5. Global Warming / Cooling

Global temperature repeats up and down, now it is increasing. Because it has high increasing ratio in northern hemisphere, global warming is mainly supposed to occur by the reason of that population of northern hemisphere is larger than the southern. The increasing of CO2 is supposed to influence less. It is only 0.02% of O2 in the atmosphere turned to CO2. Those CO2 are supposed to affect on the acidification of sea because most of CO2 is floating on the surface and melted into the sea finally. It will damage to growth of coral reef, in the final, this acidification might cause oceanic anoxic event.
Ocean Acidification

Therefore, the global warming of nowadays is supposed the heat of our daily living. The typical event is Urban Heat Island phenomenon. Global temperature is supposed to affect on solar activity, however, now we have lived in the highest global temperature but lived in the least solar activity.

By the way, THEY say loud about the increase of CO2 and Global Cooling, we should pay attention for opposite matters. The decrease of solar activity does not suppose to make Global Cooling. Coronavirus pandemic can stop human’s economic activities and stop Global warming ( this spring was calm ), it cannot reduce the number of human however, Global Warming will be proceeding the more. We must think about stopping Global Warming.

The Way of Stopping The Global Warming
1. increase work in home ( reduce outside activity of human ).
2. All the roofs of house change colors to white ( increasing the reflectivity of sunlight ).
3. Shed water in the roof ( circulate water to underground then cooling and back ).
4. Shed water under the road ( not wet on road surface ).
5. Spray mist showers to the road directly.

May The Earth in peace.

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