The Capture of The Sim

Cross of Iron ( 1977 )

After the destruction of C-Country, SDFA-E found new front of enemy. They said to us that My Guardian might be reconstructed again. But the enemy did not appear. It was only seen the activity of The Attic in January 12th to 14th. He said, ” You would make mistakes unless you obey us, ha-ha.”
— It was a synchronized attack with Japanese Media on January 4th to 5th. It’s nothing to say that they are not only human scum for me but also The Collaborators who are supported by THEM. It is as same as surrender to THEM that I would obey to Japanese Media. It Maybe was of you…

In the morning January 15th, Micronation of MichiroJohn found the appearance of The Sim suddenly. He walked on The Afterlife alone. Ikaruga captured his data and analyzed it. It was strange THEIR king walked alone ( usually they came here to subdue the around of target by SHOT ), however, he came here only to send a message. It was not a work for King.
The message had seven icons, which were numbering by THEIR thought. It would be true THEY had the octal numerical system. The seven icons seemed to deal with The God Seven, which my thought was The Evil Seven or The Axis of Evil. The order of numbering was different for mine.

The Sim (1), The Attic (2), The One (3), The Two (4), B-Country (5), C-Country (6), D-Country (7).

— The program was that if it was true, The Sim said, ” Not yet.” When it was aligned by 1,5,2,3,4,6,7, he also said, ” Not yet.” — It was very easy for me to understand. It was almost as same as to tell The Answer.

When it was the age of next generation ( from E to I-Country ), THEY seemed to start researching on the opposite side of The Universe at first ( The second time was supposed in the age of The Two. Time Works were reversed ). THEY found THE VOICE of new intelligent lives on the space area of G-Country. THEY went back to the time and found The Gard, which was extinct by Meteor Strike. But it was seemed a camouflage to erase the existence of G-Country. And then, they repeated the own history on G-Country. But for THEY had interfered this country severely, it became Aas-10.
— G-Country was so powerful that they did not seemed to mind changing own history. THEY became the spiritual existence to lose own history. They were under the observations of the around of planets when they saw this alien.
They recommended to research from the around of own planets. They said a fool that Rei people was only a speed so that the research by Rei people had many faults. They seemed to know Rei people carried out soon to The Universe for detecting new intelligent lives.

We should never mind which was 1 or 2, because it may be wrong.

— Anyway, it becomes the more likely THEY are only bandits. I have heard it from 1994. But THEY are still too strong to say just bandits for us.

May The Earth in peace.

Referenced VOICE

・After Dalk and her fellows were destroyed in 1993, Yuu restarted a trickery in 1994.
・Buredoo said, ” THEY are only the robbers ( 1994 ).”
・After pointed out about Hellas, Haraher said, ” There is also Gard Prefecture ( 1995 ).”
・Kanji Type man said to me, ” We are arguing about them however, we’ll decide to fight with them ( 1995 ).” — He said it to me for the decision of The GHQ. In exact, The GHQ could not make a decision to fight at that time. He was only excited one-sidedly. It might be there in some hidden message.
・Haat said, ” Two and Four are not existed ( 1996 ).” — Maybe Two was G-Country and Four was B-Country.
・Haat said, ” Two is really not existed ( 1996 ).” — He wanted to say that The Two was extinct, but the hidden message was supposed The Two was artificial Species by G-Country. Rei people did not seem to omit this Species because THEY saw this intelligent lives actually.
・THEY had emphasized the safety system for car crash of GOA ( 1997 – 1999 ).
・THEY had emphasized the movie of An Inconvenient Truth ( 2006 ).
・THEY had emphasized the ancient continent name of Gondwana. — The planet name of G-Country was seemed ‘ Goa ‘ or ‘ Gondwana ‘ or ‘ God ‘ or something like that. It was seemed to change the interference of Rei people, or G-Country seemed to interfere the numbering method of Rei people.
・Oltar said, ” We are vanished to the future ( 2019 ).” — They seemed to vanish actually. Thus, it was supposed to be right of 1-5-2-4-6-7-E-I. It was supposed that 5 ( G-Country ) and 4 ( B-Country ) were in the outside of THE GAME.

・THEY said, ” The Attic comes from C-Country ( 2019 ).” — But to see the above numbering that The Attic was Two, Rei people seemed to think that The Attic was different from THEM. It might be the interference by G-Country.
・THEY said, ” We can throw THE VOICE ( where did not have time traveling system )” in 2020.

・B-Country said, ” The Two is our comrades ( 2021 ).” — B-Country’s comrades were supposed G-Country.
・Tambar-4 said, ” We had galaxies when The Center only had First Stars ( 2021 ).”

・The Yakuza said, ” They are both heroes ( 2021 ).” — It was unusual he said so. When I mentioned about C-Country and B-Country, he only said THEY were stronger than them.
・G-Country confessed, ” It is not certain whether we should interfere or not ( 2021 ).” — THEY likely could survive at the beside of dead end. The human scum like Japanese Media might have given the reason of THEIR interference.

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