Izmir Earthquake in October 30th, 2020

After it was passed for a week when I had written about Sparta and Argos, Izmir Earthquake had occurred.
To see it, Buredoo said, ” It’s not concerned with Sparta and Argos. It’s in Turkey.” — She was laughing, it sounded something a lie.

While Izmir people were in distress ( Oct. 31 ), B-Country captured a figure who would go to Peloponnese peninsula. The data looked a mixture of Yakob and Ogura, that meant the data was THEM ( HIM ). B-Country seemed to cut the line, so the figure was vanished before reached there. THEY would want the more damage on there.
SDFA-E sent agents to whole world, and I continued writing this blog with pretending for no concern. Then it was passed for a month, there was no disaster on the places where I had wrote.
I asked to The Sim, ” Do you know this disaster ? ” — He did not answer. But when I said that he made me describe about Oiranto in this time, not him but Haraher answered it, ” That’s it.”
To tell the truth, I drew the map of Oiranto in March 2020 actually. But I could not want to upload it until October 14th, 2020. Because I could not have any confidence about it.

It was that a trap to stop writing if THEY did not want the more. THEY possibly supposed to know a whole time line of The Earth, THEY could suppose to choose the destiny who would live and who would die. Haraher once said to me that it was the destiny of that I lost the university graduate. And THEY promised The Earth would win The Battle ( but Japan was exception ). It was that ‘ Swallows and sparrows never know the ambition of phoenix ( 燕雀安知鴻鵠之志哉 ).’
Haraher said some kind of excuse that it was wrong of Japanese Media. He explained that The group which was familiar with Japanese Media ( the remnant of The Japan ) wanted to destroy my life even by contracting with the devil, he would set a dummy event. As Japanese Media had already offended homicide as one team, they never turned things unless I would offended kinds of genocide, — that was said by Dalk Type Lady in 2018. It was the beginning of whole world’s trouble.
In this case, THEY would handle it to make dummy events.

In the same time, B-Country’s inspector tried to research the route of coronavirus again. He picked up people’s memory and got the information about when and where they were infected. He showed it to SDFA-E’s members and reached to the epicenter. It was quite a ordinary street in Wuhan, China. There was no memory but it was probably unfortunate that bat hunters would play in this town on November 2019.

The inspector said, ” We suffered it in 2004.”
— B-Country was seemed to have similar history with us. SARS was possibly their historical event or not ( but SARS event was from 2002 to 2003 ).

May The Earth in peace.

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