Considerable Disasters in the Future

1906 San Francisco Earthquake

One Diadochoi who I have not known the existence seems to destroy newly. Buredoo is feeling sad by that she has lined up those dead bodies in her box. I could see those numbers that were about 10. It is not reached to 30. As Buredoo is only supposed a program, she would continue fighting until all Diadochois will be lost.

Survived Diadochois become noisy to say they should surrender to B-Countries, but she is not supposed to surrender. Because she is already dead and she is there in The Afterlife. The Diadochois who kept the less protection with THEM will be taken possession of THEM, and THEY will recover THE POWER  to attack The Earth. It is supposed A Trap of Rei’s Scientists who had forced to obey authorities of Rei people. Those are Paal, Messe, Buredoo and their Aashi.

Anyway, we must prepare for THEIR attack. As THEY have no doubt it is good for new Species with making wars and disasters, there is no choice except for self-defense. It is THEIR mercy. THEY convince it will envelope our systems and technology.
After colonavirus pandemic, we can gradually rise up the skill of real anti-virus protection. If there would be weak point, THEY will draw into it. Because THEY are natural phenomenons ( In exact, there is still remained little doubt for whether THEY made colonavirus ). If there is no weak point, THEY will go another disaster or war.
— It is a never ending battle ( The Eternal Enemy ) but we can make predictions with thought and science. And we can even predict from THEIR thoughts and behaviors….

Considerable Disasters in the Future
1. Nuclear War
2. Meteor Strike
3. Gamma Ray Burst
4. Volcano Explosions
5. Global Warming / Cooling
6. Collapse of Social Infrastructure
7. Android Society
8. Seizure of Central Control Unit
9. Repetition of The Aas
10. Independent War by Colonial Planets
11. Encounter with Powerful Alien
12. Invasion to New Species
13. Temptation of The Afterlife

These articles are so long that I will write down to other posts.

May The Earth in peace.

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