Japan the mosquito coast

Mosquito Coast ( 1986 )

Dalk suddenly appeared and said, ” We must bash him. ! “

— She was moved by somebody. Then The Afterlife of Japan was in disturbance.
Somebodies who looked Japanese threatened the afterlife people. They picked the innocent people up then bashed them by the reason of that I had described Japanese head of a state as ‘ Imperial Family ‘. People wondered, ” How should we do … ? “

I asked THEM back, ” What part of this is wrong ? It’s right, isn’t it ? Japanese called Great Japanese Empire as Empire of Japan, they even called Japanese Imperial Family as Royal Family. What a liar. It’s a typical double face on Japanese.”

THEY were frustrated on my speech. ” Do you blame The Emperor ? “
I answered, ” The Upper Emperor is WHITE. But he owed the responsibility which THE BOXES ( Japanese Media ) did.”
THEY vanished soon.

After a while, a post-chamberlain ( The Lot ) suddenly accused me, ” Don’t you understand how much The Majesty is worried ? “

— I don’t like to impose own virtue on others. And The Emperor’s consideration always looked strange, because it came with bashing. It was so, when my mother died, and when a Japanese singer was considered by the prince. It must have been wrong of their aides. They were full of jealousy.

To see it, The GHQ announced, ” We allow you to bash Imperial Family.”
— Best my wish. So did I. ( → cf. XXV. There was THE VOICE of whom proposed me to do THE GAME )

But THEY even accused me. They did not want to admit the independence of Micronation of MichiroJohn. They wanted to prohibit to worship on Japanese flag. They asked me, ” Don’t you pay respect for national flag ? “
I answered, ” I don’t prohibit to pray the national flag is rising. Japanese flag is Japanese heart of mind, which is not for Japanese state. I don’t prohibit it. I am one of Japanese state. I share the constitution of Japan with others, then the head of a state is me in my spiritual world. Not Imperial Family. The national flag of mine is for Geneva convention when the internal war has happened….”
” — Don’t you pray National Flag ! “, THEY vanished.

Instead of THEM, the post-chamberlain revealed and shouted, ” Never say The Majesty for a fool ! Uhhh !! “
— Good-bye.

Another of THEM even shouted, ” We never allow you to pray Japanese flag ! It is ours ! “
To see it, The Sim muttered, ” It is Mosquito Coast ….”

Ikaruga announced to them, ” I claim the ownership for Japanese flag. We used it first.”

But THEY ignored him. They were only worried about typhoons in this year. Recent circumstance of Japanese weather was that continental high pressure was strong, so that, many typhoons would suppose to hit on Japanese main island instead of Kyūshū. They were worried about it.

Then Rei people said, ” You will give us your status unless you want a lot of disasters.”

To see it, C-Country muttered, ” They’ve threatened as always. It is the first. ( April 21st, 2022 )”

But THEY even ignored it. It was seemed as always for them. Their eyes went to the farther place.

May The Universe in peace.

Referenced VOICE

THEY had emphasized the movie of Stand by Me ( 1986 ).
THEY had emphasized the movie of Mosquito Coast ( 1986 ).
— THEY used these movies for the prediction. ‘ Stand by me ‘ was supposed the future of whole this Earth, and ‘ Mosquito Coast ‘ was supposed the future of Japan. Many Japanese were supposed to trap into The Afterlife of Rei’s. But for them, it was only went back home. We should have kept living with ignoring such intruders.

