The Assassination of Prime Minister

After that, The Imperial Police suddenly appeared and continued SHOUTING, ” You don’t ridicule the emperor ! “
— Oh, I could SEE the fear of mind-controlled persons. But he vanished in my mind next day. Good-bye.

The next.
The Forest still kept own disturbance because they were afraid of The Secret Agreement in 2003, which I would describe on the post of ‘ Japan the Mosquito Coast ‘. The people who had joined this secret conversation wondered why The Forest were there. They did not understand the behind-the-scenes.
They became so noisy that they sued own emergency to the past prime minister, who was well-known as the right side. I could SEE this right -side politician showed his troubled face when they did TALK to him in the air. Next ones looked very tough.

They insisted that Japan’s interests had been damaged. It was not true but only their interests had-been / would-been damaged. — The Japan which included The Forest always equated themselves with Japan. They banned to criticize them by the reason of that they were Japan’s interest as itself. To say so, they tried to do anything of Japan’s interest on their BOX. Only a showbiz became the will of country. This idea was seen on Sal-hashi’s speech in 1994. He said arrogantly, ” Pass everything through ourselves.” — Japanese Media ridiculed him, ” People who aren’t the house of Heike aren’t people ( 平家にあらずんば人にあらず ).”
They were just only immortality, but for they behaved as justice, they needed excuse. They respected Imperial Family to get indulgence as same way as yakuza. However, the difference from yakuza was that they even called Imperial Family for the fool. They blew a lie to them, then they spread the rumor which Imperial Family were strange.
They demonstrated the excellent ability for mind-controlling people. They made a warning victim, for whom they threat newcomers to obey them. To do it easy, they spread the rumor which Japan repeated itself. It made people easy to lose moral. Then they shifted any responsibilities to a warning victim. People were losing the composure, then they could anything. The typical effect was supposed the Aum crimes ( 1994-1995 ), which had a little different situation from above. They only believed it okay to pull something of hard disk out of head, pierce an eye instead of killing, sentence by death for personal execution, release a game which Nazis would conquer the world, and etc. They even believed to change the published letters, control weather. These were quite elaborate for that everything had been done by different persons with synchronized.

— It looked so skillful that they supposed to have a lot of experience before. If it were not, they would have these on other planets. — I called it for ‘ Stylized Invasion Pattern ‘. Anyway, I WATCHED they became very talkative for these explanations at least.

That’s aside. The Mid-Forest asked the above prime minister for making me not to write such things, but he refused it by the reason of speech freedom. Maybe he had to be careful about such Media Bears. They turned to natural born killers when they were refused. He was gone soon ( July 8, 2022 ).

When he was alive, Yota announced, ” It is the judgement.”
— They were creatures to do personal execution, or just insensitive.

Yota’s father murmured, ” We did wrong….”

But Mid-Forest still kept calm even when he was asked for the content of conversation with this prime minister. He was a liar who could say it for thirty years.

I could catch the speech of this murderer. He said to police about me.

” I knew his name around however….”

— I became famous even for the terrorist could knew. But he did not say the name of Forest. He kept quiet. His name looked like I was The God, but no one did not comment about his name in the air, which was even at Yota. The reason why he shot the past prime minister was seemed just dissatisfaction with our society ( or losing a lot of money by his Pachinko ).

May The Universe in peace.

