Ironbottom Sound

Universal Dock

In January 5th, THEY recover the line of TALK. THEY ( The Collaborators ) willingly said to me, ” We can bully you.” THEY showed the fast recovery as usual ways.
— ” Ching ! ” Another of THEM ( supposed Rei people ) responded. She said, ” Ironbottom Sound.”
— Many spaceships are supposed to destroy.

Before this ( January 3rd ), SDFA-E suddenly asked for my opinion. They seemed to capture three shipyards of C-Country. It was supposed there in their colonial planets ( the direction of Abell1835 IR1916 ). They seemed to abandon this military points and went to somewhere. — It looked like a trap. So SDFA-E came to hear my opinion. I told my opinion that we should not have attacked hardly unless we could not grasp the numbers of enemy. Even if the enemy in front of us looked weak, the behind of them might have kept the power. The lack of information would become the most strongest enemy.
Although THEY seduced to occupy these points ( THEY said, ” You should capture this Universe.” ), SDFA-E ignored it and went on their way. — Our science will be developed it soon. But it is not now.

In January 4th, C-Country seemed to come back to their universal docks and started the final mission. THE VOICE was reached to me in January 5th ( the above words ) however, the connection seemed to destroy until January 4th. THEY possibly tried to survive by presenting these points ( THEY could survive as mechanical staffs ).
They are now tortured by B-Country. They must confess all and will be destroyed.

— Good-bye, my old friends.

May The Earth in peace.

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