6. Collapse of Social Infrastructure

Mother and daughter are dying on the road

From 1999, THEY often showed the image Mother and Daughter were dying on the road. THEY wanted to say that The Earth would become so. THEY explained it that they chose suiciding before their society would be collapsed. They were Japanese and the daughter was just a schoolgirl. Mother only said to her, ” We will die now.” She agreed this opinion in silence then they lay down on the road calmly.
It was a mystery for me why they did it. Other choices must have been there.

— Maybe their society fell into the dead end. And many people chose own death.

While I continued hearing THEIR TALK, I found many intelligent lives caused self-extinction. In most cases, THEY told it the result of losing THE GAME. But to see the process of losing THE GAME, there were seen a lot of arrogance in new intelligent lives. Surveillance society, sexual depravity, offence of bioethics, USE THE POWER, etc. In these situations, they lost own motivation then chose dying as THEY said.

I found another situation to cause self-extinction from THEIR TALK. It was the collapse of social infrastructure.

Rapid urbanization caused the collapse of social and human infrastructure from rural regions however, politics would solve it. But when the global warming had come, many governments became losing the margin to touch this policy. Because disaster response expenses increased rapidly. These expenses compressed the treasury, then people suffered heavy tax severely. Nationalism returned to every country, then governments ran into protection trade. They even did nuclear war to the end. Most urban areas were destroyed by this war, survived people were compelled to live a life similar to primitive people….
In this situation, people seemed to choose dying before their society was collapsed. Well-civilized people could not live in the circumstance of non-electronics supposedly.

It was supposed a general opinion by Rei people ( they were Fear-not for global warming ), it was not real exactly.

In the case of The Aash ( Moong ), they started reducing CO2, but global warming was not stopped. One reason was supposed that oceans discharged CO2 by the decrease of seawater temperature. Glaciers were not rebuilt easily. They could not seem to decrease air temperature but also seawater temperature after all. They suffered continuous rainy days and water disasters.
While they suffered too many disasters, governments made constant conflicts with each other. They supposed to do World War in this situation. They did not stop it in the name of reducing population. It was as like the legend of Trojan War. They likely believed it wrong of water vapor which was made by people rather than CO2. They used nuclear bombs for this war. The ashes of death reached to stratosphere deeply, it made the global warming irreversible. Their logistics was destroyed and social infrastructure stopped working. People rushed into cannibalism to survive. Many people seemed to volunteer to be fed by others. They suicided on the place where others could see. It might be good to choose dying before dying by heat gradually.

Trojan Horse

In the case of D-Country, the global warming made a lot of disasters as well. People were feared this situation, they asked The God. The One ( A-Country ) listened to this wish, then they changed to D-Country’s history for capable to solve this problem. In this process, many intruders drew into their society, then they occupied their wealth and authorities. The One succeeded to take possession of this planet. Ookura was seemed a hero against this possession.
But D-Country seemed to suffer disasters of global warming. The One saved them with understanding who saved them. It was only good for increasing the reflection rate of sunlight. But for The Intruders did not introduce themselves as so, the society caused double standard which always had the taboo. They could have the space-age generations however, they could not have time-travelling generations. All their characters had been lost in The Android society. There only remained the characters of The One and Rei people after that. Domestic people had possibly disappeared into the fog at night.

It might not be good for asking The God even if the global warming caused severe destruction.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest ( 1975 )

By the way, the reason of that THEY told this story in 1999 was that THEY thought the global warming had started in this year supposedly. But it was not seemed irreversible in this Earth yet. THEY only told there was a possibility of that make us compel to live primitive lives.

May The earth in peace.

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