Related Stories

・Asahi Newspaper covered a threat incident on me. Because my picture of Nazi tank which was published on SF-fantasy magazine seemed to stimulate socialists. This journalist covered my story with provocative attitude. I excused it just a joke but he did not understand it. It was a joke at the point of the most strong tank appeared on SF battlefield. ( 1988 )
・Asahi Newspaper published my incident. ( early 1989 )
— It was a same time The HJ was troubled with socialists. Because a Nazi cartoonist had drawn a cartoon which justified Nazism. I did sort a phrase of this cartoon in my drawing picture. It might be stimulated them, but they did not know well both the criminal and me. It happened a good timing like this assassination above. The HJ thought it wrong of Asahi.
・At my university examination, my father strongly recommended to take an examination of education department. I asked why, but he did not explain. He could not say it because his upper side of his job ( teacher ) did not tell the reason. My father understood it that I would become a teacher unless I became a writer. But Japanese upper class considered at this time, which the boy who was Nazi wannabe had to go education department. There existed a famous phrase ‘ Educate him ‘ in a Nazi cartoon, then they carried it out as the determination which somebody told it as a joke, ” They would go to education department as well as ‘ Educate him ‘. Japan was crazy like this.
— I refused it so that I could not go to university. ( 1990 )
・At my entrance examination, a questioner gave a low-level question. It was a wrong answer which the questioner thought rather. It happened at a literature department, but there was no concern with the determination above. It happened incidentally. ( 1990 )
・I wrongly moved to a apartment where Shiganai would manage to monitor people the after. This real estimate agent recommended to stop moving to this house repeatedly. I asked this agent why, but she did not explain the reason. ( 1990 )
・Some Japanese Media argued whether I was burn-out syndrome or not. I was only preparing for becoming a writer at this time. Japan was surveillance society. ( 1990 )
・Some Japanese Media decided to abandon me because my life was too boring to monitor. I was writing or playing video games. In addition, I did not have enough money, so that I always watched the same movie and same music when I wrote. They regarded me as just worthless man. They dealt me with the report for burn-out syndrome. ( 1990 )
・I took an examination of letter-game company. They decided to interrupt this examination because they wanted to make above report. They could not allow the man who was in burn-out syndrome would make an action. They felt bad, but for some Japanese Media prepared the excuse, they felt good. Their excuse was an early old man. He said, ” The family of communist often become Nazi.” ( 1991 )
— He said about my uncle. He was a communist who was driven into suicide. He seemed to know him well. But the thing which was often told was that ‘ the family who have had Nazi often become communists ‘. The reason why this red-purger said inverse was not certain. He seemed to misunderstand my uncle with my father. My father was ‘ Non-Poli ( no concern about politics )’. He told bad about my uncle rather.
・Yota spread a rumor of that I was a molester. Because the management of her father’s company was still difficult. Her relative had built a huge building. In Japan, when the management was difficult, the owner often seemed to rush into the bullying.
Yota as herself wanted to become TV entertainer by this bullying. She said, ” I watched it.” ( 1991 )
・Yota moved with the guidance of Gyoosha. Gyoosha were ordered by some socialists. These socialists believed the speech of The Mother. She said I did molest. Yota moved by this rumor objectively. But for soon THEY advised it a lie, socialists took measure. They called Nakatra who did molest, then they made him an excuse. It only became they mentioned about Nakatra’s molesting. ( 1991 )
・A socialist announced, ” We’re ‘ Civil non-intervention ‘. Then they did Marunage ( 丸投げ:throw all works off ) to Japanese television. It became a situation they admitted the mistake. But they never reflected on the treatment for me. The above socialist said arrogantly, ” It is wrong of he did not go to university ! ” ( 1991 )
— I called him ‘ Zawa ‘. I did not want to be educated by them.
・In the hand, Japanese television was a rival for these socialists however, they both had cooperative relationship about Nazi matters or in some cases. Japanese television called The HJ and argued with them. But The HJ told a strange thing, which was that I had a girlfriend originally. They denied it soon, but they decided to give me a girlfriend anyway. They wanted to restore my past. They were strange enough to believe such delusion. The way to make a girlfriend was the much even stranger. I had to see Nakatra was kissing in front of my house almost every day. It was only a harassment. ( 1991 )
