5 Years Passed After Kumamoto Earthquakes

Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake in Kagoshima, December 9th, 2021

Earthquakes continued occurring in Tokara Islands from December 4th. To December 10th, noticeable earthquakes were counted for 265 times.

THEY might want to make new disaster. I can hear THEIR TALK a lot. It is the time of about 5 years after 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes had occurred. The target on this time will be Nankai Trough. But it would be ended in naught. While terrible disaster has occurred like coronavirus pandemic, THEY possibly cannot make new one. THEIR computer is not good at multi-threading somehow. We will be able to defeat THEM if we can multi-attack to THEM.

Because Rei’s scientists seem to make it stupid. This story was often heard from THEM. They only argued who will defeat The System ( THEIR CCU ). Their computer has worked on I/O data because only binary data can pass through the wall of space-time energy supposedly. To do it, the program will be simplified then THEIR personalities will be simplified as well. They also abandoned both of bitter and sweet experiences of own life, they become losing the depth of life. They all look flat or just paranoia.

It was supposed that THEIR weak points are around there.

May The Earth in peace.

Recent Verbal Plays

・THEY repeated to say, ” We all were dead for him ( me ).”
— THEY usually take a new attack when this phrase is heard.

( December 5th to 6th )
・ The GHQ ordered to me, ” Carry Special Operation I-Go ( イ号特殊作戦 ) out.”
— The aim was not told as was.

( December 7th )
・Yakuza said, ” You make him playing Pachinko.”
— I would make them closer to me. It will suffer the less damage than.
・THEY praised me, ” You’ve got a new informtion ! “
・Gips Type man said, ” I will do it.”
— He ordered something.
・Tsuzuki ( or The Sim ) was laughing, ” It will soon….”

( December 8th )
・Rutsu Type man said, ” You surrender ! “
・Rei’s scientists said, ” The access is rejected.”
— THEY likely failed to USE.
・Rutsu Type man shouted, ” Retreat ! Hold your lines ! Retreat ! “
Great Yuezhi watched me in silence.
・THEY were shouting, ” You never kill any people ! “
・Sal Type man asked for, ” Can you move spaceships ? “
— Early Warning Unit did not tell anything.

( December 9th )
・Yota was accused of her verbal plays.
— She always told ” We all were dead for him.” She had a possibility of the remnant of Yuu, and Yuu once insisted on that I made Great Hanshin Earthquake.
・Zawa said, ” All things became not existed.”
・The Zero asked for, ” Tell me a good way of torturing him ( me ).”
— The order was now executed by The Zero. But it possibly changed to my things only.

( December 10th )
・The Zero said to me with laughing, ” We’ll do anything….”
— I found forgetting my driver’s licence.
・The Zero announced, ” We’ll do it honestly.”

Anyway, things turn good than before.

Napoleon ( 2002 ) Casts : Christian Clavier, John Malkovich, Isabella Rossellini

— A scene of Battle of Aspern-Essling ( 1809 ). THEY prefer Napoleonic wars somehow. THEIR invasion style was similar to it supposedly. The battle method coming from the age of reason was. It would match with THEIR thought at the point of no personality. When the situation was lessening for THEM, they often shouted, ” Don’t move ” or ” Hold your lines.” In this time, Rutsu Type man told to others of ‘ Interior Lines of Operation.’ It was an operation which made own army strengthened by shortening the front. It was shown at the battle of Marengo in Napoleonic Wars. He could not do it at the battle of Aspern-Essling.
In the situation was lessening, THEY narrowed down the targets. For example, they did TALK to many people in 1994 ( me, Imperial Family, and showbiz persons ), they narrowed target in the next year. Because they were bashed their TALK. Then they started ‘ Homegoroshi ( backhanded compliment )’ to shift responsibility. It might be their Interior Lines of operation.
They supposed to do multi-attack to our society usually. They possibly could execute multi task. But for their commander ( CCU ) was not good at multi-threading, it watched them with one field. It was the same as like group chat. Most of their operational ideas could be seen in this field.

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