Recent Conference with Japanese Media

From 1992, I could not discuss with any Japanese Media, but they continue saying me a fool for not going any university. They made me a warning victim to threat people, they never felt it wrong by making new guilty for me. It was started from selling my name when I claimed to Japanese Media in 1992, the boy who cried wolf ( 1994 ), ” He TALK ( 1997 ),” ” He USE ( 2007 ),” ” He’s making a disaster ( 2018 ),” — They have said a lot of lies and taunts to hide their faults. Their favor is only getting THE POWER, after they have realized not to get THE POWER, they taunted me severely. But they have forgotten they could have done TALK from 1980’s, that means they could already have done USE. It was only they could not realize it.
From 2018, they could really have done USE, many accidents and disasters were happened by their orders. It truly is that ‘ USE THE POWER.’ But they can not have realized it yet.

Japanese Media is like a bad guy hard to deal with, they are still throwing me the words, ” Never use you.” Although it have been passed for 10 years when I did not send my scenario to them. The reason they said so is that The Seki have heard from somebody of which I have still had STORIES, it is kept after his death ( 2011 ). But I have never hit a new idea for now. They maybe watched a different time line. What a strange they are.
Maybe they and I live in a different dimensions…

After the destruction of C-Country ( in the latest 2020 ), THEM who have supposed to live in Japanese Media were activated by some delusions, they started to find my faults. It was easy to find my faults because THEY continued watching me out. THEY said it wrong of I wrote about computers. THEY were not good at using computers so that they could not know of that BIOS never could be rewritten by any computer virus. It was quite strange to hear human’s voice when I pushed the power button. But they said never to use me by the reason to write so. Although it was already decided by TALK.
They had a reason to drive me into failure at any cost. It may be serious for them to lose C-Country.

It made me annoyed a lot, so I decided to write I was never used by any Japanese Media for new year decision. But for it would stimulate Japanese Media, they sent many messengers to me in the coming of 2021 ( January 4th to 5th ). They maybe had a lot of time. They threw the words when I went away to somewhere. It was for avoiding from my objection. Their usual discussions with me are always like that, it is one-way communication. I always ignored it and passed through. Because there is no mean to discuss with them. They did not also accept it. Strange words are only flown across around of me.

Ookura Type man said, ” In the indefinite postponement.”
— Strange words. Who did he want to say. Although I have already finished. Would he still follow the asking of Japanese Imperial families. If it were, he was just Japanese Media. They always look the above men.

The Industry said, ” You don’t know we’ll protect you.”
— Ha-ha. How this man could say so. After he said, I checked the morning news on TV but there was no evidence. There is no way except for I ignored them. This opposite justice cannot be treated well.

Next day, Kaa Type girl said, ” That’s creampie ( それ、中出しね:Sore, nakadashi-ne ).”
— Oh, I found the sexual depravity. She likely wanted to say that she would pick my brain out.

Their conditions were kept the same. I could understand they would try to finish my life and kill me. The conversation was finished.
Japanese Media was very danger never to mind losing human’s life. They are quite arrogant for anything so that people must follow their rule. But for they obeyed to the above men, they must accept their favors. They will punish people who would be against them, but for they must behave as like justice, thus, they would become psychopaths by itself.

If you encounter with Japanese Media…

  1. Never give any STORY.
  2. Never say loud.
  3. Never make A STORY.
  4. Never show your back or run away.

1. Never give any STORY.
— They always thirst for STORY. They never get along without it. It is critically wrong that they will forgive you if you give some STORY. If it done, they will be close to you of that they misunderstand you have STORY the more.

2.Never say loud.
— They dislike to become scandal for their way. You should not claim it for. It would become their end of life so that they will pick a fight never to lose. They cannot live without they are in justice. They will continue fighting until anyone would say you are wrong. You will be soon able to hear neighbor’s voices or feel itching on whole of your body.

3. Never make A STORY.
— It is needless to say. They are only pleased with new STORY. But you should remember that they will say bad if your life is boring. It would make your career bad. You should spend your life on good to some extent. But the exciting life will become their food absolutely. Sometimes they will change your boring life to be hard. Be careful if you see beautiful boys and girls in a lot.

4. Never show your back or run away.
— They will be coming after you if you would run away. They are twisted persons, so they will chase you if you run away, and they will escape from you if you are close to them. They hate it everything will go on their way. It would be best that you should say hello if they want it. Even if they don’t want it, you must keep your face to them. They hate to be disliked. They are chasing you until you will love them. They won’t allow you only to like them. They force you to become obedient.

How to distinguish them

To see a lot of yakuza, they will sometimes show a threat. But for they must stay in justice, they will become calm soon. They also show some sexual depravity. Because they are psychopaths, the commander rarely say something, his followers only say something. They will show the complete schizophrenia. It is as like the secretaries of politicians. Their thoughts are implanted on their followers completely. They might see such secretaries a lot. You will also see some unfounded seduction at this time. Fundamentally, they love their target. But never forget that they don’t love you except for your STORY. They are only the creatures to love STORIES.
— The way of threat or seduction was hard to understand for the normal people. If you see it, they must be Japanese Media. You could soon understand that they are just psychopaths.

If you are cornered…

If they will pick a fight never to lose, there is no way to fight. They would corner you when you will be driven into suicide. They never allow you only to go mad. They will allow if you offend a crime, but it is your end of life. You should consider about another choice.
There are supposed many ways of battle however, I will give you a hint to escape from them ( I don’t recommend to battle with them ). You should realize their standing position is in justice. They cannot put the end of your life. Because the rumors are spread with bad. The Japan is the creatures to mind the rumors. They only wait for your suicide. They will expect your death by accident. They can corner you but they cannot add the final push. This process is little strange but it is The Japan.
When you are cornered, you should walk along this corner. You can survive by the reason of that they cannot add the final push. For about 10 years to do so, there would be appeared a lot of mistakes on their behaviors. Finding it and showing it effectively, there comes a chance to run away from this hell.

May The Earth in peace.

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