Asahi newspaper covered my incident which I was sent a threat mail after I drew a picture of Nazi tank. ( 1989 )
・I dreamed to become a writer. When I took the examination of university, my father strongly suggested to take an examination of education department. I did not think about becoming an educator, so I asked why. But he told nothing about the reason. I refused it, then I failed to pass all the examinations of literature department. ( 1990 )
・Myura said to me, ” You are Rutsu (The Ruth ).” ( 1991 )
・Yota insisted that I did molest. She said in the air, ” I watched it ! ” ( 1991 )
・Some television argued the treatment of me. When The Wide-face considered to kill me, Kanji volunteered this assassination. He said, ” I’ll do it without bothering anyone.”
— Shiganai watched it however, he believed it just a joke. His brother ( brother-in-law in the future ) came to see me without knowing. He was surprised it after I was shot. ( 1992 )
・Kanji said to me at his crime place, ” It’s wrong of Asahi ! ” ( 1992 )
・The HJ said, ” He made a rebel…. He will make a rebel. ( 1993 )
・The Rough tried to get allowance of Emperor to TALK, but his TALK did not reach to Emperor. ( 1994 )
・The Mother said a fool for Japanese Emperor to see his enthronement, ” He is dead at the time of enthronement. ( 1993-1994 )
・Japanese Media bashed a Japanese singer who was liked by the prince in the air. ( 1993 )
・Some Japanese police murmured, ” Yamamoto isn’t wrong. Yamaguchi is wrong.” ( 1994 )
・Sal-hashi mentioned about own cooperate attitude, ” We are just THE BOX.” ( 1994 )
— It was the cooperate attitude of The Industry. They declared not to owe any responsibility which Japanese Media did and they only prepared a place. They also allowed any Japanese Media to USE and TALK. They explained it to do at own risk. But They insisted that anything was done by through this box. All economy and politics were as well. They deployed ‘ The Television Centrism ‘.
・Uzi said to Media persons in the air, ” Bring me A STORY.” ( 1992-1994 )
・Some television ridiculed Shiganai and his brother at own TV program. ( 1994 )
— They were silenced their tongues. They became brother-in-law the after.
・THEY were excited one-sidedly to say, ” He was a true prince.” ” He’s made this country.” ” He was reborn to see the repeated Japan as a lower people.” ” The Emperor and The Prince were just dummy. He’s taking quarrel with Imperial Family. What will be happen ? ” ( 1994 )
— I murmured, ” I’m just a son of local worthy….” But no one listened to. Then THEY made a wild fancy up which I was No.2 of the past repeated Japan and now was against The Prince.
・Tesaki shouted, ” He rebelled to the prince ! ” ( 1994 )
・Yota shouted, ” The second.” ( 1994 )
・After I sent my first novel to a contest, some newspaper and some television did a secret conversation. They did not want my success as a writer. They bought this decision into Sal-hashi. He was A PLAYER at this time. ( 1994 )
・The Wide-face SHOUTED, ” He is quite a liar ! “
— Japanese journalism objected it, ” Who is a liar ?! It’s okay to write a lie ! ” ( 1994 )
・The Undo who was one of Nazi freaks TALKED, ” You drew a picture of tank.” ( 1994 )
— Some newspaper and some television supposed to make a Nazi freak run because they lost trust. ( 1994 )
・I realized that Japanese Media disliked me. When I did not mind it because I just sent to a publisher which did not have a relation with televisions, Uzi TALKED to me, ” You don’t know this country. ( 1994 )
・Yuan said to me, ” Don’t talk about 17-sai.” ( 1994 )
・Yota’s father muttered, ” There’s no story.”
— His company did THE GAME, and one DJ was in the target. They said to each other, ” You don’t know.” ( 1994 )
・Emperor was in hell of TALK. The Ghost of Emperor listened to the speech of Emperor, then told it to people. This Ghost declared to establish a spiritual world which centered Imperial Family. He said its spiritual axis was on Mt. Fuji. Then Ookura announced that THEY had made access point in the cave of Aokigahara Forests. ( 1994 )
・The Representative of The Afterlife of Japan was annoyed, ” He’s not my son.” ( 1994 )
・I watched Kamuro near The Imperial Palace. ( 1994 )
・A chamberlain ( The Lot ) watched me from a black car. ( 1994 )
・Some of THEM spread a rumor which I was a son of Emperor. The Mother denied it that I was an illegitimate child of Showa Emperor. The Representative of The Afterlife of Japan said, ” I wanted him ( me ) to become a son actually ! ” ( 1994 )
・The Doll of prince said to me in a white car, ” Did not say ! ” ( 1994 )
・THEY competed each other to occupy the mic on Aokigahara point. Suddenly some of THEM caused an disturbance to see own future, but soon he was repressed. The Mother was laughing. ( 1994 )
・Seriina said to us, ” You don’t know.” ( 1994 )
The Great Hanshin Earthquake had occurred. Yuu tried to be owed this responsibility but failed. ( 1995 )・There was seen some Kanji’s actions. ( 1995 )
・Nishitra pretended me. Then THEY ( The most was C-Country ) told my past history ( MichiroJohn1’s ). My non-existential son was seemed a father-in-law of Emperor. ( 1995-1996 )
・Sal-hashi and his fellows carried Yota’s father into a person who destroyed my success as a writer. He wanted to have a conference with Uzi, but Uzi did not agree it. When Yota’s father told the name of his president, Uzi agreed this conference. They argued the treatment about me. They insisted that I should not be used because I was TALKING which was strange. Uzi informed police about it. ( 1995 )
・Haraher appeared in my delusional sight. He said, ” You’ve already died. Well, it is not an escapable thing. The persons who had become their target are done all. Me, too. ( 1995 )
— I called such victims as Rutsu Type man.
・Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack had occurred. Supposed Yuu’s husband tried to be owed this responsibility to me but no one listened to.
・To occur this terrorism, Japanese Media also cracked down on morals. They called Yota’s father to listen to his harassment to DJ. He excused it for, ” It’s a president’s order.” — They wondered how much The Forest was wrong. ( 1995 )
・Alii moved to my neighbor with her face changed. ( 1995 )
・Yota’s father’s company gave me silent pressure on the radio. They insisted I did TALK. Their Lines surrounded me ( I felt a little warm moisture covered on me ). I got nerve then I sent a claim to this radio by FAX. To see it, Haraher told surprisingly, ” You’ve hit the enemy ! ” ( 1995 )
