A Way Against The Mother

World map of Mutopia ( 2017 )

One Day, a man revealed in my mind, and said farewell. He was my son did whom I could not make him born. The Mother always told that, ” Any person who was not born is ours.” ——- His life would be followed this rule. There was no way to stop him. I advised him, ” Always think for people.” —— This was a dream which his father could not achieve. ” I understand.” He said so, then vanished into the darkness. I could not meet again forever. He would have become a good politician in a planet where I did not know.

After a while, an invitation was come from where I did not know. I declined it politely. I had to pay my debt a lot in this country. So I left. In the same time, the approval of asylum was sent to me by the president of Mentaa. It was a good chance to remove THEM and The Mother. Even for B-Country which was supposed a colonial planet of THEM, it was hard to draw into THE WORLD. But I could have reached to the island of Rei people. From here, I had to draw into their societies on their continents. Nothing to say, I asked them to stop their interference. This was the first step.

Soon, my will was sent there. I was floating in a cream-colored world. It was their virtual space. In there, the faces of Mother were revealing and vanishing repeatedly. They were all afraid of something. It was quite different from The Mother who revealed in our land. They always showed a confidence in here. I had likely reached to their Heart of Darkness, but it was trouble not certain where I was.

Apocalypse Now Redux ( 2001 )

I had already heard that the island of Rei people ( “Muu” island above ) was sunk in the sea. This island had been a place where their international organization was located, this system was still alive. According to Haraher, the planet of Rei people was even also alive. It meant that they had a complete planetary defence. They never minded a neighboring star was approaching to them. They could keep or change the planetary orbit for the necessity. They also never minded the aging of their solar. Haraher said, ” We can still live for a long time.”

Suddenly, a messenger came to my mind. He said, ” Tell us your idea. Write it down now.”

If I was said so, there was no way to refuse it.

I would write down soon. To see it, people in The Afterlife were confident of victory. —— Good fortune. The road to solve the problem was close to me. To see the past people and the future people, my intention was seemed to witness in many time. So I believed to solve the problem as my internal action of Rei people. Maybe any external action or complaint could not solve this problem. There needed the political reform from the inside.

The trouble was mostly depended on The Mother and people around it. They were antithesis against legalism, which was quite intuitive and easy to understand. Their symbol was The Mother. It gave them the opportunity to do anything freely. I could understand why they supported it so hard. The figure looking like a goddess strengthened the faith.

Comparison the society of The Earth with The Mother’s
The EarthThe Mother
FormUnited NationsSuperstate
PredecessorDiplomacy among countriesCentral Control Unit
Social NormLegalismCustom laws
Priority is onCountryPeople
Activity rangeCivil, Criminal, StateFrom born to death

According to THEM ( 1994-1995 ), they denied the existence of hegemonic states. They insisted they created a peaceful society which was people first. They also mentioned that people died all then managed by computer as data. For them, it was no problem because they could be reborn anytime they wanted, but they offended a mistake which was adding a personality to this computer. It was called CCU ( Central Control Unit ). Predecessor of The Mother was. This computer was always morphing to mindful mother or beautiful lady, then told a message or tortured people. They seemed to abandon it, But we could meet them even now. It was not certain why they would show us a failure. If they would teach us a mistake, just said so by TALK. The process changing so twisted and so complicated on this teaching was not certain, either. They had not mentioned about it.

I considered that their hegemonic states were not defeated even now. Actually, they lost the power but they could have still survived as powerful men as data. Hitler was supported by many little-Hittlers. So he kept the power until his empire declined. For little-Hittlers, it was comfortable that he was Fuhrer. Therefore, he kept the power. It was supposed to say the same as The Mother. Their hegemonic states supported The Mother. To think so, it was explainable which The Mother told so twisted and complicated things. But her saying was quite intuitive and easy to understand like Hitler. Their international organization could not suppose to control them well. I often could witness that they were obliged to admit that The Mother or people the around took an action without any permission. There seemed to give up stopping them on their organization. It was like a government of Great Japanese Empire which could not stop the invasion by militarists.

We had to stop them in this situation.

