The Location Game 2

The Ending of Dangerous Detectives ( 1986 )

I found a 360°-rolled machine in a Pachinko hole where I used its restroom. I started shooting immediately after I resorted money to my wallet. I got one hit at middle hight, which pulled 2,300 balls out. THEIR escorting fighters came back soon, however, it was too late. I maneuvered by barrel roll attack with these balls, then I got 777 hit ( gif image above ). It pulled 32,000 balls out. The total was 33,000 balls. I turned over home soon. The result was 17,500 yen win by reducing drink costs. It was a perfect win.

After this battle, THEY claimed for my win to say that, ” There are a lot of mistakes.” But no one listened to. B-Country said, ” It is right for his calculation.”
— The right calculation was supposed of 255.85… x108 light years. It meant that THEIR communication lines were almost straight lines ( cf. The Location Game ).

The mistakes which THEY told were supposed the rotations of establishment year which occurred by every 3UY. It was suspicious at the point of artificial enough. It looked like disinformation to deceive THEM. I reminded Kanji’s words. He said after Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack ( 1995 ), ” The event occurred every three years.”

I had to play Pachinko for a while ….

May The Universe in peace.

THEIR Radios

・Yuu said, ” Okanmuri ( お冠:getting anger ).” ( 1994 )
— Okanmuri meant for ‘ the cap of Yama ‘. But in this case, I thought it a crown ( cf. Corona Borealis constellation ).
・After Tokyo Subway Sarin attack, Kanji came to say, ” It happened an event for every three years.” ( 1995 )
・Haraher emphasized the name of SHIBUYA109. ( 1995 )
・To see it, THEY suddenly riddled me to tell the names of Nazi warplanes. One of THEM said, ” Bf109 has the mean.” Then another of THEM said, ” Fw190 is, too.” The other of THEM said, ” Me262, too.” ” — Why ?,” some of THEM asked back. As They could not answer, they continued telling the name of Nazi weapons. ” 88mm ! … No, Ju88 ! ” ” No.” ” MG42 ! ” ” ….” ” MG34 ! ” — Why you pick this name up ? ” ” Bf109 ! ” ” ….” Fw190 ! ” ” ….” ” Ju88 ! ” ” Wrong.” ” He111 ! ” ….” No, Bf110 ! ” ” ….” ” Me262 ! ” ” Wrong.” ” Me263 ! ” ” Wrong. You only told wrong answers.” — THEY vanished. ( 1995 )
・SomeONE said, ” Yard measuring system has the mean. You cannot see it, can you ? ” ( 1996 )
— So I thought about it. One yard was 91.44cm, one foot was 30.48cm, and one inch was 2.54cm….
When The One told that, ” The Earth’s year,” THEY explained it to say that, ” It’s as same as one year.” ( 1996 )
— Something was supposed to relate on 365 days.
・To see my net novel which title was ‘ The battle reports of 24th Hirayama-infantry,THEY said, ” It’s right for 24th. Why do you find it ? “
— It was just my inspiration but, THEY began to suspect me as knowing person. ( 1997 )
・When I watched TV news which was news 23, THEY suddenly said, ” It is right for 23 truly. ( 1997 )
・The Sim emphasized Route 188 which ran though my hometown. He said, ” It is true 188.” To see it, one of THEM said, ” Yes. There is Ju188.” ( 1998 )
・When I argued with Nazi freaks, THEY emphasized 106th infantry division at battle of bulge ( 2002 ). Some of THEM said, ” 106….” Then others of THEM talked with each other, ” 106. 106 is.” These talks were come from Nazi freaks. They seemed to watch the Nazi Germany’s movie ‘ Steel Tempest ‘. When I checked it after. Some of THEM came to claim, ” Have you killed us only for this ? ” Another of THEM told me irritatedly, ” THEY made Hitler….” ( 2004 )
・Sassa said, ” We moved parallel to Leo1. It moved forward a little.” ( 2018 )
・Holm said, ” They had moved for 11 billion light years actually ( from Leo1 ).” ( 2019 )
・Yoshua said, ” It is ε-Eridani.” ( 2019 )
・Buredoo said, ” They ( Moong people ) are the much nearer than you think.” ( 2022 )

( before the battle )
・THEY said, ” He went to the same place.”
・Other of THEM responded, ” He went there in many times. You too should go to a dentistry unless you want to get sick.”

( in the battle )
・Eeko shouted, ” You stop his success !! “
・D- Type man told, ” It would be okay you will get a win with this reach.”
— But I did not get a win by this special reach action.

( after the battle )
・THEY told, ” There are a lot of mistakes.”
・B-Country said, ” It is right for his calculation.”
・B-Country said, ” 250 is right. But it is a little farther than.” ( 2022 )
・THEY said, ” 257 is.” ( 2022 )
・B-Country said, ” 20 minutes before 10 and 10 minutes after 11 are right. How do you remember them ?! ” ( 2022 )
— I remembered them by seeing a clock as episodic memory.
・To see the distance of Leo2 ( 111×108 ly ), B-Country said, ” We went to the farther place than you described.” ( 2022 )
・THEY said, ” 254 is.”

( Recalculations )
254 ÷ 36.75 x 15.8 = 109.20…
257 ÷ 36.75 x 15.8 = 110.49…
— To believe Sassa’s words, the distance of Rei’s planet looked right as 257×108 light years. But for THEY emphasized SHIBUYA109 and Bf109, so it was supposed to be right for 109×108 light years.

・C-Country said, ”We’re 52.”
・Sassa said, ” It’s only okay to add 5.” ( 2022 )
・Buredoo said, ” You’ve exceeded THEM.” ( 2022 )
・THEY were particular about 24. Draco people talked with each other, ” THEY stuck to 90.” ” THEY could not find the floating planet, were they ? ” ” Why ? ” ( 2022 )
— It was supposed the reason which the planet of Moong had not been bound from own solar system in the age of The One yet.
・THEY advised Draco people, ” You are wrong at the elemental part.” ( 2022 )

I rewrote my map again to refer above informations. The map was below —

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