・Japanese Media ignored my first novel. Uzi told the intention of Imperial Family, but they did not accept it. Because The Box’s president refused it strongly. They talked a secret conversation with each other, ” We will use him if it cannot become escapable.” ( 1995 )
・In the hand, Uzi announced to NHK of that they used me within my 30 years old. He seemed to consider that somebody would use me at this time. But they started grasping his weak point. ( 1995 )
— This decision called ‘ Intention of NHK ‘ the after. It was one of dual power structure in Japan which all Japanese had to receive. Imperial Family never judged anything, which was a rule after Meiji Restoration ( 19 A.D. ). After the defeat of WWII, Japanese emperor changed to just a symbol, however, it could be said that nothing was changed from the age of samurai. Because they were just a symbol who only did approve samurai’s authorities from 12 A.D.
・Yota’s father joined this conspiration soon. Japanese Media was laughing. ( 1995 )
・When I entered a Japanese-food-style fast food shop, the cock gestured to sprinkle white powder on my meal. He said to a co-worker, ” I can do it at the front.” ” — Wonderful …,” Co-worker was amazing at this skill. I did not diarrhea with eating it, I felt bad. ( 1995 )
— I was supposed to list on Japanese Media’s blacklist. Japanese workers could follow this decision without any doubt.
・The Lotten Egg of my neighbor sent maggots to my house. Their conversations could be heard somehow. They said, ” Is it okay exactly ? ” or ” We can’t see it clearly.” — They supposed to eavesdrop my PC. But my PC was not at the beside of window or wall. ( 1995-1996 )
・The One sent an agent ( Haat ) around this. With seeing Japanese society, they kept silence. ( 1995 )
・Supposed media’s persons were walking through the front of me with saying, ” Mad ! ” or ” Mental disease is ! ” — They possibly did not want to follow the Intention of NHK. They went mad for this. They repeated so much that I pursued them. They were only walking around of Shinjuku city. A media man told this situation in the air, ” He’s there when I look back.” He even told it became the same title-name of TV drama. But it had been aired in 1993. Something was strange.
— I called him ‘ The Lookback ‘ anyway.
・Japanese television entertained some Arabian rich persons. To see it, Ogura Type man SHOUTED, ” You remembered it firmly ! ” ( 1995 )
=== They seemed to entertain Osama bin Ladin.
・The Industry introduced me to LDP. A dummy of Nakatra said, ” He knows everything.” ( 1995 )
・I uploaded a net-novel which I named ‘ The Harassment 5 ‘. It was a story which beautiful ladies crushed the attempt of various harassments. I ridiculed the present Japanese society of USE and TALK on this story. And I suggested the existence of aliens from another planet. But there was no reaction from the net and THEM. ( early December in 1995 ).
・A classmate at my high school attempted to murder his bosses with his brother and co-workers. They thought it just a joke at this time. ( 1995 )
A classmate at my high school killed his bosses with his brother and co-workers. ( latest 1995 )
・I could see Gard in my delusional sight after I uploaded my stories on PC communication. ( 1996 )
・Japanese Media deployed The Television Centrism again. They insisted I repeated Japan. When some Japanese journalism told this danger which they would move by a rumor, The Japanese Newspaper said, ” We only could move by a rumor.” ( 1996 )
The Industry did Settai ( 接待 : entertainment ) to LDP even in 1996. Government men took quarrel with them. One of government men threw the words, ” Don’t you understand what will be happen with issuing national bonds ? “
— It was a battle with Television Centrism. The Industry were lobbying to compensate the loss of stock company by the collapse of The Bubble economy on the street. ( 1996 )
・In my net novel of ‘ The Harassment 5 ‘, I ridiculed about Aliens. But no one realized it, THEY only stuck to USE and TALK. It was not bearable for THEM by expressing another way. Japanese Media had almost synchronized with THEM, then they accused me for describing USE and TALK. ( 1996 )
・The Mother asked Japanese Media for, ” How do you think about ‘ Little Maruko-chan ‘ ? ” — They could not answer. After a while, they started accusing the narration of Little Maruko-chan. As Ogura was a wanderer around this television ( or an agent of Gyoosha ), he repeated this criticism. ( 1996 )
・The One judged ‘ The Harassment 5 ‘ by following Japanese way, which was okay to express if people could not realize the true meaning ( Sal usually said so. It was a little strange rule. But they insisted it came from Hollywood. It was a typical Japanese-Media’s constitution which did not owe any responsiblities ).
— With monitoring them, as no one could find the mean, The One allowed me to write. I could pass the examination. ( 1996 )
・Japanese Media ordered to rescue me without telling the intention of ‘ Intention of NHK ‘. But most of them did not want to use me, so they tried to kill me. I sweated something of orange colored. And I got a blackish pimple under my lips. It was arsenic poisoning. ( 1996 )
・On the road in front of my house, there were a lot of cars passed through at the beside of me. It was a school zone which was not a main road where heavy trucks could go. I had to avoid them almost every day.
One day, after I could avoid them, my handle of my bicycle hit the mirror of high-end car. It was a car which an upper class drove ( I called him ‘ The River ‘ ). His fellow got anger for it, I was in quarrel with them. As the avoidance of his fellow’s kick looked wacky, they said me for a fool.
To see it, Japanese Media re-ordered to rescue me. But they never did it directly. So another of them could torture me forever. They showed a typical double face of Japan. ( 1996 )
— By the way, his fellow became a famous man the after. To become a famous man, sometimes it needed such cooperation in Japan.
・After such events, they had to use me the more. But they sent Taisa ( 大佐 :colonel ) to me. They wanted me to become a believer of new religion at first. It was not certain why they called the religious leader as Taisa. Japanese Media looked down on Imperial Family. The Japanese Newspaper said, ” Ignore them. Tell their past stories if they said something. Ha-ha ! ” ( 1996 )
