In 2.5×108 years ago, Siberian Traps ( huge volcano explosions ) are supposed to cause massive extinction ( P-T boundary ), which is one possibility of our ending. In P-T boundary, 80% and more species became extinct.
In THEIR world, it is often seen that THEY have stuck on earthquakes and volcano explosions. It is supposed THEIR demonstrative threats but it should be thought about another reason. THEY might be thought to make new volcano traps. It would take for tremendous time to make it, but THEY deal very slow business.
Coming to 21th century, Japan has entered in the activity period of volcano explosions, which is mostly supposed to depend on Global Warming. Not for THEM.
Above figure is compared the deviation of average temperature with the deviation of earthquake’s numbers in Japan. As the measurement method of earthquake had changed after Great Hanshin Earthquake, the data less than M4.0 are excluded. And the data in 2000 and 2011 are also excluded by the reason of which have too many numbers.
Whereas a lot of average temperature in Japan are beyond zero point ( the average temperature of 1981 to 2010 ), the earthquake’s numbers of more than M5.0 remain at same level, but the numbers of M4.0 to 4.9 are on the rise. Because the crust of The Earth is supposed to influence less by Heat Island Phenomenon, it is one evidence of Global Warming. This is increasing the number of earthquakes within M4.9. And it will be increasing the number of more than M5.0 earthquakes in the future.
But for THEY have insisted on that THEY can make earthquakes and volcano explosions ( ex. Great Hanshin Earthquake, 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami, 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake ), we should consider about this possibility.
If THEY did it, THEY will do it by the way of we can notice it. So I will sort these data to experienced magnitude. It is called The Seismic Intensity Scale of Japan ( 震度 ; Shindo ). There are 10 grade from ‘ 震度0 ‘ to ‘ 震度7.’
Earthquakes of the highest grade ( 震度7 ) and famous volcano explosions had occurred by each 5 years…
Although, by the reason of that Japanese islands stand on Cold Plume ( Plume Tectonics ), Japan will not cause terrible volcano explosions like Siberian Traps and Deccan Traps. Those were stood on Super Hot Plume. But if THEIR aim to make it, THEY will make earthquakes to make Mega-lithosphere. It would cause Hot Plume and might make severe volcano explosions like Siberian Traps. It would take for long time but we should not let our guards down. THEY deal with very slow business.
To see this data, the epicenter of earthquake reached over to 600km under. It is supposed earthquakes on lower mantle. There are several severe earthquakes occurred in 300 to 500km. These are in Mesosphere. Mega-Lithosphere might reach to there. Therefore, I will plot all earthquakes from 1985 to June 2020.
It is calculated one degree longitude as 91km. This setting file is opened by ” 設定(S) ” to ” 設定ファイルを開く(O) “.
Data and Setting File are here.
These are not supposed to make by THEM, however, there is a possibility of making new ones to cause earthquakes on the crust. THEY will want huge lithosphere falling down to deep ground.
THEY usually TALK about deep focus earthquakes. THEY are pleased with we don’t know about it.
May The Earth in peace.