Recent Conference with Japanese Media

American Psycho ( 2000 )

The Wide-face reveals on my delusional sight, and continues TALKING whole a day. He annoys me even when I am working, He would aim to make me a mistake. His orange-colored background covers me on my mind even after he disappeared. I become hard to control myself. What a human scum for only think it okay to do anything of that he could become easy. He is bashed by Japanese Media at this time. He never mind the sufferer would feel it in trouble.
In 1993, he even thought so. The Uzi transacted with him to get the truth. He offered the names of Kanji-1 and Akiko. He could escape from the responsibility to shoot me. But for the guilty of that I told The Taboo was not disappeared, I only became wrong.
Then he said loudly, ” You’re wrong than us ! ” To say that, he laughed slightly. He undoubtedly could USE and TALK freely. In 90’s Japan, there were ruled USE and TALK, and their custom laws. We could not get along without accepting these different means.

In the hand, Akiko of The HJ reveals and say, ” I was only wrong.” — I recommend to stop TALKING. It could not be done by just only a high school girl. They think it that mass media must stand in justice. They cannot do it absolutely. Because the axis of evil always stands on Japanese Media. They prefers to do theatrical crimes. They need the mass media. This movement often is seemed to see in Rei people. But the original of Akiko is not supposed Rei people.

In the other hand, Yakob Type man insists on the necessity of violence device in the mass media. It is a typical logic which is often seen in Japanese Media. He misunderstand the mass media for country. It shows the elemental base of theatrical crime. They move our nation by using such logic. They were superior to Japanese government by this logic. Their violence device is ‘ The Organization.’ They need it to keep their justice.
To see carefully, he is not The Yakob. He is only a man who is mind-controlled by such stupid idea. The logic was childish, which does not have the capability to manage people. It cannot keep on its management without parasitizing to governmental organizations.

In the more other hand, The Zawa shouts, ” We bashed him to control completely ! To stop his writing, We must bash him again ! “

— In 2018, Dalk-2 thought my writing easily to say that, ” Take him free. We can realize the need of THE GAME.” She TALKED it for the second hand of Zawa and others of THEM. She did not know what was happened in 90’s Tokyo. She only convinced the need of THE GAME because her new followers could take easy by hiding the truth. THE GAME was only used for destroying evidence.
The more I wrote it deeply, they thought it dangerous. They turned the attitude to ban my writing, but for they only said it in the air, they could stop my writing. There was they believed in they were not wrong, they even believed their innocent was proved by my writing. They just only forgot what they were doing until now. They forgot their own bad things traumatically. So their attitudes changed alternatively.

In this time, THEY turn it not to write. It is supposed unfavorable for them. Because it would be revealed what they are hiding. They said many things one by another.
” We must stop his writing.” — They started conspiring something.
” We must put him into a corner.” — He is supposed a dummy of Shiganai. He had been watching me instead of him in 1992.
” We’ll give a sentence by death to whom tell The Taboo.” — And he is laughing slightly.

— I consider to need a new conference. They seem to say a lie to use me again because the are bashed. I have to teach these aliens what is the negotiation of government. They don’t know the communication with humans. They have only consider people can be controlled like computer programs. So the Micronation of MichiroJohn stands up.

” We have already divorced. Micronation of MichiroJohn never go out of this country and you never come into my country. What part of the conditions can you compromise ? “
— They cannot answer. They said just an excuse.

Zawa shouts, ” How long will you hate us ? ” — To your deaths. I answer.
— I never allow to whom continue saying lies. It is a retaliation to whom consider never to use me forever.

” We never use you ! You’ll damn to the hell forever !! ” — THEY curse me one by another.
— Never mind. I have already live in a hell. Japan is nothing but the hell.
I will tell them that I and Japanese Media are about to be in the war. It is just not only declare the war.

Suddenly the future Japan take into a part and says, ” We will bash you for a thousand years after.” — I’m sorry for their data will be summoned and suffered The Final Judgement. But they cannot realize the mean. The Aliens must regret to come to this planet forever.

Anyway, I will tell my condition to THEM. ” You did not interrupt my actions. It is not your matter whether I will go out of this country or I will make another country in this country.”
— But they do not accept it again. They think me a friend yet. THEY were a strange group who can think to become friend with whom they would kill.

May The Earth in peace.

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