Future Boy Conan ( 1978 ) by Hayao Miyazaki
Paaru who uses Yuu Type Lady as her avatar sent message to me, ” We can do anything from here. Do you believe The Earth can win the war ? “
— I have listened this same phrase whenever THEY lost war. This time, THEY seemed to lose the war again. But THEY supposed to come back soon. THEY are maggots as Haat said. THEY would try to be reborn in remained Leo Species from now.
B-Country’s fleets seemed to move on The Contiguous Zone of The Earth and spread around our solar system. Their lines cut off from The Earth, THEIR messages cannot reach to us. The situation is that we are surrounded but we are also free from annoying us. THEIR saying become losing points, misunderstanding and grandiose delusions are spread around THEM.
THEIR avatars may be confusing. A Yakuza who introduces himself as Leo Species did TALK to me, ” Are you talking to me ? “ — The CCU ( Central Control Unit ) of remained Leo Species does not look like this terrible man. IT looks like one of Rutsu Type men.
The backgrounds of Paaru and this Yakuza are obviously seen dark. Because the background of IDEA field is usually seen as white ( deep mist ), likely THEY are under losing THE POWER now.
— Eeko ( Buredoo ) often said to us ( in 1994 ), ” Why do THEY look white ? “
— I did not understand it at that time, it is supposed by the reason of filled with THE POWER. There are several seen method of delusional people, mostly THEY are in the dark and only have outlines figures.
THEY usually show bust figures but sometimes show whole bodies. THEY can walk by shaking legs but it looks like floating. As the surface of THEM is like 3D picture which is drawn in 2D monitor, it is lack of reality. The angles of THEIR seen are always the same. — These are supposed to draw by same program. Thus, THEY are supposed in kinds of virtual space.
I rarely could see THEM white, I usually saw THEM outlines only. I could not understand what The Eeko wanted to TALK. To see that, Eeko showed me Nakatra in white background. He chanted Buddhist sutra. ” —That is,” she said.
She also showed Ookura in white background. Both of them wore a suit. And they were in a misty cream-colored world. The density of white background was not homogeneous.
In exact, THEIR outline figures sometimes have cream-colored. In this case, it is often seen the orange or red-colored faint light in THEIR dark background. It is as like dawn in the dark. Whereas, there is a case that it cannot be recognized any colors. This cases are sometimes figured by living humans. It can be only supposed to recognize the shape. This monotone figures often have colors but it is usually colored by one. It is supposed to color on our shape recognition.
Colored outline figures are rarely by living humans. THEY are in there — beside of us. It often looks three dimensional and has distance. It is supposed to get energy from the dawn point, THEY suppose to make three dimensional figures to stack layers. in the case of few layers, THEY look two dimensional who are aligned on same sight.To stack many layers, THEY look three dimensional but THEY become cream-colored. It may be that of looking white which Eeko said.
These figures are not radiated any light, so it is different from TV monitor ( but THEY said it is in the braun tube ). It is supposed to interfere on our visual association cortex. I experienced from when I could not see THEIR figures to when I could see THEM obviously, I find it the time when it become seen is starting when THEY impress THEIR figures in the mind. There are supposed several templates to see THEM as like human, most of THEM do the same actions ( but THE VOICEs are different ).
THEIR sayings are usually different, that are meant THEY can communicate freely. But these look strange because the voice and the movement of mouth are mismatched. THEY explained it the limitation of expression. — It is unthinkable for living human.
Anyway, THEY can add information about sound ( voice ), wind ( pressure ), smell, our feeling and THEIR emotion at THEIR figures. Because our visual association cortex is supposed so. We can evoke various feeling at our sight. It is the battle of visual cortex ( when THEY said it in 1996 ).
Step 1 ; ( 1991 for me )
In the first, nothing is showed ( Step 0 ). Sometimes THE VOICE is listened by cranial bones vibration. The sound is not clear. But after the vision in the back mind has some colors, the sound becomes clear. The colors are composed by orange, red, purple. It looks some kind of mist in the back.
There is no image in the case of sound only.
Step 2 ; ( Early 1992 for me )
Suddenly The Figure is appeared in the back. THE VOICE is listened clearly but the shape of its figure is not clear. It is uncertain whether she talks or not she talks THE VOICE. It is supposed to implant the shape recognition by THEM.
