The Death of Tambar 2

Cross of Iron ( 1977 )

I could SEE an image somewhere Nakatra and Yota’s daughter were crying. They were seemed to isolate and ready to die. The time when I HEARD a female moan, the image was vanished.
— It was Tambar2’s vision who could easily escape to another planet. She would fight with keeping escaping route, but this time, she was failed. The route was caught by B-Country, so I could SEE. She was supposed to die.

She was famous as ‘ The Living Statue ‘ among B-Cuntries. She was The Goddess who had appeared on The One. This living statue and Alii the female announcer tortured the society of The One. Both are made by Rei people, that Tambar2 was a complete artifact but Alii was only a sample who was abducted her brain data. However, there was nothing to say that both were devils.
They are supposed to rely on the involvement of Haraher’s laboratory ( The Sim ). It is supposed to vanish into dimensional darkness, so no one know where it is.

That aside, the newer Species where Tambar 2 had hidden seemed to decide to exclude the existence of The Zero, Tambar2 was vanished with moaning. She might be shot by local police or shot her own head, that was unknown. The data which was just before her death was seen. It is her living way to keep an eternal life. That is the end of Android’s life.

After B-Country had caught the death, they sent investigators to this planet. It was newer Leo Species who was still remained by them. Humanoids would be still survived on this planet. But their comments about them are critically severe —

” You did it only for getting money.”
” You don’t know what You-Don’t-Know.”
” The Repetition of The Aas is not such a precious thing.”
” You have built up The Hierarchy.”

— This Species might be not so long.

May The Earth in peace.

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