・The HJ was defended by Japanese television. Once this television fought with socialists about Nazi matters. The conclusion was that they could not stop releasing Nazi matters by the reason of speech freedom but they had to educate Nazi wannabe as possible. The way to educate Nazi wannabe was very strange. They showed fanatic Nazi mania to them. My brother watched it. They only wanted to say how crazy Nazi was. — It was very strange. But Uzi the president of Japanese television did not notice these actions yet. Most of them were done by The Japanese Newspaper, who was a rival of Uzi. Anyway, The Japanese Newspaper even did not know me at this time.
In my case, they were particular about I did not go to university. The reason was uncertain. It looked like typical Japanese formalism, however, it only looked like paternalism. They wanted to control me. They did not even allow me to become a cheap writer, they spread a rumor which I was a molester. Objectively, Shiganai’s television spread this rumor. There was something they believed it. Thus, I became hard to work as a writer. ( 1991 )
・There were Japanese television in the behind of Shiganai’s television. They both were a group of TALKER. I would see Tambar-2 in my delusional sight after I quit my writing job. Tambar-2 only stuck to which I was a molester. ( 1991-1992 )
・When I bought a used movie of ‘ Closs of Iron ‘ near Shinjuku station, a company man which was related on Japanese television came to say, ” I prepared it.”
— What he said only looked mad. But this happened incidentally. THEY called him ‘ Nishiguchi ( west exit )’ but he appeared at east exit of Shinjuku station. I called him ‘ The Lovestory ‘. He was walking with a girlfriend. In his company, there was a famous animater who had Nazi hobby so that he was supposed to choose for it. ( 1992 )
・Because I could not see anything above all, I considered to take a reconnaissance into Japanese Media. I chose an audience participation program on Asahi TV, because the provocation by Asahi TV had looked strange. On the way of this attendance, I encountered a man rushing into me three times. I could not understand what he wanted to do. In Asahi TV, a producer came to the place of us with a sponsor and The Industry, he ordered the director, ” Get him away.” — It was not hard to imagine who was him. I decided to air my presentation freely with ignoring my rehearsal. They were obviously strange. ( 1992 )
・I appreciated for that Japanese Media knew me well. Zawa and other socialists SHOUTED in the air one by another, ” You fucking did a stupid presentation ! ” or ” You mad !! ” — I decided to consult with police. Before doing this, I started describing my identification and situation for the explanation. But Gyoosha who were monitoring me eavesdropped my word processor, to see it, Akiko shouted in neighbor house, ” Mad !! “
Then I watched a police car moved very slowly in front of me every day. It was for there were many calls to police which I was very danger about to molest ( Yota Type girl did it ), however, it looked very strange. The police never asked me for my doing ( I just cycled my bike ). It only looked a threat. So I sent it to another socialist. I could not trust on Japanese liberal ( Japanese television ) at all. ( 1992 )
・Police marked this innocent boy so hard that I took ‘their pictures by polaroid. I could take police cars ( one of them was somehow Nerima number in this Suginami ward ), a car of Mid-Forest and his company’s car. In the company’s car, Cherry and his company man rode. When Mid-Forest asked for this situation, he answered, ” As I knew a knowing person had become his victim, so I hired the private detectives.” — The process which he could know it was not certain. And when these pictures were printed out, the photo shop clerk did not give me the negative film. He showed me a strange face. ( 1992 )
— I got injured by severe strained back for a month when I was writing above ( July 18, 2022 )
・The socialists called Shiganai by the reason of that my house was monitored by their party. I could catch Cherry SHOUTING so. But Shiganai as himself did not know me at all. He ran away soon for my house was unbearable. My house did not make any STORY. For the success in Tokyo, we might have got the pleasure of the watcher. ( 1992 )
