The Conditions of Armistice

When I declared the war with THEM in 2016, it lead to the war with Japanese Media. Because The Japan was supposed a group of THEM. Japanese Media wanted to get THE POWER, so they continued using THEM. Although they could TALK. Not only The Japan but also Japanese Media could TALK.
The ability of TALK meant that they could USE however, they could not understand it. They strongly denied themselves as The Aliens. So The Japan was a group of the normal people in The Earth. Japanese Media continued threatening people by TALK from 90’s, and their original supposed to cause a lot of accidents and disasters. I could SEE The Originals sometime revealed on the delusional sight and give THE POWER to them. They might be avatars for THEM.

The Japan also threatened me by TALK. To SEE The Haat said me to give THE POWER in 2003, they misunderstood they lost THE POWER. It was only the one of THE GAME to deceive the domestic people. To accept it, THEY regarded the target as one of THEM. — I only answered to allow to USE for the peaceful events. My intention was for escaping from disasters or unfortunate events however, Japanese TV required to USE THE POWER for winning their favorite sport team’s games. They seemed to misunderstand it for that I could USE THE POWER of that I was only cheering a sport game.

Suddenly red-colored Yuan revealed on my mind and SAID, ” Thus, you shall make this sport team win.” — I wondered how I should have been. The Japan was excited one-sidedly to believe so. They even SAID, ” You will make our team win if you want to become a writer.”
— I refused this cooperation to say that THE POWER was not for own favor. It was for the public wealth.” But Yota’s father said, ” Well, you will make Japanese national team win. Isn’t it for our public wealth ? You should make the team win if you will be a writer.”

— It was a trap of that THEY prepared. The Japan was supposed a group of THEM, it showed quick movements.

Then suddenly a man REVEALED and said, ” Okay. We’ll do it.” He was a special ambassador from C-Country. He was also supposed a Rutsu Type person ( The Main Actor ) in his planet. He promised to support me. In exact, he was seem to control by Haat and Haraher. He was also a trap ( and showed a quick movement ). Many planets was supposed to suffer this trap. But it was a good chance to know their actions. Thus, I pretended to support Japanese national sport team. The results were supposed nothing changed specially. — It was supposed good for the history would not be changed like me.

Actually, C-Country seemed to consider it a good chance to become a writer for me. The Yoshua will become an entertainer by this way. But I could not become a writer by this way. THEY thought Japan was the one lesser than The Yoshua country. We did not seem to have enough cooperation with Japanese Media and me both.
By the way, I did not have any cooperation with Japanese Media forever. I did not have any relationship with murderers.

Japanese TV did not realize THEIR intention, they threatened me to say that, ” You must make our team win if you want to become a writer.” — I suspected this capability because I had already realized I could not become a writer by my scenario-scripting master’s suggestion. The Uzi banned to all media persons of that I became a writer. He did not allow any persons a success for whom said The Taboo.

They did not also admit own mistakes. When someone thought that I had molested, then they all thought me a molester, when they thought it robbed THE POWER, then they shouted ” Get back THE POWER ! ” — It meant that they were persons of irresponsibility. They could move only the rumors. They lived even for 30 years like this, they could not seem to change own attitude.
They continue threatening me to give them THE POWER even now. They always try to get THE POWER. They never mind my explanation of that human cannot USE THE POWER but only order to THEM. They are greed for THE POWER. They might have lost THE POWER once in their home planet. It must be important for restricting their actions.

So I tried to negotiate with them ( THEM ), but it does not reach to the agreement yet.

Their present requirements are below.

  1. You shall be defeated us completely.
  2. You will give us THE POWER with no condition.
  3. You will sell your house and your car.
  4. You will be bankrupted and suicide.

— These are not definitely acceptable. These are threat however, they also try to conciliate in the hand. Carrot and stick are. But the conciliation is out of sense. They say, ” We will forgive you if you give THE POWER.” — They cannot understand what is THE POWER. It is not something of that humans can handle. We must know the science at first. Then we must put it under civilians’ control.

Because they were too persistent to say so, I once proposed the conditions to conciliate ( 2012 ). The first conditions were done by My Guardian, which were included becoming a writer and the allowance to accept THEM. But for they continued attacking mentally, it did not reach to agree. They were just monsters to invade.

My present conditions are below.

  1. We will allow you to live in this country if you do not USE THE POWER.
  2. We will accept the fugitives from your countries within living as humans.
  3. You do not use MichiroJohn and MichiroJohn is not used by you forever.
  4. MichiroJohn do not get out of this country, you do not come in The Micronation of MichiroJohn.
  5. You do not interrupt the actions of MichiroJohn.
  6. MichiroJohn do not stop writing. You should reflect on your lies to read my writing.

— Article 3 is supposed to be acceptable for THEM but they refused all after all. It was for Japanese Media disliked this condition. They does not accept it they cannot use persons with own favor. It is not acceptable for them to deal people with equally. Typical eastern dominators are.

May The Earth in peace.

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