・Some Japanese Journalism asked one of Taisa for why he introduced himself as colonel. He answered, ” It’s from Colonel Qadhafi.” ( 1996 )
— The River corrected his speech for, ” It is The Colonel in Akira.” — It was not certain why they called them as ‘ colonel ‘ to the end.
・I could get a chance to read The Holy Bible in my work. I read it through. The lord gave us words to whom want. The words of Paul were touched my heart, which were ‘ Because we know that suffering produces perseverance, which perseverance produces experience, which experience produces hope, then which hope makes not ashamed. ( Epistles to the Romans 5-3, 5-4, 5-5 ) ‘ ( 1996 )
・I was fired this job because I had refused to change my holiday to working day. Before finishing this job, I did eat some poisoned Chinese dimpling. I suffered severe stomatitis. I immediately went to hospital. The doctor was surprised to see my mouth. He said, ” What have you done ? ” — When I started explaining this situation, he made my mouth opened, which made me say nothing. He looked nothing he wanted to listen. ( 1996 )
・When I was walking through at the beside of Blood Donation Center by Red Cross, a nurse recommended to donate my blood eagerly. It might have been a divine guidance. I decided to donate my blood. But to see my blood, a doctor said to me, ” Can’t use your blood.” — He explained how much my blood was bad with using the chart. But to see the chart, my blood was in safe area. I asked him why. But he never told the reason. He only said to me, ” Can’t use such blood at all ! ” ( 1996 )
— I lost a chance to sue for the crime of poisoned. He seemed to send my blood to police. A messenger came to say, ” Do nothing by the reason of suspect unknown.” ( 1996 )
・Some journalism published the existence of Uzi’s lover. He excused in the air, ” It is the same in America. ( 1996 )
— America was America. Here was Japan. But Japanese upper class believed anything okay doing in America. ( 1996 )
・Alii Type lady ( Cherry ) went up and down the stairs of my house wearing high heels. ( 1996 )
・Draco people showed the map of Yugoslavian War different. To see it, Gips suddenly SHOUTED, ” It’s a battle of Cerebrum.” — The Mother said him a fool for, ” He injured whole body complex fracture.” Then Tambar-2 checked his past and said, ” He suffered a complex fracture certainly.” ( 1996 )
・Uzi threw mysterious words to his fellows, ” NHK will do it in such case.” After he said, they all were laughing. ( 1996 )
— It was not certain whether the previous cases were existed.
・In my room, I could hear the steps of upper neighbor, The Lotten Egg turned on the air conditioner all night ( It was a little strange at this time of not going on global warming ). Another side of my neighbor made a boyfriend, but her voice was not Alii’s. I could hear their voices somehow. And I had to write my net stories with hearing THEIR voices in the air. It was death quartet.
One day, I got nerve when the neighbor’s couple watched on TV with full sound at midnight. I came to claim this neighbor, but they did not appear. The boyfriend said to her, ” Don’t get out ! ” — She only apologized at the backside of door. But they did not reduce the sound. I kicked their door, then I went out to town in midnight. ( 1996 )
・When I was eating dinner at a bar, Cherry came into this bar with a basket, she gave it to a clerk. She said, ” This is.” There were pine mushrooms in the basket. The clerk looked being in trouble. I thought it the order of poisoning me. I got nerve then got out of this bar after piercing my dish with a fork. ( 1996 )
・Uzi was accused of his Marunage ( 丸投げ : leave all the works ) by his colleagues. ( 1996 )
— He seemed to use yakuza for destroying the evidence. He was called ‘ Don Marunage ‘ the after.
・I repelled from Tokyo at last, I went back home ( early 1997 ). My parents were strangely kind. They thought me a criminal. I only did destroy my rooms. They looked so creepy that I called for the emergency call number 110. But the police did not come here, they only ordered to change with my parents. They never listened to mine. I had to think about the way of explanation. ( 1997 )
・Lot SHOUTED in the air, ” We will protect him ! ” ( 1997 )
— His saying was inverse of the real. And it sounded like paternalism.
・When I was sleeping on my bed, somebody opened my eye. There were Musashi and Usami ( or Cherry ). Musashi stuck a pepper dispenser to me. He said, ” Is it O.K. ? ” — My eye was closed, then I got up in the morning as like nothing had happened. ( 1997 )
・There was no concern with the above, while I was in a glasses store, I felt something of abnormity with my right eye when I got an optical machine’s test. It was like a shot by lazor.
When I went to an eye doctor, the doctor said something blaming me, ” What have you done ? ” He recommended to go to the nearby university hospital.
In the hospital, a doctor diagnosed me as retinal detachment with showing a photo of my right eye. He told there was a hole at the center of right eye. To see the photo, there were three holes under the center of my eye. But the doctor insisted that there was a hole at the center of my right eye. — I asked him why. Soon he got nerve and shouted, ” You are retinal detachment anyway ! You must take an operation immediately ! Otherwise, you will lose your sight.”
— I decided to take an operation because I did not think the doctor whom I went suddenly said a lie. I did not understand the true fear of Japan yet.
While I was in this operation, I had to hear operator’s voices without any sight. My eyes were both masked even though only right eye was wrong. The doctor taught the way of this operation to his interns without my permission. I was surprised at it, but it was too late. The operation had already started. I had to bear their conversations. The doctor said, ” Do this. Do this. Then it’s okey.” One intern muttered, ” It’s wrong…. “
— What ?! But I could do nothing.
A nurse said, ” It’s strange that too much water spilt from the back of head.”
— What ?! I could survive this operation however, soon I checked my right eye which the doctor advised me not to get the eye patch off. My right eye was pierced by something, which was seen a big hole at this center.
