Recent Time Lag from Declaration to Execution

The Boot ( 1981 )

I would have slept soon after I uploaded the previous post, I could not realize the next one. But I convinced it that THEY did not attack on The Earth. Because I heard Messe’s excuse, ” I only wanna do an examination.” Myura-1 said comfort to her, ” Bearing. Bearing.” — We should have paid attention for that THEY could do anything in the name of teaching.

Next day, Rutsu Type man came to me and said, ” Here come.” — The time was at 9:01, 30th July 2021.

The previous post was uploaded at 22:46, 29th July 2021.

The time lag was 10 hours and 15 minutes.

Above Rutsu Type man was supposed Rei people who had lived on C-Country, and he often said some reliable matters. We could believe him. To ask The Afterlife, The Representative of Afterlife of Japan said same thing.
So we supposed to have 10 hours from the declaration.

THEIR recent supply base would be there for a half of 10-hours-time distance.

It was about 5.4 billion kilometers ( 36 AU ) by moving with light speed. It was located on Kuiper belt.

To SEE THEIR imaginary space ( I called it ‘ IDEA field ‘ ), there were a lot of junctions next to another junction. These were supposed relay bases which were connect to THEIR home planets. People in The Afterlife rarely could reach THEIR home planets. They usually had to stop within the relay base. Even The Species would stop there. No one knew the core of this network except for Rei people. A-country was supposed dead in this network.

The relay base was shaped like a doom which had several connections. There stood some navigator who guided the way of going. To ask my passage, he pointed at a part of wall and said, ” There.” It did not have any roads or holes, but in the next moment, I stood on my destination, or stopped on another relay base. Or deleted by THEM. — We should have thought it that we were in THEIR internet.

The network was supposed to connect some galaxy to another galaxy, which were going on the universal voids ( THEY said so ). The network did not go on a straight line. THEY minded hitting on interstellar mediums ( ISM ). Huge artifacts like spaceship were seemed to break by ISM ( B-Country was always afraid of the rate of broken ).
The One’s fleets were wasted for about 1 month ( January 8th to February 6th ) to move from Leo3 to the space area of Sextans Supercluster ( Chapter 31-II, Chapter 32-1 ). Leo3 was supposed to be in 110 x 108 light years away. It was seemed to be very danger to move but it could not be certain to see from THEIR network. It looked quite a comfortable travel.

If it was true, there was the need of that THEY put security force on every relay base. Because it was tremendously a long line. The navigator whom I could see was supposed an image which was sent by THEIR security pilot. SDFA-J tried to destroy the connections however, they did not succeed it. The order did not hit on the trigger of Tokyo Earthquakes, but it supposed hit the trigger of Alaska ( Aleutian ) earthquake. Ahora continued shaking her hand between 11:00 and 14:00 on July 29th 2021.

After Alaska earthquake occurred, THEY ( female ) came to me and said, ” You should stop writing.” — I ignored her because she only pretended for Japanese. Recently, THEIR agents always said so. But they were not depended on Rei people. Seeing THEM, Rei people were thinking a new punishment for Japanese. Maybe it will be a typhoon …

Das Boot ( 1981 ) by Wolfgang Petersen Cast ; Jürgen Prochnow

There was no concern with that, once Tambar-2 emphasized this movie to say that, ” Dasu Booto ( 出す暴徒:Use mobs ). We possibly should have thought about the reason. However, I only thought it THEIR self-performance. THEY pretend for Japanese and shifted all the responsibilities to Japanese.

May The Earth in peace.

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