Recent Conference with Rei People

Before arriving of Typhoon 12th, Messe told us an intention of surrender. Her avatar seemed to fall into a crisis. But for she did not tell any conditions, she was ignored by SDFA ( Self-Defense Force of The Afterlife ). It looked THEIR usual way of proceeding The Peaceful Invasion that THEY tried to keep a current position. To agree THEIR armistice, THEY will proceed the steps of next own favors from the present position. THEY don’t know to keep the border so that we cannot separate with own living areas. It is like The Jihad or The Crusade which was only the fear for domestic people.

In the arriving of Typhoon 12th, Yakob was proud for avoiding this typhoon. He might have said to USE. For this action, the temperature of Pacific ocean will be raised and the temperature of Japan will be down. It would be good for La Nina phenomenon but Japan will become cold.
But for D-Country which Yakob was belonged to this member was supposed under running away by B- and C-Country’s attacks, another Species would be done it if it was true.

Suddenly Sassa Type man appeared on my mind and said, ” You are stupid. You don’t know ours.”

— I could not have heard this phrase of ‘ You Don’t Know ‘ for long time. He was misunderstanding me and he did not also know the recent situation of ours. To say themselves great is meant that they are defeated. After his arriving, B-Country arrived and said, ” It is broken.” He rewrote his inspector of B-Country and left away.
— They are seemed to be under the war.

After arriving of Typhoon 12th, Haraher explains it to The Afterlife that THEY cannot reincarnate on the next Species. To hear that, THEY are booing to it. In THEIR rules, when the previous Species did not accept THEIR existence, THEY would lose The Supply Base and THEY would not reincarnate as living bodies. THEY are ended only as ghosts or devils.
According to other Species, there was no case THEY were only ended as delusion, however, it is supposed effective for the next Species ( but previous Species would suffer the worst disasters for THEY attacked with full efforts ). Whether the present Species will help it or not, it is THE GAME for THEIR surviving, there is no choice except for we will repel THEM all.

From 1994, I could have heard the process of getting the eternal lives, THEIR principle is supposed so. THEY deceived us only for getting the eternal lives and would make our lands for THEIR launch base. And THEY would carry out The Universal Domino Theory, THEY will use us for The Vanguard on the next Species. There is nothing to tell we must stop it.

It is only supposed okay not to give THEM the eternal lives ( if there are not any other launch bases for THEM ), it will be important not to give THEM any authorities.

Once My Guardian Spirit proposed an armistice that was saying, ” All our people have got an suspicion for getting the eternal lives. Your conspiration will be ended in vain. Should you separate to live with us ? ( in 2019 )” — But THEY did not agree it. THEY only said, ” There is China.” My Guardian recommended not to go there but THEY could not change the mind. Because THEIR invasion method was supposed so. THEY could not solve a problem by arm but THEY could seem to possess people.

In the recent ( after the arriving of typhoon 12th ), Micronation of MichiroJohn proposed an armistice for THEM. It was a chance that THEY were in the demoralization for losing the battle. It was said, ” You can live in ordinary. Instead, you cannot USE THE POWER.”
But THEY could not respond any answers.

THEY could not seem to live in ordinary until THEY could get the eternal lives. And also THEY could not seem to accept the natural death.

May The Earth in peace.

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