The treatment was also murderous. Lazor photocoagulator was not bearable for people who had sight. I got so nervous that I repeated asking my doctors, ” Don’t you kill me ? ” — But they were only laughing. I repeated asking it even in my hospital ward. Whether they got nerve for me, one intern said to me, ” Kill you.” — I decided to escape from this hell. I ran into town at midnight.
I moved to various places in whole night, because the ambulance pursued me. At the station, a gey person tried to hunt me. He would give me meal and sauna. The treatment looked better than hospital. The meal was bad and the bath was ugly in the hospital. But I also escaped this hunt, in early morning, I went back to hospital for paying my debt. As soon as I reached my hospital ward, I kicked the wagon. Then I punched to my doctor — To think so, interns hugged me to stop it, so I didn’t. I went back home only to pay my charge. ( 1997 )
・After I went back home, THEY became noisy. Draco people SHOUTED, ” He’ll sue them ! ” Then THEY started mind-controlling me. I hardly do anything. While the above doctor was watching, I had to think about the way. They had already made my eye a hole. And they had already destroyed my right eye by lazor photocoagulator. The situation was lessening on me, unless I could know a skillful lawyer. I did not have. They would have destroyed the evidence if I took it to a court. — I decided to do nothing with swearing to revenge later. To see it, Sal announced the victory to the doctor. ( 1997 )
・An Imperial Police said in the air, ” It is ‘ civil non-intervention ‘.” Lot also said in the air, ” We will protect him anyway ! ” ( 1997 )
— It sounded like a lie.
・The Box felt pleasure to change the decision which I was used as a writer within 30 years old to use never. Kanji and Zawa TOLD this speech on behalf of him. They all said me a fool, and they never told me whom knew everything or imperial insider. Those were only HOMEGOROSHI ( ほめ殺し ; compliment killing ) by Japanese Media. ( 1997 )
・I was driven into the full of TAlK the after. It was unbelievable that the cars which were going on the street did TAlK to me. Most THE VOICES were come from Akiko. She TALKED to me repeatedly, ” Tie. Tie. Tie….” Usami also said from cars, ” Sentencing on the degree.” ( 1997 )
・Ex-criminal who offended murder seemed to go back home where was in two towns away from my hometown. ( 1997 )
・I heard the siren of ambulance almost every day. A man called it with lying. This man was arrested a half year after. It was not occurred in Tokyo. ( 199
・On my net novel of The Harassment-5 Act.5, I ridiculed about The Industry. THEY Got anger, then they sent a lot of TALKERS to me in the air. They spread the rumor which I was TALKING. I realized the danger to mention about The Industry. But they did not still notice it an aliens’ story. ( 1997 )
A murder of Yakuza’s young head occurred. To see it, The Representative of The Afterlife of Japan said, ” It is just a conflict between Yakuza.” ( 1997 )
・Wide-face was willing to coming the statute of limitation about killing me. He enjoyed changing ‘ The Intention of NHK ‘ with his favor. He joined above Homegoroshi.
— I could learn the safe method of murder from him firmly. ( 1997 )
・I found an article which described the conversation of a philosopher with my classmate who offended murders in 1995. It was hardly to read because published letters changed alternatively. It was so unbelievable that I wrote it down as so on my PC communication. ( 1997 )
・An ex-president of stock company was arrested ( September 24, 1997 ). It was not certain whether it was retaliation. THEY and Japanese Media were no reaction. ( 1997 )
・THEY criticized me for writing above. Draco people said, ” Don’t talk about it. Not to write it down about….”
— THEY did not want to talk about The Repetition of Aas. In the repeated country, all authorities supposed to imply the common-sense which people had to follow. The situation was supposed similar to the present Japanese society. They both did it for hiding the truth. It made the society double standard.
・After a few days, Draco people asked someone for the judgement. The Mother answered it, ” The part who did it understandable for others was bad.”
— There was A RULE of that was the end if people noticed it. The Mother told it. But she was a man ( machine ) of double standard. Anyway, I continued writing. The One watched it in silence. ( 1997 )
・I uploaded Act.6 of The Harassment 5. I ridiculed Gyoosha in this story. It was speech fight on the street. THEY became the noisier than the time when I wrote the published letters were changed. THEIR sense was different from us. THEY SHOUTED, ” Don’t write such a thing ! ” ( 1997 )
— I could write the much worst things.
・Above stock company was bankrupted in November 1997. We could hear the well-known speech from the president. He said, ” All things are wrong with me.” To watch it, The Rough muttered, ” ( We ) should have made the name to ‘ Yama-san ( 山三 )’.
— Yama-san was a similar name of mine. But the pronunciation was different. It was a typical THEIR-bullying.
To hear it, some of THEM said, ” You’re wrong.” ( 1997 )
・I went to Tokyo for watching the court of my classmate. I could hear about the situation around him from a court watcher. He said that his girlfriend told a different thing from prosecution record. She said that my classmate did not kill the victim because he was sleeping at that time.
— I wrote it down so on my PC communication.
I went to his home, then I could meet his mother. She said, ” He went to America certainly, but he came back soon. Why did he become such a man ? “
— His life became mafia-like only for one year. It was very rapid life. I wrote it down so, but nothing was happened on me and Japan specially. ( 1998 )
・I decided to finish making The Harassment 5 because THEY were noisy enough. To tell the truth, I wanted to concentrate on my classmate’s court. As THEY treated my novel for a ban, I did it so by myself. I ridiculed this society at the last story.
To see it, Haat said, ” You banned ? Ha-ha ! ”
— It was the first time to see him clearly. ( 1998 )
・Akiko and her Girls ( Little Yuu, Yota, and a philosopher who pretended Akiko ) were disgusting me to say, ” Tie. Tie. Tie….” ( 1998 )
・A shop clerk in front of my house suddenly to said to me, ” Die.”
