Recent TALKS on THEM

STAR WARS V : The Empires Strikes Back ( 1980 )

While spreading the omicron variant of coronavirus, Buredoo and her CCU ( The Girl ) said suddenly,
” It’s not correct for … made this coronavirus ! “
— They supposedly considered to be made it by Rei’s scientists. But I could not catch the subject. They came out from somewhere then said so. Their speech which was a part of subject was muted by somebody. It was the power superior to them.
Anyway, the possibility of Earth’s self-defending system had worked on was greater than their implication. It was natural to think so. They were poisons which made us go to another.

In Japanese Media, Real Dalk became alternative whether I made terrible disasters to make this sight. The story had turned at her idea. But after cold weather had covered on East Japan and North America, her idea was confirmed for my mistake. My prediction was not matched, however, THEY told it for the reason of that was constant rainy days in Japanese regions. Japanese sea temperature reduced 1℃ than last year. It made California Current stronger, then La Niña phenomenon revealed again. La Niña had revealed at last year, it was supposed to make it the much stronger than the last year.

Constant rainy days in Japan was supposed to continue by the reason of Global warming, we had to face on severe cold weather from now on.

But this severe weather made THEM get anger. They decided to do personal execution to me. It was a usual thing to cause mass hysteria but, at this time, I could survive again. Because Yakuza suspended to execute me. They wanted to know the reason. When the orderer was a dark-suited man who did not shoot any persons, they usually stopped executing. Because they might be capable to grasp their weak point. It had priority than others.
Then I could continue my writing. It was only a story of that Japanese Media and Japanese Police were just human scums which gave a lot of places THEY could draw into.

In the story of my sight, I changed the description about The Zero. Because the actions by them were seen. This change made THEM praise me. It was only followed Haraher’s words of that ” They are all dead and become The Zero,” as for The GHQ sent new information to me, I wrote the more. I had already known it fragmentally, but THEY praised me the more. It was seemed to be difficult for understanding. THEY said it that no one understood it. Then THEY asked me for a new wish. It was a chance to change the world. It might be a chance to stop THEIR disasters.

The Global Warming will be stopped by our science. We are not stupid like The Zero ( Aash ). It was only foolish to say disasters by global warming as like human’s bullying. Such persons would suffer a fatal solution by own planet’s self-defending system. All the people would not become fools if present people had told such foolish things. We had to make our society good for our future.

To think so, Haat revealed suddenly. He said, ” We won this disaster. It’s a victory of science. You’re good. Come with me.”

In exact, The One supposed to suffer this disaster severely. In first, they could escape from it by Rei-people’s help, but soon it turned severely by the reason of that they would change other planets’ histories with own favors. Their society had almost been destroyed. It was the reason for The Zero often told themselves as survivors. They made intruded society worst. The One were betrayed by Rei people.

They needed a person to solve the problem. I refused this offer sincerely.
Our science will solve this problem.

STAR WARS V : The Empire Strikes Back ( 1980 ) by George Lucas Casts : Mark Hamill, David Prowse, James Earl Jones

May The Earth in peace.

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