・After I sent a letter to another socialist, the socialists held a secret conversation. Because they enforced a rule which a man who told ‘ THE SECRET ( The Eavesdropping )’ had to die. It was a rule they told something like a joke, but the time had come. The attendants were Shiganai, Lady-HJ’s father, Nazi cartoonist, and Wide-face who was a man of Shiganai’s newspaper. He was a surrogate for socialists. He took a leadership for this conversation to make me kill. But no one volunteered it. Shiganai got frightened to it, then he ran away again. The conversation was repeated until somebody would volunteer, in the end, Kanji came to volunteer. He was a man who had a relation with Japanese television. He said, ” I’ll do it without bothering anyone.” ( 1992 )
・Kanji used a man of The HJ, but they missed to shoot me down. This day was the history of MichiroJohn1 was killed. ( September 15, 1992 )
・Another socialist covered Asahi Newspaper, but he could not get any information about it. ( 1992 )
・As Uzi heard a rumor which Nerima number of police car was sent from Japanese-television’s studio, he ordered to survey. The person in this charge pretended not to know. So he requested The Japanese Newspaper to survey. Because he knew The HJ well. He called The HJ, but they said a strange thing which Japan repeated itself. Thus, it was a usual thing, which they wanted to say. But it only looked crazy, they all ran with pretending for madmen. ( 1993 )
・Wide-face was pleased with getting away from this crime. Somebody TALKED to him, ” How do we treat him ? ” Another ( supposed Zawa ) TALKED to him, ” He is bad.” Then Wide-face SHOUTED, ” He is no good.”
— Japanese Media decided not to use me as NG. Kanji Type man muttered, ” The face is even NG, too ! ” ( 1993 )
・Sal-hashi told, ” We’re A BOX.” ( 1994 )
— He described the constitution of Japanese Media to dodge responsibility. They had to understand this constitution in the air, and never asked back for. If did it, their bosses got anger with saying never to do it. But they also required to bring them A STORY. This requirement did not ask for the way. It was okay to USE and TALK. They implied this way in the air or real. But never asked it back for. Their bosses strongly denied it because their bosses also did not have any confidence about it. As the persons who could USE and TALK were treated well rather, all showbiz persons became pretending for doing USE and TALK.
・A TV reporter SHOUTED in the air, ” I heard this rumor further before, but I can get a convince about it ! ” ( 1994 )
— Japanese Media had convinced at the repetition of Japan with my case. This story was told by The Industry, however, they only get the information from Japanese television. Japanese television only told the story of The HJ. The HJ said it for just an excuse. They said a lie each other. But The Industry became THE PLAYERS somehow.
・Ooishi had got scoops with drinking in a Japanese cabaret. One day, he could get information about Imperial Family. The information told that the emperor was died when he had enthroned. It was very strange rumor, which wanted to say Japan repeated itself. Ooishi sniffed around the emperor.
To know it, The Industry came to him with a Mid-Forest’s company man, and told the prince had a problem rather. He invited them in a cabaret. They could not explain it well, but after, they explained I was strange in the air. They TOLD I believed in I was the prince. — They told a deceit of usually shown in Japan, which a victim misunderstood himself as emperor or prince. Actually, I sometimes said to co-workers or friends, ” All Japanese will celebrate on my birthday.” — Because my birthday was the same day as the prince’s. Nothing to say, it was just a joke. Ooishi laughed it off, but he sniffed around the behind-the-scenes of mine deeply. He also knew my incident well….
— This action stimulated socialists. They decided to repel him by another reason.( 1994 )
・The Industry came to Ooishi in many times. The Industrial man changed to a young man, who was similar to me. I could see him after, who looked taller than I and was the more handsome than I. I called him as ‘ Akira ‘. They were special about tall. They believed the person who was taller than became right, because The Mother said so ( She said the tall man was great ). He stood at the beside of me and muttered, ” I am taller.” — He was seemed The Doll of me, he said he knew everything about me with unfounded confidence.
One day, he came to get allowance to USE. Ooishi answered, ” O.K.” He said to a Mid-Forest’s company man, ” That’s it. He said so , are you. ” He spread a rumor which Ooishi gave the permission to TALK after. ( 1994 )
— Like this event, I could see The Doll of emperor said to me, ” Use.” The Doll of prince said to me, ” Did not say ! ” The Industry possibly wanted an excuse. They had already moved Tesaki, and Sal-hashi and Yota’s father had tortured Nakatra.
