Recent Conference with The Industry

Hurricane Ida on August 29th 2021

The Industry seemed to negotiate with America. They insisted on that recent California wildfire was owed on me. — It was supposed THEIR self-performance which THEY usually did or just a lie which THEY also did. The analysis to know the truth was needed for long time because we don’t have the way to investigate its behind-the-scenes. There was no way except for we would pick up THEIR sayings. But The Industry thought it easy to tell only a rumor. In my experience, it was a true criminal of whom could shift the responsibility. If they did it by own, they would be capable to say such unfounded rumors with confidence easily.

To see it, Haraher got anger. They agreed something but I could not get it. He predicted on that America would suffer disaster on September 1st. Then New York city was flood by this tropical cyclone. I realized it before this hurricane and asked THEM a message for that, ” Never touch to the matters of The Industry.” But it was not supposed to send.
To see it, Haraher said, ” I would disappeared,” then he vanished. I lost the most precious resource of information.
— He was supposed one of historical persons who was remade by THEIR computer. He was supposed the first chairman of Rei’s international organization ( The Six Society:六社 ), their vicious behaviors were likely owed on their computer ( The HAL ). His history in IDEA field was seemed the battle with the conspiration of The HAL. Holm who was supposed one of Rei’s kings in the same age preferred to live in other planets. It was very dangerous.

In 1994, I SAW a strange group who was commented by SomeONE. It was one of CCU but it was not supposed Rei’s computer. Rei’s computers were always behaving as like mother. But THE VOICE was for male.
THE VOICE said, ” You are permitted to live here by accepting for THEM.”
— I could see their walking images which were colored by white. After that, I could see The Industry who introduced me as a fool to their recruits. The Industry said, ” You will know the destiny who did not go to the university.”

In exact, The Industry did not say anything at that time. Ookura only said it in the air. I could see this event on every year in Spring from 1992. In the latest next year ( 1995 ), they introduced me to LDP as whom knew everything. They might have known something the future but, they only explained it that they tried to do it although they did not find it. — It was very danger action if I was The Alien. However, they did not mind it because they believed The Repetition of The Aas. They believed me for making this Earth. They were fool never to consider about the possibility of alien or mind-controlled by alien.
In 1996, Ookura said to me, ” I’ll puyo you ( I’ll soften your brain ).” — Our brains were made soft but he believed our brains were made by solid. To tell the truth, this lie was come from Tambar-2. She said a computer memory ( something like hard disk ) could insert to our brains. And he was deceived it easily. But it was not certain for how our memories could be softened. It was supposed to be hard by only the heat. — The stories of him and The Industry were lack of cause and process, there was only existed the effect. But they told it with confidence as an assumption.

For them, there was no concern about whether it was true or not. It was just okay to be able to shift the responsibility. They were quite the people of irresponsibility. In every time, they told unfounded rumors, then they escaped from these responsibilities by shifting them to others. A lot of unfounded rumors were spread by these actions, which caused a lot of TALK and supposed USE ( The Industry explained it, ” You can know it if you USE ).

In the hand, THEY prohibited to USE and TALK, then The Industry also followed this rule with no consideration. They might be friends of THEM. They both told the same things. But whether The Industry could not have any confidence for all, they always tried to get a permission to TALK.

They ASKED, ” Do you give us the permission to TALK ? “

— They asked it to Japanese Imperial Family somehow ( 1994 ). They did not know the political state in Japan. As they did not know it well, The Imperial Family ignored it naturally. THEY disliked being ignored, they pickled Imperial Family in TALK. I could SEE The Ghost of Emperor and Prince at that time. Even I could see The Doll of Prince with my real eye. The Doll said, ” Did not say it.”
— I did not know what he said, but they proudly declared own victory. To see The Ghost of Emperor, THEY said, ” He was deceived ( 1994 ).”

The time when THEIR VOICES were growing a lot were the time of when happened wars and disasters, those were in 1994, 1998, 2003, 2008, 2015 and 2019. Those were when occurred Great Hanshin Earthquake ( 1995 ), Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack ( 1995 ), September 11 attacks ( 2001 ), 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami, Amagasaki Derailment ( 2005 ), Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers ( 2008 ), 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami and Coronavirus Pandemic ( 2019 ).
According to The Mothers, the reason of those event had occurred had various reasons. ” The Industry did USE and TALK ( 1994 )”, ” The Industry did change the printed letters ( 1998 )”, ” For the beginning of the 21st century ( 2001 )”, ” The Industry not only changed printed letters but also changed the history ( 2003 )”, ” The Japan caused Lehman Shock ( 2008 )”, ” THEY made disturbance again ( 2015 )”, The Japan used THEM obviously ( 2019 ).”
— The Mothers did not tend to tell a lie but, we could not find any relation with those events so that no one could take actions against those formally. It could be found Japanese showbiz ( The Industry ) was very dangerous only.

Therefore, I will recommend you not to touch in the matters of The Industry.

The Imaginary Map of The Industry ( in 1990’s )

Japanese showbiz had established the strong defense lines until the latest 1980’s, many TV entertainers suffered this disaster. Each Japanese castle was not joined by wall but all these were connected with Media’s lobbyists. They often controlled Japanese Media by using Yakuza ( The Black Suits ). The Black Suits made Gyoosha’s persons running around these castles, and they hunt the media’s political opponents by hit-and-run tactics. All castles did not need anything to do for that, it was just okay to see it.
In the latest 1980’s, they could get THE VOICE of THEM ( The Zero ). Their power was so strong that many people were deceived by their delusional images and words. And The Industry were also deceived their words, they imagined the existence of The Afterlife ( The Schloss ) until 1995. It was a land where the upper class had lived forever. They called becoming TV entertainer to ‘ come back home.’ But for The Schloss did not exist actually, The Industry had to tell a lie for keeping own delusions. A lie would make another lie.

By the way, MichiroJohn could not break this defense lines to the end. MichiroJohn1 was missing while he surveyed around Television-B ( 1992 ). New history of MichiroJohn ( MichiroJohn2 ) took over his mission but failed.

May The Earth in peace.

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