Recent Typhoons

The situation is lessening here. Trio the typhoon has come…

In my delusion, The CCU reflects on her doing. Terrible typhoons seem to strike her country. She says, ” We’re suffering what we’ll do ! “
In another my delusional sight, The Japan try to find the way of USING THE POWER. They never give it up. They will never mind if it would cause killing people. They only shift the responsibility to me. They continue using PLAYER like the real Dalk. She is confusing not to find the way of using. Her fellows asked to me, ” How do you USE it ? ” — He has already done USE. He must have started studying from this point.
In the more delusional sight, Japanese Media are willing to the success of not using me. They become good guys for me. Just forget me.

By the way, above these typhoons are owed by the global warming. It is by that the line of 27℃ in sea temperature near to Japan. It is said that weather depression is easy to become typhoon in the more than 27℃ ( 80.6℉ ) sea temperatures. Brown-colored areas are the more than 27℃ in the map below.

Sea Surface Temperatures around Japan ( 4th August 2021 )

May The Earth in peace.

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