The Establishment Year Game

The Flowery Keiji ( 1990 )

To prove the accuracy of my new map, I took off for playing Pachinko. Because the goddess of victory recommended me to shoot. I reached to the battlefield at several minutes passed after the hall had opened. I chose a machine which was high risk and high return. I had good compatibility with this machine. But the battle became tough. Although I continued shooting until the sun tilted west, I could not get good result. I lost 1,5000 yen. When I realized my defeat, the main ramp indicated gold then the monitor turned to rainbow. It pulled out 23,000 balls. I left for the battlefield after losing 1,000 balls by one chandelle. The result was 5,000 yen win by reducing drink costs. I could not have any time to eat lunch.

The result was seemed to show that my map was not wrong elementary. In the battle before this, I could get the information about establishment years of other intelligent lives, I wrote them down below.

The Establishment Years
  • 45UY 
    Moong people ( Mira )

    — primary gap ( 17UY )

  • 28UY 
    Maruii ( Rei people )

    — secondary gap ( 9UY )

  • 19UY 
    Aath ( A-Country, The One )


  • 16UY 
    Toor ( B-Country )
  • 15UY?
    ? ( Draco people, The Two )


  • 13UY?
    Aath ( C-Country )
    Duum ( D-Country )

  • 10UY ?
    Gard ( Goa, Goor, G-Country )
  • 7UY ?
    ? ( Leo1 )

     — third gap ?

  • 3.2UY ?
    ? ( Ophiuchus people )


  • 0
    This earth

May The Universe in peace.

Reference VOICE

・Kanji suddenly said to me, ” It’s wrong of Asahi.” ( 1992 )
・Yuan said to me, ” Don’t talk about 17-sai.” ( 1994 )
・After Tokyo Subway Sarin attack, Kanji came to say, ” It happened an event for every three years.” ( 1995 )
・Yuan came to say, ” 1,2,3,4,5,6,7…, 8 ( hachi;bee ). Then he went to somewhere. ( 1995 )
・The Industry ( supposed ) came to say, ” It happened an event for every three years.” Then Kanji came to say, ” It happened every two year. — Four ? Is it Olympic ? ” ( 1995 )
— It was supposed that the rotation of establishment year was three or four.

・Haat said in the air, ” One is dead. Two and four are perished.” ( 1996 )
・Haat said in the air again, ” Two and four are vanished, too.” ( 1996 )
・Sal asked to Tambar-2 in the air, ” You’re five, aren’t you ? ” She admitted it in silence. ( 1996 )
・Yuu introduced herself as Six. ( 1996 )
・Yuu introduced herself again as Seven. ( 1996 )
・THEY said to me, ” You are SE7EN. ( 1996 )
・THEY said to Ookura, ” You are Seven actually.” ( 1996 )
・Yuu became down to nine. She said, ” Ohhh… ” ( 1996 )
・Seeing Yuu, Euron said, ” She was down to Nine.” ( 1998 )
・THEY emphasized the movie of Eight man. Shii-chan Type man said, ” Eight man is great.” ( 1999 )
・Euron asked me for, ” Why are you become nine point lost to full ? ” And He was laughing. ( 1999 )
・THEY said to Euron with laughing, ” You become talking in this time.” Then Euron asked me again, ” Why are you become nine ? ” ( 2000 )
・In Sydney Olympics ( 2000 ), THEY showed a female wrestler as like Akiko. Then Yakob shouted, ” What happened on her ! ” The Mother explained it to say that, ” We interfere to Olympics.” — THEY were supposed to show it one-sidedly.

・Haat said, ” We are the same age as The Earth.” ( 2018 )
・THEY emphasized Nazi panzer corps XXXXI. Haat said, ” We are XXXXII truly. XXXXI is a Panzer Corps. It is the next one. — Yes. The Two is.” ( 2018 )
・B-Country said, ” We are XXXIX.” ( 2018 )
・C-Country said, ” We are XXXV.” They told that D-Country was born in the next year. Then they attacked to The One even when they did not understand THEM well. They believed they were the nearest country in the universe, and had to fight with The One in behalf of other intelligent lives. ( 2018 ).— These were supposed to mean that the rotation of establishment year. If the establishment year of The One was 42, -B-Country was 39 and C-country was 35, which were ‘ 42-39=3 ‘ and ‘ 39-35=4 ‘, these were supposed that the gap between The One and B-Country was 3UY, and the gap between B-Country and C-Country was 4UY. The establishment year of Draco people ( The Two ) was 1UY later than The One’s. But for Draco people was supposed The Five, therefore, I put them for 1UY later than B-Country’s.

・Haraher said, ” We are 27 B.C. — Yes. It’s the year when Augustus became the emperor.” C-Country asked him for, ” Is it right 28 rather ? ” Haraher answered, ” Uhhh, Yes.” He did not talk any more. THEY gossiped about he was Augustus. ( 2018 )
・The Sim said, ” It is 29 truly.” ( 2018 )
・Euron said, ” 32 B.C. is. Battle of Actium is. — What ? Is it wrong ? 33 B.C. — 31 B.C. — Oh, it’s 31 B.C.’ ( 2018 )
・After Haat signed the armistice for The Time Works War, he excused, ” We will redo as The Seventeen.” But THEY bashed him to say that, ” You are nineteen ! ” ( 2019 )
— The establishment year of The One was supposed 19UY. It was an isolated number among THEIR TALKS so that I let it a base-year.

・Haraher emphasized TV movie of Daitetsujin 17 ( 大鉄人17 ). He said, ” One-seven is good. But one-eight was bad.” ( 2019 )
— There was supposed to exist the bad people who were born on 1UY after.

・When I listened to the music of Dancing Queen, Draco people ( supposed ) said, ” — Yes. We prepared Seventeen for all people. In this music, the dancing queen was only seventeen years old. ( 2019 )
・Haraher said, ” There is a large gap between Zero and us.” ( 2020 )
・THEY asked me, ” When do you use the periodic table ? ” To this, Haraher added the comment, ” The gap of one and two is very large. Between two and three is large, too.” ( 2020 )
・Haraher said after, ” The third gap is a little large, too. Many of them disliked living there.” ( 2020 )
・The Sim said, ” The gap is 9 years.” ( 2022 )
・THEY said, ” They are 90.” ( 2022 )
THEY wanted to say about Ophiuchus people, but I thought it wrong. Because THEY could not tell truth.
・Gips said, ” We are 16.” ( 2022 )
— He wanted to say about Draco people, but it was supposed wrong.

・THEY mentioned about G-Country. THEY did not decide to interfere to G-Country in order to compare with this Earth. THEY could not seem to assess whether their interference was good or bad. ( 2020 )
・THEY changed the mention to G-Country was alive. In the hand, the story of Gard was not denied. The mean was supposed that some intelligent life caused an extinction by meteor strike. ( 2020 – 2021 )
・THEY became noisy to say I was wrong about D-Country. ( 2022 )
・THEY advised me to fill the above story on the position of D-Country. ( 2022 )
・THEY sad, ” G-Country is 100 million years ago.” ( 2022 )
・The Mother said, ” They were 1.7.” ( 2022 )
・THEY repeatedly emphasized ‘ θ ‘. ( 2022 )
・Leo1 said, ” It’s as same as our remember of 700 million years ago.” ( 2022 )

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