— It was supposed a retaliation for the next report of my classmate’s court. Because it was unbelievable that only a court clerk predicted his sentence as death. Anyway, I ignored his threat as imagination at this time. ( April, 1998 )
・Japanese Media spread the rumor of that I did TALK. But The Undo and Shii-chan TALKED to me actually. Japanese Media never confirmed it with their eyes. ( 1998 )
・My classmate was about to be sentenced by death. According to the court clerk’s words, the murderer who killed more than two persons would be sentenced by death. In Japan, number was the more important than situation. It was supposed a typical Japanese formalism. THEY said this movement came from the sentence of murder in 1990. He executed by death in August 1997. ( 1998 )
・THEY became noisy for which THEY knew my classmate would be sentenced by death. Ozaki Type man and Buu Type man discussed the measures for it. The Buu said, ” I don’t want to see it.” The Ozaki answered, ” Sure ? ” ( 1998 )
・The day when my classmate was sentenced by death, I could not attend for this court because Typhoon 5th landed on Japan. The Buu Type was a little surprised to see it. The Ozaki said, ” It’s not become existential by this.”
— THEY said them the fools with saying, ” Do you really believe it not existed ? ” — But they both insisted on not existed for a while. ( 1998 )
・Haat suddenly revealed from the left side of my delusional sight, then banged a big button with saying, ” Daaahh !! “
— Nothing happened specially, however, unfounded rumors could not stop spreading in Japan. He said, ” Japan lost the examination.” ( 1998 )
・The shop clerk in front of my house became calling my death almost every day. He went mad. The air around this shop became warm faintly, and this shop was covered with something like moisture. When I watched this shop from far place, I could hear girl’s voices which were ” Kya, Kkya ! ” — It obviously looked abnormal.
Because he repeated to call my death so hard, that I decided to contact with police. I prepared the papers for explanation, however, the police did not read it and said, ” It is just your imagination.” — I explained it not only delusion but also could hear with real voice. But he did not accept. He only repeated, ” It is just your imagination.” I asked him back, ” Civil non-intervention ? ” — He did not answer. He looked well-educated as police. He only turned my papers back to me, then he kept silence. He did not tell me the words which were ” Don’t worry,” or ” Call us if something would be happened,” instead, he was just waiting for my back. I could not do anything without following it.
When I went back home, the clerk said again, ” Die.”
— It was the range of ‘ civil non-intervention ‘ in Japan. ( 1998 )
・Journalism reported the bankruptcy above stock company repeatedly. To watch it, The Rough SHOUTED, ” Yama-ichi is ! Yama-ichi is ! ” ( 1998 )
— The bankruptcy supposedly did not suggest my bankruptcy. It supposed to mean a collapse The One. Like this ridicule was often seen in THEIR logic, because Rei people were just only A BOX. They changed the result for the conspiration by other intelligent lives to their own hope. That was their BOX.
・Japanese Media were arguing with something. They made sure that I was used until my thirty years old. ( 1998 )
・Dalk Type lady suddenly appeared and said, ” You should write TV scenario.” But for The Forest ( supposed ) was about to destroy her, she ran away soon with saying that, ” Just a joke.” But The Afterlife added to comment for it, ” He will script a good scenario.” ( 1998 )
— Something was on the behind of them.
・TV journalism reported that Osaka police were under warning for one year ceremony of above Yakuza’s murder. To watch it, Ozaki Type man sent an agent ( Tsuzuki ) to my hometown. Ozaki looked powerful in the air. And THEY believed this murder depended on The Representative of The Afterlife of Japan. But it was a mystery why THEY revealed on my place. However, nothing happened in this year. ( Autumn in 1998 )
・The clerk in front of my house continued saying to me, ” Die.” I glared at him, but he did not stop. It was supposed for the reason of that I criticized whole sentences of my classmate’s death-sentence.
At the same time, I crushed a wheel of my car, then I tried to repair it using a hammer. He got nerve of this metal sound beating a wheel. He could not stop calling my death, ” Die ! Die ! Die ! “
Not only this clerk but also this shop owner went mad. He threatened schoolgirls who were going through at the front of this shop. He said, ” Kill you.” The girls ran away with saying, ” …Scare ! “
— All these voices were just their minds. Their temperature became hot enough to know their minds even. Something of foggy warm thing was covered on whole of them. ( 1998 )
・After that, the owner was behaving nervous, the clerk continued calling my death. Both were delusion in Japan. In exact, above schoolgirls seemed to contact with police, which THEY said so. The result was this. The owner got anger the more, the clerk could not stop the more.
Thus, I decided to make them quiet. I taught them the mean of death.
I took a weapon ( axe ) out, then I threatened them. No one called police for emergency call, because they did not believe such murderous thing would happen in Japan. They did not understand how awful the axis of Japan was. And Japanese local police never came to me even though many witnesses were there. They must have come after I had killed them all.
After a month had passed, the chance was come. At the moment when the clerk said ” Kill you,” I rushed into him with throwing my weapon away. Then I stopped in front of him. I turned back to my house after I glared at him for a while.
— It became very effective. The moisture disappeared from them, their minds never reached to me after. The problem was solved. THEY never seemed to affect the real event. I learned a good thing. ( 1998 )
・The owner seemed to contact with police, but they did not deal with him somehow. Maybe they would protect me. But I could not do anything, they never approached me. Only Lot ( or The Imperial Police ) SHOUTED in the air, ” We will protect him,” They could believe controlling a pre-criminal by remote. My parents became the more mindful, which made me feel creepy the more. They all were very strange. It was as like Adams Family Values. ( 1998 )