She can talk but has the less moving. Her behaviors looks inorganic.
Step 3 ; ( Mid-1992 for me )
While seeing this figure, it becomes clear and thick. She become expressive and the information about her is increased. Her emotion and talk can be received clearly. And she can control our perception with her favor — She can look sincere and also she can add fear to us.
She can behave as like The Goddess.
This was my experience however, other Japanese also seemed to suffer same implants by THEM. THEY did it slowly, it looked like one natural phenomenon. Until 1995, many Japanese became talking about strange things and walking down the street. It was the conspiracy for Japanese to believe in the existence of The Repetition of The Aas. They ( including of me ) were mind-controlled.
THEY were laughing to see it. It was seemed THEIR pleasure to see less knowledge people caused unbelievable things. THEY even told the way — the way of deception and how people could become doing TALK. According to it, THEY sent agents and spread unfounded rumors about The Repetition of The Aas. By the way of TALK, the agents made people believe it, and turned it to their convince by making incredible events ( murders, wars, disasters, etc. ). — No one could repel this strange idea in Japan. There is scare to spread one-sidedly if we did not deny it. Because THEY continued spreading it in the air. If some people mentioned a negative opinion about it, THEY started TALKing and gave the mental pressure. Most people kept silence by this way. Strange rumor was continued spreading in this moment. People lost the control of sense.
The agents looked the same as human. In exact, they were humans. THEY said, ” There is no difference from human. What THEY can TALK is only distinguish point but THEY can make ordinary people doing TALK.” THEY also said, ” They put the instrument ( The TALK Daemon ) on their brain. But it cannot be found because it is not there.”
— It is supposed that THEY put The TALK Daemon on the parallel space in THEIR brain. It could be found if we can make brain map. Strange radiation must be found when THEY TALK. But there is no way for me to find it on my situation of the year in 1990’s. I must beware of it.
Tell the more, we must pay attention for THEIR possession not only mind-controlling. The mean of THEY can TALK is concluded for THEY can possess us.
The Body Snatching can be felt as the abnormality of somatric sensation. Because we can feel the difference of our movements from what we have wanted. Sometimes in this case, we can feel thin human-like mist in our body image. But usually we cannot feel it. If it occurred, I recommend you not to move anymore. If you cannot stop moving, there is no way except for moving carefully. You should not consider others.
It is effective to turn our actions automated. Repetitive practice can change our actions automated. You can win The Body Snatching if the neuron of automated action is stronger than THEIR interference. If you cannot do this, you should confirm your actions by taking a memo or other stereotype confirmations. I recommend you to do The Pointing Confirmation. Japanese railroads can become the most safest transportation mean by this action.
THEY can also blow off our memories so that we cannot evoke the long-term and middle-term memories if THEY did it. Short-term memory have already disappeared. THEY can change veterans to amateurs. It is important for repetitive practice to avoid it. Automated actions can often pass through this disaster.
But in the case of THEY destroy our memories, It is the exception. THEY can do it but no one can do it. I experienced some of THEM ( Akiko and Yota’s daughter ) tried to do it, but I changed nothing. Something we don’t know restricts this action.
In exact, I could see the image which Ookura and Yakob were suddenly shot the head by no mean. It is supposed to occur in D-Country. It is not certain whether true or not, but THEY consider about it that is okay to be found out at least. THEY are afraid of something.
THEY are seemed under control of their computer system. According to THEIR words, it caused the beginning of their failure. The story was said that the authority of their organization wanted to become The God. Only to occupy the system, they could become The God.
Factional disputes became harder but they struggled peaceful because their system banned murder and war. They could only do the mind-control to defeat political opponents. In 1990’s Tokyo, I could suppose to see a lot of Taisa ( Oosa ; The King ) and Aashi ( legs ; their agents ), and even supposed to see Kweerii ( The Queen ). But no one killed me. They were peaceful. The System have still activated on their world.
To believe THEIR words, their scientists ( Zero’s scientists ) were dead with their knowledge. So THEY became fool only to push The Button. It is not supposed correct, because Shima ( The Sim ) can continue making avatar like Haraher anyway, THEY have become fool.
May The Earth in peace.
THEY emphasized this game of Japanese version. This shaman looks like Little Yuu. The shaman in this game looks like female mind-controller of THEIR system. THEY called her ‘ Gracia.’