・The Box ordered his around not to use me. His around asked him why. He could not answer well. Actually, I wrote about the eavesdrop, but I did not spread this rumor. Ooishi claimed the president for this point before he was repelled. The president did not answer. ( 1994 )
・In the same time, The Undo SHOUTED, ” You drew a picture of tank.” ( 1994 )
— It was their excuse. They were untouchables in Japan.
・After I sent my first novel to a contest, the president of socialists held a conference with Uzi. Because his company even had a power on publishers. The president insisted on all media did not use me by the reason of that I had said about eavesdropping. Uzi only answered, ” I understand.” — He could know the way of eavesdropping in return for this agreement. He ordered to investigate them in secret. ( 1994 )
・As the request of sponsor, The Industry conspired to destroy my life as a writer. They made a friendship with Yota’s father ( who did not like me ), they picked him up as a player. And They succeeded to talk with Uzi by Mid-Forest’s mediation. Uzi only talked with Mid-Forest. In first, Mid-Forest told I was mad. Then he challenged to tell I did TALK. But he shut it up soon because Uzi asked him back, ” What does it mean ? ” ( 1995 )
— It meant The Industry banned to TALK, although they were men of TALK.
・Because they could not persuade Uzi, they spread a rumor of that I did TALK. I could see similar persons to me a lot, who were Nishitra, Takafka, Nakatra, and Akira. Many of them could TALK then they performed as me. People around them asked what had happened. They explained themselves as they were me or they knew me well because they were the original of mine. ( 1995 )
・Alii said to me, ” So.” Ookura said to me, ” Nice shot ! ” ( 1995 )
— I was about to enhance my mind out when these speeches were heard. It was as like my brain was added something of pressure. They supposed to USE however, in the behind of them, there was The Industry. The Industry as themselves could not know the way of USE. It was just only an examination to know whether it was true or not. But they believed it something true.
・The sound of Forest’s radio covered whole on me. It looked a little warm fog in my mind. I got nerve unconsciously. ( 1995 )
・Denpoodoo showed an Android trading at south gate of Shinjuku station. He explained to Nakatra for I was wrong. He wanted to say that I made this Japan repeated. He excused it for I heard it the after. It was not human trafficking of race queens or lovers. ( 1995 )
・This action was spread as a rumor on the upper section of Japanese Media. Tokyo police sniffed around them. In the hand, Uzi blamed Tambar-0 for doing something strange. Then the chairman of NHK held a conference with Japanese televisions. The chairperson was the ex-chairman of NHK. All attendants listened to his talk which they had to use me in silence.
Uzi held a conference with Japanese Media in personal. There were The Industry, Mid-Forest and The Box. The president of socialists objected my becoming writer strongly because I said about the eavesdrop. And they insisted on the need of monitoring me because there was a possibility which I made this repeated Japan. The Box reported the story around of me. But Uzi did not agree it. He told it just a delusion. And he requested socialists not to talk about it. Then he sent an answer to NHK, which they used me until I became thirty years old. ( 1995 )
・The Industry moved Denpoodoo’s working place to local area. In the hand, The Forest decided not to use me. They tried to find my fault. They wanted to destroy my life. They never allowed a person who shamed them. They did Marunage to The Industry by the reason of Denpoodoo’s case. Advertiser-A and -D made friendship with each other by this event.
The Industry started gathering my enemy. They talked each other, ” I don’t want to watch him.” — Many persons participated this party. In this process, they all justified their bad behavers to believe I was wrong. They believed the rumor which I repeated Japan, however, they could not talk about it. To be afraid of revealing it a lie, The Box SHOUTED anyway, ” Everything as wrong of him ! ” ( 1995 )
The Forests suddenly ordered NHK to monitor the criminals with the eavesdropping. They insisted on, ” Civil case was by personal televisions. Criminal case was by NHK.” — It was ‘ The Voice of Heaven ‘. I could watch an announcer of NHK was confused by this voice. To see it, some Japanese Media ridiculed it ‘ Convoy Method ( 護送船団方式 )’, which meant ‘ put the standard on the worst ‘. All Japanese companies had to keep the pace with others currently.
To hear this claim, The Box answered, ” It was our president’s order.” — It was the hidden battle between socialists and liberals. ( 1995 )
