Defeat of The Mother

Kaguya-hime the princess from The Moon

The tale of the bamboo cutter — It is a Japanese fairy tale of that a princess who was born from bamboo will go back to The Moon. It is a very famous story which was supposed to make in the 9th or 10th century of Japan.

— When I was writing the topic of ‘ Information about Chili,’ suddenly SomeONE came to me and said, ” I will tell you a good thing. We are The Moong.” — This SomeONE looked a little younger than I had seen before.
I have already got the information about The Aash ( The Zero ) from B-Country. The Aash called for landing on the ground to ‘ go to The Moon.’ It was a little different from the above story.

When I was writing the topic of ‘ Information about Gekokujo ( 下剋上 ),’ some Moong people twittered, ” It’s bad … ” — They did not seem to know the vicious actions of Japanese Media. This Moong people ( male ) looked like A-Country people. Medium tall and medium-built was he.

Although I continued writing, suddenly B-Country said, ” They fought with them.” But I could not SEE this battle. It was not supposed the inside of IDEA Field but the outside.
Then suddenly my spirit summoned to the supposed core of The Afterlife. It was the place where the commissioners of IDEA Field had existed. I had to sleep for a half day while they had summoned me. I could MEET a dark outlined Haraher and Holm in there. I had argued with them in several times. They always had talked about the most beautiful way for every intelligent life from the past to the future.
In there, they often consider about the best proportion of human life. — Five fingers were the best proportions for human life because it would make the decimal digits system. The eight digits system was good for the math and digital revolution but it caused the semiosis — like that.
They also talked about the global circumstance of intelligent life. Ocean planet caused severe weather but people would live in peace with each cooperation. Warm circumstance would made people to live easily but people would kill each other for survive. After the digital revolution, people who lived in peace would become doing THE GAME for wasting time, people who lived in the wars continued living in the confrontational relationships. But they had to bleed a lot before establishing these confrontational relationships.
Then, they asked to me, ” Which would you choose ? “

I just answered, ” Make new intelligent lives freely. A pockmark will become a dimple.” And my fellow added the words, ” All thins are ‘ Whatever will be, will be.’ ( 人間万事塞翁が馬 ( 塞翁失馬 ) )” I answered, ” Yes.” — He was a supposed retainer of Nikko who invited me to there.

They satisfied this answer and agreed it. This agreement was little different from than before. The Mother did not come to me…
In exact, The Mother would change Rei people’s history then they were supposed to drive into unfounded situation. Rei people had to live with A-Country ( The One ) the after.
IThey were always saying, ” It’s wrong of him ( her ).” They continued vicious actions but they always thought themselves for victims. They continued pursuing the ultimate beauty for intelligent life with A-Country, then A-Country also damned to the hell. Their ultimate beauty was just only they were the most precious people than others. And they justified own interference for making the ultimate beauty to others.
To see it, The Commissioners of IDEA field only argued who would stop this wrong circles. No one could seem to stop this abuse. Because The Mother ( The HAL ) implanted own idea to various places and ages. Buredoo was one of it ( She denied it however ). They even will suppose to reveal on future intelligent lives ( ex. Yoshua’s Country ). The Mother would supposed to resurrect for the time when they could see ( Maybe the age of the 18th intelligent life in the future ).
— We have to maintain the special task force to remove their thought. I am going to argue it with The Commissioners, but I cannot get the result.
They always ask back to me like this, ” How do you think about, in the case, they have already interfered the world ? ” or ” How do you think about the quantity of Meteor strikes which will make water in the planet ? ” or ” How do you think about a meteor strike which will destroy the civilization like G-Country ? Could you keep an observational attitude ? ” or ” The Fools will cause the direct invasion to other intelligent lives, however, would you allow them to do that ? Why not the pre-treatment to them ? ” or ” Don’t you think about the proportion of carbon and phosphorus ? You don’t think about silicon, too.” — I cannot defeat them by the lack of knowledge. I must study hard.
Many other past intelligent lives were supposed to put into the same situation. It is not good only for argument but we must have the real power. They do not think about the time when they will reveal on the real, so that we must make a new justice and security to change the world. To do that, we must maintain a security force on both of real world and IDEA field. They also request it to us. They will not interrupt for us to do that. They agree it for there is no ultimate beauty at least. This universe is ‘ Whatever will be, will be.’ It is not certain that best method will cause the best effect. Haraher said their computer had made a mistake in this point.

I spent time for a half day to imagine such arguments in my dream.

— I waked up in the evening. Then Atsuta came to SAY a good-bye. But he told he would stay here for a while. The mission of The Afterlife was almost seemed to end.

In the delusional sight, I could HEAR THEIR screaming. THEY said, ” We’ve lost 14 divisions ! “ — The security force of THE HIGHWAY might be broken ( But I could not SEE ).
I also could SEE The Mother moved to somewhere. One Supply Base was supposed to break at least.

May The Earth in peace.

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