bodies because Rei’s scientists had destroyed their society completely. And all Rei’s scientists supposed to suicide. I cannot have seen any Rei’s scientists for now. There are only seen Rei’s authorities who control people by The Manual Handling. Their world was supposed that even the fools could govern people. It was just okay only to push the buttons ( I often could see THEM who pushed the button ).

The intention of dying on Draco Species would make a chance for THEM to reincarnate, the society become noisy for the possession of THEM. I could HEAR THE VOICE of whom Draco Species claimed THEM for the governance, ” It’s wrong to kill people with no relationship.” THEY answered to it, ” We will kill people as same numbers as other planets.”
— THEY would try to kill billions of The Earth people. It will make an excuse for the past Species who had been killed billions of people by THEM. It is a mad equalism.

But for I could hear it, it is supposed close to the end of its governance.

May The Earth in peace.

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