The Death of Sal and Kanji

The Hunt for Red October ( 1990 )

Myura1 sent two dead bodies for Buredoo’s room, ” They are dead.”
Yuu answered it with a sigh, ” Stop it for all …”

These dead bodies supposed Sal and Kanji but it is hardly to see.

In another sight, The Leo asked to us, ” Is it all over ? “
I responded to him, ‘ Is your ship sunk ? “
He answered nothing. He could not see the around. Micronation of MichiroJohn declared farewell to him with a salute. The Eternal enemy ( THEM ) never surrender. THEY are said of continue fighting by withdrawing the lines of relay bases.

By the way, Sal and kanji are supposed the people of The One, the difference from THEM is that they are not peaceful. They love wars. THEY said The One a fool for War Machine. It is supposed to be close to end of the remnant of The One, although they have believed they can live eternally.

In 1994, Ashitra who are supposed one of Kanji Type men became believing in I am Red October somehow. He thought so while to watch the movie of ‘ The Hunt for Red October.’

The Hunt for Red October ( 1990 )

Red October — I just only wondered why. He did not know the mean of Red October. But he excited one-sidedly mind-controlled by somebodies. maybe THEY enticed.

My present situation is something like Red October factory in Stalingrad. I must fight with THEM, like which Russians must fight by the tank T-34 as soon as rolled out. But the situation of 1994 was not so. I only tried to become a writer. This Kanji Type man and Haat usually mentioned about the future as same as Dalk and Tambar 2. They all looked strange.
And this Kanji Type man was laughing with interrupting for my way of becoming a writer in 1996. He ordered to kill me to somebody. But soon it was changed for bullying to me. Something mad was gone on the around of him. And me.

The Battle of Red October Factory

In August 23th 1942, the battle of Stalingrad had began. In September 27th, German army ( 6th Army and 4th Panzer Army ) began to attack on the north area of Stalingrad. There was a tractor factory which produced tank T-34 at the beside of Red October steel mill. German army occupied there until the end of this October, and captured 90% of this city. But for Soviet army started counterattacking from November 19th, German army was surrounded until December 12th. They surrendered in February 2nd 1943.

The Battle of Stalingrad

Georgi Zelma Stalingrad, c. 1942 [Soldiers taking cover in the ruins near a Factory

I met one of The Sal in 1995. He was called various name by THEM, that were ‘ Momma,’ ‘ Yasu,’ ‘ Momma-saru,’ and ‘ Maru.’ — Maybe there were supposed many Sal Type men in Tokyo. I also saw Sal Type police man who said to me, ” You have won.” — I could not understand what I had won. It was there in Shinjuku in the midnight. He thought I played some kind of Pachinko. Strange policeman was.
One day, this similar man was standing with a fellow at the back of mine in the elevator, and enticed his fellow, ” You can kill.” — I looked back then they were laughing. I left for this elevator with nothing.

In my delusional sight, Sal worked for Japanese society, he said something strange. — ” Fukushima is dangerous.” And ” Twin peaks is also dangerous.”
— He explained it, ” We cannot TALK the truth.”

Something mad rule was gone on the around of him. And me.

May The Earth in peace.

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