Adams family Values ( 1993 )

・Then the front of my house became calm however, the front of my living became noisy instead. An announcer of NHK added silent pressure to me. Because of the TALK in front of my house made me easy to TALK, I understood the mean of this pressure. They wanted to say that not to write down about the court. I understood who enforced to TALK. — The government was.
But possibly there was no relation with LDP, because my family had some connections with politicians. There produced many prime ministers in our region. And my mother was a daughter of national police. The rumors were gotten easily.( 1999 )
The murder of mother and daughter in Hikari City occurred in my city. My mother brought much information about murderer. He became danger in the high school age rapidly. He was seemed about to kill any person now.
— I could see Ozaki Type man’s action before and after this, which was not certain the relation.・My house was sunk on underfloor by Typhoon 18th. My neighbor broke his car. Mine was safe. ( September 24, 1999 )
・I sent my first scenario to Japanese television. Whether reading it, I could SEE Uzi was laughing. He was a mosquito enough. ( 1999 )
・The Emperor called Uzi for broadcast ethics. It was a challenge breaking himself as symbol. ( 1999 )
・When I watched Orion Constellation, Haraher said suddenly, ” It looked the same as Tristar. But the more flatty.” ( 1999 )
— There was no place where the position of Orion’s Belt looked different in The Earth. Some intelligent lives possibly could see the Tristar in the night sky.
・THEY ( supposed Agares ) caused mas hysteria on my scenario. They said, ” Never ! Never ! Never ! ” ( 1999 )
・The announcer of NHK went mad on TV. His thought was flood from his body. He SHOUTED, ” Die ! ” ( 1999 )
— He believed in I was TALKING to him, which was unscientific. THEY supposed to conspire he could believe so. It was seemed a usual trap in THEIR world.
・An announcer of NHK changed to others, but silent pressure had still come to me. New one seemed to feel in trouble for this unfounded matter.
— somebody in the government did not want to exist my descriptions about court. Nothing to say, there was no freedom of speech in Japan. — I agreed by myself to delete these descriptions, because it was when I started scenario scripting. These were not enough for consumers. NHK was supposed satisfied my action.
・A director of local television talked to my father, ” …hahaha. That NHK said so. ‘ Japan repeats itself.’ … Haha. When I asked him how, he answered, ” Backfill all earthenware under the ground.” — Can you believe ? He asked me to confirm it with your son. They did believe he ( me ) knows it well ! “
— The eyes which my father looked at me were changed to another. ( 1999 )
Nakameguro derailment occurred ( March 8, 2000 ). Saka Type man said, ” Did it. — I was wrong.” Then Lady HJ Type girl added the comment, ” He did not live there anymore.”
— They supposed to live where they could watch Japan. Maybe MichiroJohn1 would have lived in Hatsudai a few years after however, where was a little far from Nakameguro. The timing was possibly the more important for THEM. ( 2000 )
・The volcano explosion in Miyake-jima island occurred ( July, 2000 ). As THEY could not find this reason on me, THEY laid this responsibility on TV entertainer who had the same name. There was no idea on THEM whether it would be only natural phenomenon. ( 2000 )
・Uzi was laughing to read my scenario again, which I sent his company. He did not accept it only by amateur’s. I had to learn the scenario scripting the more. ( 2000 )
・Sal was asked for the method of TAlK. He answered, ” Don’t you understand ? Water is.” ” — What ? ” ” Water. Water. Hydrogen is.” ” — How use it ? ” ” Yes. He knows it well.”
— Then he looked at me in the air. THEY would shift responsibility if they could not understand it well. He repeated to say ‘ Hydrogen is.’ after a while. Then one of Rei’s scientists asked him back, ” And Helium ? ” He answered, ” Yes. Hydrogen and Helium.” ” Then how ? ” — But he could not answer at this time. THEY picked the name of Neon the after. Nothing to say, the Rei’s scientist asked him for, ” Is it only ? ” ( 2000 )
・Agares’s party became noisy again. They said, ” Never. Never. Never….” Japanese Media felt abnormity for it. THEY made them all shut up. ( 2000 )
・Uzi said fool for my scenario. He became a mosquito every year. He said, ” He’s not enough.” or ” Is he a good scriptor ? ” ( 2000 )
— He maybe heard something of prediction.
・Japanese television repeated to say ‘ make miracle ‘ on TV. The Japanese Newspaper became noisy to say, ” Make us win.” — His baseball team went on the top, whether he would say so. ( 2000 )
They threatened me for making their baseball team in 2004.
・A supporter of TV entertainer murmured, ” This place is seemed very dangerous.”
— Japanese Media came to cover on my hometown. Certainly, the village next to my village made murderers and the town where was next to this village made a famous murderer. The above murder incident was. — THEY sent such message which was only reported the strangers’ movement. ( July 2001 )
9.11 attacks occurred. I was sleeping at this time. THEY caused mass hysteria somehow, Alii started walking in white background. She reached to the place where Euron was a few minutes after. Euron was surprised at this terrorism. There looked some smoke around of him. She said nothing to him.
— The distance between Japan and America on THEIR imaginary space was supposed such few steps. ( 2001 )
・Next day, The Industry insisted on I was wrong for this terrorism. The reason was uncertain. Japanese Media often caused hysteria with no reason. ( 2001 )
— A personal bullying by Japanese Media became international at this time.
・A Japanese Media had aired a lie about my hometown —