For a while, we should have stayed in a position to observe them. Because we did not see all their methods yet. Fortunately, they declared themselves as a messenger of peace, so we treated them so. Only we told an opinion to them. It was better to say it at the inside rather than the outside. It was good to make double agency by which we would have seduced them, but it was not supposed to be effective because they could find it easily. It would be better to ask Rei people for information. They would reply to it honestly.
It was a way that we would suffer their attacks all. We could know all methods on them. It would make a countermeasure. In this case, the damage we would have suffered was not minded. Using doctrine, we only considered the preservation as species. I would have kept two females and one male at least.

But to see THEM, fortunately, their intention of invasion was within a personal level. It was just like going sightseeing or getting excited to become famous by stealing our status. Territorial ambitions by hegemonic states were diminished to personal ambitions. But to ask whether they were safe at the viewpoint on diplomacy, they were not safe. Because they considered to take possession of our society by repeating this stealing. And this twisted way to invade showed something was controlling them. I did SEE they were often excusing or finding a reason to do this war. It meant that it was better not to make a reason to invade. Aggressive attitude against them was not always stimulated them. It would be better to stop them rather. Because they were afraid of something.

It was not certain why they were afraid of something even when they could do anything freely. They might be just a group of speculators, but we should not have regarded so until we could understand the function of their system. There was a need to make the insider in here. It would be hard to understand it, because their AI always thought strange things ( the choice of person was always mad ). So I believed the only thing we should have done was not to make a reason. The world which people could have bought status by connection or money would have looked sweat for THEM. They would have intruded this society and showed some strange selections in the air. ” You are the one only to do it.” or ” It was a mistake he’s entered.” or ” We will elevate with following him.” or ” It would be funny to make him fall down. ” or like that. I did not tell you which country was. The loyalty for somebody was always forced. Freedom of speech was limited, either. A threat using this limitation usually was done ( They forced to write what not to tell ). Upper class would control people by such ways then put people under their surveillance. People only became the existence to create a story for them. They sold it as a product to overseas. —— It would have looked very sweet for them.

I found the countermeasures to stop them.

I believed only three things we should have been.

The Countermeasures
  1. Guaranteed freedom of speech
  2. Not rejected the frame of state
  3. Not create self-replicated computer
  4. Done a colonization to other planet

Fundamentally, we should have done the opposite of THEM. If they would limit the freedom of speech, we should have guaranteed the freedom of speech. If they would have mentioned about Repetition of The Aas, we should not have done it. To see their past history, their society filled with friendship then it became one. Sometimes it would have created Central Control Unit.where people could live forever as data. But this friendship seemed to corrupt the society so that we should have kept rivalry. I believed the world without any rivals was only going to degenerate. The frame of state was never rejected ( They only told the excellence without any states ). The frame of state was never rejected then put our society in civilian control forever. This frame guaranteed the freedom of speech. Even if the society corrupted ( the world only the connection and money by friendship solve the problem ), I believed people could have the power to recover.

And THEY often told the abuse of self-replicated computer. It had a face like an Akiko Type girl. It was seemed to become a real computer virus which tortured people. Some hegemonic states used her as to control people. It was supposed a reason why present Rei people looked like that. They explained it as a bad example, but nothing to say, that was no need to show it with reality. Something was strange. We should have done the opposite. Never create a self-replicated computer. If it were, there was a risk that we could not control it forever.

And also, I believed there always needed frontiers for people. So we should have settled to other planet. To think about the planetary defence, it was only needed to backup our data in a no-creature-lived planet of other solar system, but to think about the social corruption, I believed it was better to duplicate our society to other planet. Nothing to say, we would not duplicate people. The society was only duplicated. I believed it was not only elevated the possibility of species preservation, we also could have a strong rival. THEY told that future society tended to become one then easy to corrupt. Rei people seemed to do the colonization in many times, but other intelligent lives did not seem to colonize. This difference would show the results clearly, that I thought.

However, it was not certain THEY would stop their interference.

It was only a story THEY would lose the reason.

But it was effective for us to live happily.

May The Universe in peace.

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