The Death of The Elder Leo

THEY sent a man who kept opening his mouth for The Buredoo’s room. And THEY left with laughing. This dead man looked an adult wearing a suit. That meant The Android. There are seen some kinds of wearing a suit in IDEA Field, who are Rutsu Type man ( Luan, Nakatra ), Tesaki, Ookura, Ogura, Yakob, and sometimes Gracia. But he was different from THEM.

He was supposed Sassa Type man. I heard Sassa had gone to the space area of U1.27 and became The Icon of there. There are supposed 3 Species in this area, B-Country supposed to exterminate 2 Species completely by the reason of justified THE GAME. These Species believed in the effectivity of THE GAME, they became The Vanguard of The Invasion.
The expression of opening mouth is showed this Species could not stop doing TALK and USE by THEM. A typical person of opening mouth is The Van. He continued doing TALK about strange things in 1993 to 1994. He also mentioned about Red October Issue at that time.

The fault of THE GAME can be said that native people are deprived a place. While doing THE GAME, The Vanguards are intruding on new Species to give hints. It is just only The Invasion, but they believe in own justice and behave as like The God or the judge. After they poisoned natives by strange matters, they give some detoxification to them. They make it look like only the salvation. In this process, they can get own places for the heroes of salvation. They can become the upper class. The poison is The Trap of THE GAME or The Trap of Rutsu Type man or The Trap of Tambar or The Trap of Yuu or The Trap of HAL or etc. But mainly they do THE GAME.
On this process, they will repel natives from rights and interests, and occupy the wealth of natives. The period of THE GAME is reached to hundreds of years, then it will be ended all the natives become The Androids and died. The reason which they will not invade directly is supposed that they believes themselves it is not The Invasion. The true fear of THE GAME is that it can make the both of invaders and the sufferers believe in it is not an invasion. probably it is made by incredible genius of Rei people.

Because they will repel many natives from rights and interests, many natives will lose a job or status. But this sufferers will become the greater on the next Species ( At least THEY say so ). And they justify this own invasion by this salvation.
The sufferers will intrude on the next Species and occupy the wealth of new Species. They will become The Vanguards unconsciously. Because the past sufferers will make a lot of new sufferers, the next Species will become the full of sufferers. It is called ‘ The Domino Theory of The Universe ‘ or ‘ The Universal Domino.’
THEY need The Exhibition Planet to solve this problem. The planets of Alakis ( The One’s ) and Van ( The Two’s ) are supposed it to accept the sufferers.

THEY tried to conciliate with me to say that I will become the greater on the next life but I refused it. I don’t want to see new sufferers any more. But for it will become the rebellion of THE RULE, I must defect to B-Country when I will die. I have no intention to continue fighting with stupid men in the core of The Afterlife.

— That’s aside. Some young man came to TALK with me after the typhoon 10th ( Haishen ) had appeared. He said, ” Is it great ? “
— Greater or littler, stronger or weaker — THEY always stick to it whether or not. It is a typical demonstrative behavior whom cannot have any confidence in himself. THEY cannot USE THE POWER without no notice. THEY are the group of less confidence. It is an annoying story anyway.
But Haishen was supposed to make by the rise of ocean water temperature. Maybe THEY did not make it.
I have already seen the death of supposed Sassa. This man was little similar to him but he looked young. I did not know whether he made it but I ignored him. Then THEY sent new one. It was a confess of Yota’s daughter.
She said, ” I want to make double typhoon.” — She would get this idea to see the double hurricane in North American continent.

August 25th, 2020

Her image was seemed the both of typhoon 9th ( Maisak ) and 10th ( Haishen ) would land on Japan one by one. It would be okay the both or one could strike to Rutsu Base. It was failed if THEIR sayings were right. After that, The Holm said, ” The Pacific high pressure drifted out.” Both typhoons struck on Korean peninsula. He also said, ” This typhoon will have 60m/s. ” — Although Japan Meteorological Agency said it would have 85m/s on Japan, it got the weaker on Japan, the max wind speed was 59.8m/s.
—Gradually it becomes unsound whether it is true or not. It might come here whom does not know The Earth’s weather. They cannot control it or THEY lose THE POWER.

By this attack, Rei people came to consider about the retaliation to Tokyo. THEY are hard for THE USER.

Anyway, in the age of The One, THEY could strike the target correctly.

Typhoon 5th, in September 1998

In 1998, I decided to go to Tokyo to watch the death sentence of my high school classmate. When I bought this ticket, THEY became noisy. THEY twittered, ” It’s wrong event.” or ” It’s only the record ! ” — I could not understand what THEY were TALKing. I just only went to see my classmate’s death sentence. But THEY were excited one-sidedly and got the approval from some Japanese authority ( maybe it was only one of Japanese Media ) by TALK.
Then the typhoon 5th landed on japan in September16th, I was interrupted to go to Tokyo. I could not listen to my classmate’s death sentence in that day. Could it become nonexistent by this way, but he was executed by death in June 16th 2008. — THEY would believe to able to change the history only by such actions to the end.
But for this event, Haat pushed The Big Button and said, ” They did USE. They did bully.” But for it is not certain native Japanese did USE, nothing was happened. The confirmation of USE by Japanese was after stock price manipulation in the bankruptcy of Rehman Brothers in September 2008. THEY said, ” They obviously did USE. “
Anyway, for the attack of typhoon 5th, native Japanese were killed by 7 and injured by 47. And in The Afterlife of Japan, Urashima Police and Kabutochō Police were destroyed at the IDEA battle. The Afterlife of japan lost THE POWER to be against THEM. Haat announced to us in behalf of The One, ” Don’t you believe to win against us ?! “

— I will put it aside on whether true or not, one strange thing is there. It is that THEY never invade directly. THEY only did USE THE POWER within the delusion. I consider it there is some rule to prohibit THEIR interference, however, it is not certain after all. THEIR intentions are always beyond this rule, and sometimes it is carried on. The One once said, ” It’s good of this chaotic situation. “
— It is supposed the reflection of THEIR intention. The will of Rei people is hard to understand, which is really that ‘ swallows and sparrows never know the ambition of phoenix ( 燕雀安知鴻鵠之志哉 ; 史記 Chapter048 ).’

If we will follow THEIR intention, it would be ended only to used for The Vanguard like Leo Species. There is no mean to understand THE GAME. Just only sent to Buredoo’s death room.
That Leo Species is supposed the 2nd people because they have depraved completely even to have The Icon of their CCU. THEY usually make the 1st Species for The Exhibition Planet, THEY did The Repetition of The Aas in there. THEY will change 3rd people the full of Androids with leading by the elder people. Our The Earth is the 2nd people by THEIR standard. The elder Leo only think about THE GAME. Our people might become like this in the age of mechanized civilization ( The Android’s age ).
In this age, all people will become androids and lose the thought of bioethics then people will become similar to THEM. Some of them will do THE GAME or The Repetition of The Aas. They will even make friendship with THEM. They can control The Universe but Lose moral. It is the destiny of 2nd Species. They will be exterminated with 3rd people by the reason of The Total Depravity.
THEY even wasted The One for the battle. THEY never want any understanding for THEIR own behavior. It is only supposed the salvation never to understand THEM at all.

May The Earth in peace.

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