They offended the illegal trespass because this road was personal. ( TV program was USO !? JAPAN )

— My mother told a lot of information about this ‘ Seven Houses.’ My mother had been a friend of these owners. Once they had lived there, but moved to the foot of this hill because there was bad for water usage. Thus, no one died there, and there were only two families. They were troubled for illegal trespassers after TV had aired this story.
— Japanese Media were terrible liars, even on NHK. ( 2001 )
・The Lookback muttered about this event, ” ( We ) make TBS do it.” ( 2001 )
— Japanese Media seemed to consider to be okay with that all Japanese media could have done bad things.
・Yuan Type man murmured, ” There was a dangerous place nearby Seven Houses.” ( 2002-2003 )
— The location of Seven Houses where he believed was different from mine.
SEGA released ‘ Advanced Daisenryaku 2001 ‘ , which was the game of that Nazis would conquer the world ( in the latest 2001 ). Japanese journalism was arguing with this content. But they were lack of this knowledge. They had missed to stop releasing this game series for now. To see it, The GHQ requested me to bash this game. I agreed it with my pleasure. They were tough because they could get the support by Japanese intelligent class. But I continued bashing them until they broke the mind. The HJ disliked me completely. ( 2002-2003 )
・A skeletonized body was dropped at the roof of motel, where was nearby Seven Houses. To see this news, Yuan Type man suddenly kept quiet.But the news itself was disappeared on the published local newspaper for a few days.
— Anyway, The skeleton was supposed Musashi, who had stuck a pepper dispenser to my right eye in 1997. Tambar-4 told the around of people his death in 1997. ( 2003 )

The Seven House ( common ): 34.003290, 131.982717
TBS’s one : 34.002786, 131.975238
The motel : 34.003308, 131.983187

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