Recent Conference with THEM

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest ( 1975 )

Leo is seemed about to die. His painful life as Rutsu Type man will be ended in vain.
Some of THEM are kneeing and watching his dying around him. THEY have human’s heart a little.
But THEY must be thinking to need a new patron to use THE POWER freely.
According to THEM, THEY cannot use THE POWER unless THEY have a place. The next patron is likely Japan or this The Earth.

Before this, B-County seemed to capture a whole area of Leo’s planet, he sent a message to us. ” We won’t destroy this planet. Because they live here.” He pick a stone up. Something insects were seemed to hide it.
— We must know why this great civilization have been declined and it turned only to live insects.

But The Leo hid it, he held on a conference with Micronation of MichiroJohn in early August. He behaved in behalf of The Japan. He mentioned about not to use MichiroJohn at first. It was already the agreement with The Japan, so I aprroved. Then he suddenly got anger and said, ” We never use you ! “
I answered, ” I am never used by you, too.”
He became anger the more and said, ” You damn don’t exist any more !! “
” It sounds good. If I don’t exist in this world, it means we cannot meat each other. I don’t admit your existence, too. We will become nonexistent in each world, okay ? Good-bye.”

Leo realized it was THE VOICE of Spellbound MichiroJohn ( THEY are afraid for the existence of MichiroJohn somehow ), the conference was finished. I decided the range of this agreement to expand onto Japanese media because they had controlled him in the behind of his back. They try to kill me by pretending for protecting me.

There listened to some VOICE coming from somewhere, I ignored. That was nonexistent VOICE in my world.

Anyway, the process of declining civilization is said the events on the cuckoo’s nest.

May The Earth in peace.

Cuckoo’s Blood Parasite

To distribute an egg on other species’ nest and make host parents feed the chick. Some specialist said the successful ratio of cuckoo’s blood parasite is about 50%.
To think bout THEIR blood parasite, it has almost 100% successful ratio if it can do ( it can do without any interruptions ). The chicks will repel native people from right and interests, and monopolize the native wealth. It will become one of A-Countries which has The Icon of THEM. If assuming there are 35 Species of A-Countries ( it is included of C- and D-Country ) and there are 19 Species of B-Countries in The Universe, this successful ratio is about 65%. We can possibly become the 20th B-Country in The Universe if we can repel this parasite parents ( THEM ).

Referenced VOICEs

・THEY have emphasized the movie of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest ( 1975 )
・THEY have emphasized the bird of Cuckoo.

・THEY have emphasized the fruit of Nijisseiki pear ( means ‘ 20th century pear ‘ in Japanese ).

・THEY emphasized a large quasar group of U1.27.

・THEY emphasized the movie of Léon: The Professional ( 1994 ).

・Tsuzuki said to me, ” We repeated 35 times.” ( 2005 )

・Haat said to me, ” You should find them out. Those Diadocho is are 30 and more.” ( 2020 )
・B-Country responded it, ” We have 19 planets.” ( 2020 )

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