Recent Typhoon ( Chanthu )

Typhoon 14 ( Chanthu ) in 2021

Before Typhoon 14 would land on Japan, The Industry declared to win their battle. They kept in silence but were laughing slightly. They could show own POWER. Their spokesman ( THEY ) said, ” MichiroJohn caused this disaster.”

What a nonsense it was …

To be picked a fight, I will fight with them.

Their sticking to Typhoons is starting from Amagasaki derailment in 2005. It was only an excuse to hide the truth. THEY believed Fukuchiyama people were not alive ( The Androids ). But soon THEY realized the truth, then THEY conspired to remove Fukuchiyama people by river flood in 2006 ( but the most terrible flood had occurred in 2004 ). Yakob and Gips threw such words to us.
From that year ( 2006 ), Kanji suddenly shouted for bashing me by typhoon, then I had to hear THEIR nonsense words in every summer.

Recently, such nonsense words often come from The Japan and Dalk party. They believed The Industry did not be ridiculed by anyone. They are my true enemy so that I cannot help accusing them to survive.
But it will be after they have lost own lifelines.

After I uploaded The Imaginary Map of The Industry, some of THEM became noisy ( September 12th ). I could HEAR Nakatra’s VOICE and others. THEY supposed to reach to hundreds canossa. The Industry must have been protected for them. But for THEY had already lost THE POWER, no one leaned their words.
However, after some of THEM ridiculed their losing power, the canossa reached to thousands. Some Industry’s person who was in white background ordered to make me something accident ( September 13 th ). But nothing was happened on me. The Mothers seemed to consider their end.
Suddenly The Chili got net-diving to The System ( September 15th ), then she insisted on I had misunderstood one thing yet. The Mother whose voice was Buredoo said, ” He is wrong for nothing. He’s expressed all of bad ( Species ).”
— I could hear a good thing. I might have accomplished my mission.

By the way, it was not for THEM of that Typhoon 14th had landed on Japan. It was for High pressure in Korean Peninsula interrupted for this typhoon to move north. Then it turned to move east by following Jet Stream on Japan.

To see the timeline, typhoon 14th had changed its direction before THEY USED ( September 14th ).
They have a strange culture of that THEY can change The Rule by fusing into The System. It was supposed a fault of The System, however, it was also a rule of God. The person who has fused into The System was possibly waited for death.
The Chili supposed to fuse into The System 8 September 15th ), she accursed me for a while. Her avatar said, ” I could end with her.” ( September 16th )

This Summer is the few typhoons in Japan. It is ended only one typhoon in September. THEY said this Winter will become warm. Because there is continuous bad weather for a month in this Summer. It will mean next Summer becomes very hot ( or the more amount of precipitation ).

May The Earth in peace.

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