・When I uploaded my story to internet, my classmate at high school killed his boss. Before he was killed, this boss came to confirm me. He said to my classmate, ” Is He ? ” — He was a Rutsu Type man. Some Japanese Media misunderstood it a kind of semiosis which I was wrong. ( 1995 )
・LDP found this disturbance, they asked Japanese Media for the situation. This Media asked the situation to The Industry. They introduced me to politicians as whom knew everything. They said an irresponsible thing. The person who was The Industry muttered, ” It was denied however….” It was The Industry who could move with only a rumor.
Tell the more, they recommended these politicians to USE. They ( Gyoosha ) said to politicians in front of me, ” You can know everything if you use.” — As they could not have any confidence about it, they wanted to know by making politicians USE. It was not a sincere idea. ( 1995-1996 )
・To see Settai by The Industry, some government person came to say, ” Don’t do the loss compensation to them ! “
— The real convoy method was about to carry on a stock company. ( 1996 )
・The Box became a president with repelling the past president. It was an effect which Uzi and NHK claimed for their eavesdropping. ( 1996 )
・They leaked the information about Uzi’s lover. ( 1996 )
・They bashed the ex-chairman of NHK on monthly magazine. ( 1996 )
— They could fall Uzi down easily because he behaved bad with ladies. But the present chairman of NHK did not have any problems, so they seemed to bash ex-chairman of NHK.
・Cherry was walking around my room with beating her heels. ( 1996 )
・Cherry presented a backet of poison mushrooms to a bar where I was eating dinner. ( 1996 )
・Uzi agreed not to use me, because he could spend easily rather. It meant he allowed to use Gyoosha and Yakuza. Gyoosha SHOUTED in the air, ” He did Marunage ! ” — They spread bad rumors not to escape from this conspiracy. ( 1996 )
・When I repelled from Tokyo, The Japanese Newspaper was exciting to see it, ” I convinced he will do this mistake.” ( 1996-1997 )
— He was a rival of Uzi, he was willing to his failure.
・A operating surgeon pierced my right eye in front of interns. He followed to Gyoosha’s telephone. But the story why he had become such a man was unknown. He changed a character suddenly. ( 1997 )
・To see it, the socialists added another blow. They enjoyed changing my guaranteed writer’s life to my death. The Box was only laughing ( cf. THEIR Verbal Play ). ( 1997 )
・When I wrote about unscientific matters about my classmate’s murder, ex-president of Yamaichi company ( stock company ) was arrested. ( 1997 )
・As LDP refused the loss compensation to Yamaichi company, this company was bankrupted in 1998. However, LDP determined to issue government bonds in the next year, it was as same as loss compensation. It meant all Japanese had to live in risky stock business. But for Japanese economy did not earn foreign currency the more, all Japanese became stuck in debt. It was the moment when Japan forgot the phrase by Kōnosuke Matsusita, which was said ‘ live in real business ‘. ( 1998 – 2000 )
・Uzi became a TAKER for criticizing my scenarios. In his back, socialists threatened him to say that, ” Not to use the man who said about the eavesdropping.” —- I never mentioned about this way however ( I only wrote about unscientific matters ), as they believed Japan repeated itself, they could not allow the man who wrote about such top secret. So they negotiated with NHK, then they promised them not to use me. All my scenarios became hopeless.
As Uzi continued criticizing me, it was spread the rumor which he was strange. ( 1999 – 2004 )
・NHK told TV director that Japan repeated itself and I knew everything about it. ( 1999 )
・I bashed Advanced Daisenryaku 2001 by the reason of that they justified Nazism. They had already justified Nazism at Advanced Daisenryaku 1998, no one criticized it ( It was produced by Chickenhead and Nazis conquered the world easily ). Japanese journalism lacked this knowledge. Anyway, they held the conference whether it was allowed or not. But they allowed it soon by the reason of that it could earn the foreign currency. It meant anything were okay only if it could earn. They did not understand the trust came first in the business. To live in real business was so, but Japanese showbiz did not know what the business was. They only wanted to do the television centrism. This conference was held by The Japanese Newspaper, he rejected Uzi. The Industry acted as the mediators. They held this conference a lot. Many journalists and economic authorities attended for this conference, but some of them wondered, ” Why is there Mid-Forest ? ” — The Forest and Mid-Forest attended in some conferences. Mid-Forest said nothing, but The Forest insisted that, ” The man who wrote it is bad ! ” Between these conferences, uploaded letters were changed so that the conversation between me and Nazi freaks could not match with. My writing letters were not changed. I decided to print it out. But their letters were changed on the paper. The letters looked floating a little for reading it. But it turned nothing after three days or a week ( But the letters had still changed ). The Forest could not understand it well, then they owed this responsibility to me. ( 2002-2003 )
