Recent Conference with B-Country

B-Country continuously requests to give them lives of A-Country’s people. SDFA-J ( Self-Defense Force of The Afterlife of Japan ) negotiates with them, SDFA-J promises to repel the power of THEM again as the representative of SDFA-E ( Self-Defense Force of The Afterlife of The Earth ). But B-Country is not seem to satisfy this answer.
As I can know the intention of B-Country, they would prepare the next typhoon. In this winter, Japanese cold would become severe by the reason of La Nina phenomenon, but for The Global Warming will keep Sea of Japan warm, the cold will shift to east, then heavy snow will fall on Kantō and Hokuriku in the eastern Japan. B-Country would consider to prepare the next  typhoon for making this snow disaster.
We might be able to learn how the snow disaster will occur.

After the defeat of The One, B-Country requested the lives of A-Country’s as well as to other planets. They were supposed to kill billions of people by THEM, they never allowed the existence of A-Country. B-Country only said to me, ” Cut off THEIR heads.”
Ikaruga negotiated with them as the representative of Micronation of MichiroJohn, he promised it, but after the conference with The GHQ ( SDFA-J ), the promise was reduced the tone to repel THEM as possible. Because any Japanese could not suppose to kill the suspended persons without the confirmation of crime sentence. They refused THEIR termination as same as it was holocaust in WWII. Instead, I started attacking to Japanese Media as possible by my description. Ikaruga explained it our terminations and it was approved by B-Country. But it only made the security around Rutsu Base from their ( THEIR ) disasters.

Because THEY are the men of bullying as possible as THEY are alive, B-Country would get nerve to see it. I will run away from it as possible. They are not the power for us to win. Japanese Media would not win this war by using The Androids who are controlled by something.

May The Earth in peace.

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