The Death of Haat

Zeus of Roman Empire

Before the arriving of Typhoon 12th, The Moomu said to THEM, ” How many do you survive ? “
There revealed a few persons standing in the beside of her. — Chako, a Rutsu Type man and a supposed The Attic ( Draco Species ) were there. The Attic hesitated to join THEM. He must have thought the situation was lessening there. Chako’s D-Country was on the run, this Rutsu’s Leo Species was exterminated. But if they were captured, The Attic would have to follow THEM.

After the passing of Typhoon 12th, SDFA-E decided to research the current situation because they saw a new front of enemy. I was chosen by this mission as usual. I was only a man of declaring war with THEM formally.

In September 26th, SDFA-E rebuilt My Guardian Spirit and sent to the core of The Afterlife. My Guardian carried a wire wheel on the back, then he rushed into the whitened background. It was supposed an effective way to investigate THE WORLD.
While he went missing on the way, he could reach to the battle field. He proceeded the steps although he was laughed by THEM to be cut the wire off. As THEY showed it with laughing, I could catch the information. To see it, My Guardian started The Reverse Detection Unit and leaked the more information to The Earth.

He boarded on the bridge of something spaceship. This weak security was supposed A-Class ship ( A-Country’s ship ). In the navigation unit, there were two men with bust figures, who were supposed Noa Type man and Gips Type man. Their virtual sight showed they were surrounding a planet. Many battleships were expanded around the planet. There looked the bow of ship made acute angle.
The Noa was surprised at his visit and said, ” How can you come here ? ” — His thought came down to me, I found they were under the siege of Draco Species. He was a fool enough to think a lot of things.
They maintained space fleets by using the technology of Draco Species but after to see the approaching of B-Country’s fleets, they turned over to B-Country’s side. The process how they could get in this ship and why they turned over were not certain. It could be only said that THEY were irresponsible for anything and always took a side with the strongest. Draco Species was not still ready for fighting with B-Country.

In a few minutes later, My Guardian could not sent for information. He was supposed to delete the data. He could not come back to The Earth.

Picture is STAR WARS IV & V. THEIR virtual sight was catching three battleship of B-Class ( B-Country’s ). These mother ship ( satellite ) was not found. The virtual sight showed them grey-colored but these had black-colored with mirrored structure actually. These distances were not correct, too. The sight expressed the planet of Draco Species as blue colored. The Attic was still supposed a comfortable planet.

After the death of My Guardian, Micronation of MichiroJohn started analyzing the information from him. C-Country started analyzing it in the same time, we found B-Country must have sent My Guardian to THEIR spaceship for the threat. I understood why THEY were surprised at his visit. THEY kept the security but they were amateurs for B-Country. They watched out the pass cords when it had been made.

Next day, The Malis proudly showed a mount of dead bodies to me. He said, ” Look, this man.” He picked up a man with beard. He said, ” It’s Haat.” — The man looked little different from Haat ( it looked the more similar to Klam ), but it was supposed a mount of The One. They were supposed naturalization people in Draco Species. It was not certain whether they were abandoned by Draco Species. C-Country’s investigator was standing in a little distance away and tried to be sure of their personalities. He looked hard to identify. Most of them could not be supposed to identify by B-Country even. They only aligned the dead bodies and showed it to other Species.

B-Country also picked up the thought of some lady. She murmured, ” I’m still alive… I’m still alive…” — B-Country saw it with laughing. Draco Species was supposed to defeat.

To see it, Sii-chan proposed a new deal. He said, ” We should reconstruct The One.”
— Maybe all Diadochois were supposed to defeat by B-Country.

Anyway, THEY never know to give it up.

May The Earth in peace.

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