・The Owner of Japanese television ordered me to make his baseball team win in Olympic. ( 2004 )
— This enemy thought me a friend. To think about the difference of power, I could not against them.
・When I moved to Osaka for becoming a physiotherapist, Uzi ordered Japanese Media not to make me a therapist. Then he ordered me to bring me a new story. ( 2005 )
— This enemy had changed a character completely.
・The Japanese Newspaper ordered me to obey them. He told they were the will of Japan. ( 2005 )
— This enemy boasted about the concentration of power. The television centrism was supposed to see in Rei people. Anyway, he became Master Rising Sun ( 親方日の丸 ).
・A government official muttered in the air, ” American housing loan is bad.” or ” It’s the same as Bubble Economy in Japan ! ” — Then the bankruptcy of Lehman brothers had occurred in 2008. The Sal-saki suddenly appeared and SAID, ” Make him deposit his stock.” — Because I treated with stocks. As I knew it the best to do opposite with THEIR TALK , I would wait for the recovery. But the market continued battering. Sal-saki SAID willingly, ” He will run away from market.” — But he ran away from the market faster than me. I ran away from the market after I had earned the difference from the bottom to coming back. My 230,000 yen became 710,000 yen. Originality, it was 530,000 yen before Lehman’s bankruptcy. ( 2010 )
NISA ( individual saving account in Japan ) was started in 2014. It meant all Japanese became the gamblers. There needed the way to earn foreign currency. But most Japanese ignored it because they did not trust on stock companies. Trust came first.
・I watched Disney’s animation ‘ Frozen ‘ in 2015. It was very interesting. Japanimations did not have such power of that the persons who did not like animation wanted to watch animation. They lacked market research. And even lacked the power which made Otaku ( freaks ) an ally. They had already lost war before the battle.
・Japanese social games expanded to world in 2017. All foreigners were surprised at this game category, but this market is occupied by American’s now. Japanese lost a chance to earn foreign currency.
・The Forest became the center of IT media. They muttered, ” We’ll become Silicon Valley.” But they did not expand their software to the world. The reason was supposed that The Forest only enjoyed going to Japanese cabaret with them. There was no leader. It was new convoy method. ( 2018- )
・I watched a Korean movie ‘ Parasite ‘. It was very interesting. It could compare to Hollywood’s captures of picture as well as Japanese. It did not become bored to see it. Japanese picture of film was developed by Ozu and Kurosawa, but it looked bored by Wabi-Sabi culture. So many Japanese films became as like Hollywood’s. Therefore, I did not watch them. Japanese never became Americans or Europeans. ( 2019 )
・Japanese Media said an entrepreneur a fool. They fell into lookism. They did not want to use a person who did not follow their convoy method. Without making a new leader, they only expected to young power. Young people had ideas, but they could not sell own products. It was only ended to be stolen the ideas. Therefore, all Japanese became poor. ( 2018 – 2021 )
SpaceX succeeded the landing of spaceship under the gravity of Earth. It meant we could colonize any planets and satellites. Congratulations !
— It could not be done by any Japanese companies, because they did not have the financial strength enough. Not only Japanese people, Japanese companies also became poor. They still had to follow to Master Rising Sun ( 親方日の丸 ), because there was no leader. ( 2021 )
・The murder of ex-prime-minister had occurred. The time when the society become wrong often made people go to another. Tsuyoshi Inukai and Korekiyo Takahashi were like. JFK and Reagan were supposed, too. This murderer had some debt. ( 2022 )
・Mid-Forest repeatedly muttered, ” Everything is wrong with me.” — He was not wrong so much. He was only a victim of ‘ Convoy Method ‘. It put people on the lower level by the constitution of wrong equalism. People lived in the same as socialism country.
— But the chance had come to me. ( 2022 )

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