Recent TALK with THEM ( Jan 2022 )

District 9 ( 2009 )

Haat and his fellows were standing in the dark.
THEY said fools for The One to say that, ” You have not understood the mean of Two and Four.”

Some of THEM wondered the difficulty of this numbering GAME.
THEY said, ” It’s only the numbers….”

The One were vanished into the dark. — We won the battle with The One.

Then THEY proposed me to make another new wish. THEY said that THE GAME was only the issues of your technology.
The Afterlife started arguing to stop this numbering GAME. But I told it dangerous because it caused power game. The Numbering GAME was Rei’s conspiration to prevent from the power game of The Universe. The intelligent lives who showed invasive attitude were forced to answer this question by THEM when they would tried to invade other planets. They could not answer it well because of lack of this information. Then they changed their invasive attitude to Peaceful Invasion ( The Intruding ), then they vanished into The Hell where were waited for Rei people. They said them fool completely.

They would become one of natural phenomenon in the end.

— I do not know the process of this self-extinction well, but maybe my history ( The Confessiones of MichiroJohn ) had a lot of this situation. THEY supposed to change my history and damn to the hell.
After Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack, supposed Future Earth people came to see us, then they claimed to THEM. Haraher advised us not to interfere other planets if we could get the technology of time-travelling. Future Earth returned to their age with doing nothing. Haraher explained it that they had managed the technology of time-travelling exclusively.
To raid on next intelligent life, the invaders had to do the time-travelling normally because it was too difficult to keep own technology until the age of next intelligent life. So it made a chance for Rei people to destroy the evil states. They seemed to teach the way of intruding in the name of Reincarnation Rule, then they killed them all in the name of Time Works Rule. In the process of their dying, Rei people mind-controlled them only for telling lies ( Liar Rule ). It was only supposed their ridicules for invaders who did know THE WORLD well. Haat said it The Death Rule in 1996.

The Invaders showed invasive attitude by following Delusion Rule unconsciously. They were supposed to deceive by them. Rei people did not allow the direct invasion because it only became the power game. Definitely the invaders could win by the difference of technology. It could be achieved only by monopolizing the technology of time-travelling. They once said ( 1994 ), ” We only manage one thing.”
— It was supposed the time-travelling technology. But for B-Country and C-Country could suppose to use time-travelling technology, so that they only supposed to keep the lines of Time Works ( The Vertical Receiver ). They recommended to use their receivers to whom had time-travelling technology. Future Earth people supposed to come on this age by following this recommend.

People who offended Time Works Rule were seemed to punish by The Death Rule. Rei people used them for teaching to new intelligent lives. As The Invaders only repeated selfish to intrude or make disasters and wars, it would be achieved only to allow it.
C-Country once claimed it ( 1995 ), ” THE GAME itself is very interesting. You should do it without killing people.” — But no one listened to his words. It was the world of ‘ 燕雀安知鴻鵠之志哉 ( How can swallows and sparrows know the will of phoenix ? ).’

Therefore, I told it danger to stop The Numbering GAME.
There was the more possibility to defeat invaders by following this game rather than.

Recently, THEY showed me a new You-Don’t-Know Rule ( PLAYER Rule ). Supposed D-Country people said that I confused something with something.
— It was the much safer while THEY followed this rule. SomeONE told it quite minor mistake.

To investigate THEM, they told Yuu was just a person in the ninth intelligent life, so I confused Yuu with Paara ( cf. The Age of Discovery in THEIR World ). Yuu seemed to become THE PLAYER in their society and tried to intrude on Rei’s history. But her end was seemed to feed by somebody in their Global Warming. The Intruders had to face on severe climate change. After her death, she had seemed to get a lot of believers in their afterlife. I called them as ‘ The Oppaitists.’ She made a love religion which allowed to dive into human’s mentality.
There was a possibility which her history was changed by Rei people. I SAW the people of The Two argued whether Peaceful Invasion was good or not in the late 1990’s. They maybe reached to get the technology of Parallel Diving, but they failed to control this technology. And they supposed to get the time-traveling technology as ‘ USE.’

By the way, I rewrote the order of intelligent lives to below —

No.SpeciesTHEIR comments
1Aash, Assh
( Moong )
Haat said, " One is dead."
There seemed to exist a similar name planet to The Earth.
THEY emphasized the place of Altamira.
SomeONE said to me, " We're Moong."
2Rei ( Marui )Haraher said, " We become people in The Hell."
THEY emphasized a company's logo ' OIOI.'
3The One ( Aas )
( A-Country )
Tambar-1 said, " THREE is mad."
Supposed A-Country said, " We all are dead by getting into new intelligent lives.
Haat said, " We are people of Aath."
4B-Country ( Toor )Haat said, " TWO and FOUR are vanished."
B-Country introduced themselves as B-Country.
5Draco peopleTambar-2 introduced herself as FIVE.
THEY had emphasized the movie of Rocky IV.
They called themselves as The Two and also The Four.
6C-Country ( Aath )
( Ket )
THEY showed C-Country was ranked down for three times or more.
C-Country said, " We are also people of Aath."
B-Country called them ' Ket.'
7D-Country ( Duum )Yuu and Ookura were called SEVEN by THEM.
D-Country asked me, " Don't call us Duum. "
8The Four
( Chili, Shili )
THEY emphasized 8-man in Japanimation.
Seeing Tambar-4, THEY said, " Why does her face have lower bulge ? "
9The Two
( Ophiuchus people )
There was a Species who looked white-colored.
Yuu insisted on she was The Seven.
THEY said, " Yuu is fallen down to nine.
Euron asked me, " Why do you become The Nine ? "
10G-Country ( Aath )Gard was surprised at Shoemaker-Levy 9.
Euron called Yuu for ' you.'
Separated G-Country introduced themselves as The Neon.
Some of THEM said that G-Country did not exist.
11This Earth ?THEY give the clean image to No.11.
Haraher suspected the existence of I-Country. Alphabet of ' I ' was the ninth from ' A.'
12Leo-3 ?THEY also questioned who was the 12th member of MJ-12.
B-Country told this planet had trees and small animals.
THEY emphasized the movie of Leon.

— THEY believed they could get the mighty power if they knew this order completely. It was supposed right at the point of getting THEIR admiration. It might be got the luck of The God.
To prove it, I played Pachinko after a long time. I was defeated easily. The order of Eeko was thrown into my mind not to win my game. I had to remove the remnant of The One yet.

Anyway, it is supposed quite effective to remove THEIR interference when THEY will interfere your life. THEIR poisoning must prevent form your occupation. It has worth to remember.

May The Universe in peace.

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