The Location Game 3

Japanese Caberet

THEY were waiting for a chance to counterattack. THEY picked up my fault one by another. But THEY could not exceed me. In the hand, I was in trouble what part of my map was wrong. Rei people considered it was enough for The Map but it still had some problems. THEY pointed at the problems which I could not had drawn about Moong and Draco, however, THEY neither understand them well, the battle was ended in draw.

Rei people said, ” It is a great thing if only a thing could hit.”
Another of them said, ” Very hot ! “
— My map looked hitting on a lot of things.

But I could find what was wrong and what was right. In this case, I always played Pachinko. THEY always brought new information to defeat me. It was very easy way to know them.
Thus, I started shooting when the hall opened. I chose one Pachi-slot machine which was called ‘ Club Activity ‘ in Japanese slung. I always defeated this machine, but this time, it looked good for knowing behind-the-scenes. I went straight to their defending system.
I continued playing it however, THEIR radio kept nothing heard. Unfounded ideas only came to me. They did not speak Japanese. I lost 12,000 yen until the evening. — Retreat !
I could not get any information from this battle.

After this battle, THEY asked others where Draco people was. Some of THEM answered, ” I can’t tell you. They don’t exist.”
— Good information ! There were two possibilities ; one was the existence of Draco people was just disinformation, another was they were exterminated by Rei people from their existence.
I asked him back for, ” Do you know the content of Draco’s encrypting Draco’s encrypting message ? “
The answer was Rutsu Type man did. He said, ” It is unsound. He told this —.” He sent decrypted message. It said, ” We’ve come from 2,000 years.”
It was not certain whether he came from 2,000 light years away or he came from 2,000 years ago ( after ).
— Maybe he sent a same message when C-Country had encountered them ( But C-Country told they were 2,000,000 light years away ).
— Draco people seemed a strange one.

May The Universe in peace.

THEIR Radios

・Some of THEM asked Akiko, ” Osakana Base located on the rocks only. Why ? “
Akiko could not answer it. ( 2020 )
・When SomeONE introduced themselves ” I tell you a good thing. We’re Moong ‘, I considered the location of The Zero as Mira the valuable star. But Seliina said, ” The location was wrong.” ( 2021 )
・Buredoo said after, ” It is right for the location in Cetus Constellation. It is the much nearer than you think.” ( 2022 )
・THEY had emphasized the monster galaxy of Orochi.

( Before Battle )
・Eeko ordered, ” Make him doing another.
— She did want me to monetize by affiliate.
・Eeko insisted, ” He has full of mistakes ! “
・Rei people said, ” It is a great thing if only one could hit on the anpwer.”
Another of THEM said, ” Very hot ! “
・The Sim said, ” They’re 24. 24.”
・The Sim said, ” They’re Mira. Mira.”
— Although THEY had emphasized Altamira, Studio ALTA, the car name of Mira and Mira the variable star, another of THEM did not agree it for the location of Moong’s planet. It looked there were informations too much.

( in the battle )
・” ….”
— They were unsound.

( after battle )
・Eeko ordered, ” Continue making him doing another.”
・THEY wondered, “….”
・Some of THEM asked, ” Where was Draco people ? ” Ozaki Type man answered, ” I can’t tell you. They don’t exist.”
・Rutsu Type man said, ” They’re 315.”
・MichiroJohn1 said, ” They’re 312.”
・Buredoo said, ” We can go to Osakana Base in a moment.”— It meant there was no barrier like black hole between this base and The Earth.

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