Information about G-Country

Gladiator ( 2000 )

Gladiator ( 2000 ) by Ridley Scott, main actor ; Russell Crowe

G-Country is once supposed to exist in the direction of Grus constellation. There is CIG J2143-4423 filaments, where is supposed their space area. It is supposed the world where is in 189×108 light years away and we can see its situation after 29×108 after The Big Bang. It is not certain why these galaxy filaments could be composed so early ( the article by NASA ).

They looked slender. Some of them seemed to have brown skin. Yakob Type persons looked like them.

Yakob once claimed to THEM, ” It’s the offence of Telecommunication Business Law ( 1994 ).”
— They seemed to be against to The One ( A-Country ).

Once they were deceived by THEM and seemed to try to rebuild own country ( The Repetition of The Aas ). But they failed to redo own country then it caused the deterioration in public order. They became the claimers to THEM by this experience. I could hear these stories as The Goot ( Chapter-22 ). Ookura or Ogura Type men were seemed very loud and made disturbance.
Their society was supposed to divide by two. Dalk once threw the words to us, ” Why were Goths divided by two ? ( 1994 ) ” Goths was called ‘ Gooto ‘ in Japanese. It became THEIR fanon for new intelligent lives.

People in the space area of G-Country said, ” They are not alive.” or ” They are mad.”
— While fighting with A-Country, G-Country were supposed to be similar with A-Country.

May The Earth in peace.

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