Another Way against The Mother ( Future Type )

Battle of MichiroJohn in 1992-1998

Typhoon 10th ( Shanshan ) was only ended to add few damages to Japan, its tropical typhoon stroke at Nagoya, where the second weather forecasting was there. It looked back to this forecast. THEY had predicted that its wind speed was almost 60km/h, but actually, it was 51km/h when it landed on Japan. It became weak. It was effective to watch THEM severely. I had often witnessed they were hesitating to do when we were surrounded, it meant that they also had human’s mind. We were able to discuss about their enforcement.

We should have kept it in mind.

We also should have kept in mind that THEY might only have had a low performance computer. In this case, THEY stuck to my Pachinko, without knowing I did the sacrificial charge. While I was losing my Pachinko, the direction of Shanshan turned to west, the power was weakened, then it turned to tropical cyclone. I enjoyed playing Pachinko with hearing what Sakae people did TALK. Our EWS ( Early Warning System ) worked well at this time. I lost a lot of money but It’s okay because I had already got a lot of money. At this battle, my loss was totally reached to 60,000 yen, but I had done a job. THEY could not do multitasking, like that THEY strengthened the typhoon or turned its direction with destroying my game. I only watched people who were possessed something.

It was that THEY might be just bandits. But they could use incredible power so that they looked like Gods for us.

But for there were people who could have predicted when and where disasters would occur, don’t let our guard down. They could control my post before this typhoon was born, however, they could not control this typhoon severely. Haraher often said that future was always alternative, so we had to know the process and the functions of time works in the future as well.
Their disasters were supposed to come from the mind which they wanted to watch terrible accidents. It was anything okay to become the reason. They did it just with their favor. They were willing to watch it which they could not see in their planet, where the planet was protected by excellent planetary defense and good continental plate control. They lived in no-disaster-occurred land. It was supposed to be the feature of ultimate circumstance. I witnessed they were willing to watch tsunami occurred in 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. We never became such people.

And, there was no strategy in their mind. Their system is supposed to have a lot of programmatic problems. They supposed to use The Mother for watch dog, however, this program prioritized the execution in its cyclic routine. Recently, they had added a programmatic command to destroy my Pachinko, so I watched in the air that many men were affected by them. But whether they would have deleted a programmatic command to make typhoon or strengthen it around, when I started playing Pachinko, they concentrated on it. I witnessed the affected men the more. After the typhoon Shanshan was gone, I pointed THEM out that they should have strengthened this typhoon rather than destroying my Pachinko if they wanted to destroy my life. It was more effective to make a disaster by following my posts. To hear that, they were shocked. —– Probably they added this command in The Mother, so I could not use this way for a while. But its cyclic routine looked small so that they supposed to delete the commands before.

THEIR Land of Heaven ( or The Hell )

Time Bandits ( 1981 )

I experienced to be invited in several times, it looked very funny. People lived happily and always praised me as you are great. Future people seemed to come there, they were all surprised at true MichiroJohn was like this. No men accused me so that I did wanna live there. But the background was always dark they all looked as just outlines. It was supposed THEIR virtual space then THEY likely compressed our data for memory saving. But no one suspected their own figure as strange. And also, it was supposed there was no privacy and no secret. Both features were showed as their characters. The last judgement might have been done there.

I could not understand well the reason why they saved the memory. They explained it to prevent the accident for whom watched this image. It was just supposed a story that only the image size would be compressed. But for the inter-planetary communication, it would become monotone to communicate, as somebody said. Another man told that saving memory was only for preventing The Mother did a terrible thing or rebel them. But she could look doing anything for us.

By the way, I had a chance to meet a person who were in hegemonic state at this time. He did the same as The Mother. My soul was led to a virtual space where was filled with cream-colored, the outlines of The Mother’s faces repeated revealing and vanishing. I realized The Mother was even outlined, too. If asked which world was true, I thought it was the darkness world was true. It was closer to the world of Hell which we had imagined. I reminded once Haraher told that they were people in The Hell in 1995.

To think so, somebody invited me a vast plain where reeds grew thick. We both rode on a horse. He emphasized the beauty of this world. I was surprised at they also had a horse first. They even use a horse-like. And even he had black hair, he looked the same. It’s not skinhead or Mohican that THEY sometimes told their figure as so. The scenery was full-colored then my feeling was refreshed. It looked a high land where could see a mountain in the distance.
I went back home without saying anything, as my stance was so. Then I considered the mean the after. They preferred semiotics. The reed was supposed to mean people or our human being. He stood on people or our Earth or wanted to do so. He would choose me for this role. His behavior looked quite aristocratic. The character of hierarchical one was always shown in theirs. The mean of high land was supposed there was Denai Country, where located in the middle of the continent. It was one of hegemonic state, but by the defeat of war, this country was seemed to dismantle. Their six societies changed to five societies. They told Tambar-2 was an android of this country. To see so, he looked like The Gips….

The most powerful hegemony was seemed to be in Tundra land. But they were not pleased with this history. The above hegemonic man was supposed to come from this snowy land.

Certainly, The Mother could look doing anything for us. But she could not do anything at all. She failed to assassinate me first. It was because they prohibited THEM and Mother to kill people. But The Mother could cause a willfulness negligence, so that the primary Mother’s attack was that making a disaster ——
When The Mother watched Nakameguro derailment in 2000, she seemed to think it good for her disaster. We often saw the accidents at railway companies. They measured for it, ATS ( Automatic Train System ) was set on Tokyo area in 2004, then it would be set on Osaka area in 2005. Before it was set, Amagasaki derailment occurred in 2005. THEY excused it there was no way without doing it because Osaka would become safety. THEY wanted to make a terrible accident in a huge city at any cost. As the derailment line was called Hukuchiyama Line, so they got to say a fool for a hero of samurai lord in there. Hukuchiyama City repeated suffering water floods as like the annual events. But to see The bankruptcy of Lehmann Brothers in 2008, they changed the mind to add me severe damage because I had dealt stocks. water flood in Hukuchiyama was gone away to somewhere. But earned more money by this they disappointed. When I graduated psysiotherapist school, 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami occurred —— To see their minds did, there was always ruled the mind not to make me a psysiotherapist. Uzi was affected mind specially. He was dead after 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. Another mind was always alternative. So I believed their system only create one or two special task. Actually, they were always sticking to one thing. In a present case, by the win of THE GAME, THEY ordered to stop creating any disasters, the situation was only able to TALK. Maybe they deleted the special tasks. But Yakuza ordered to destroy my Pachinko, they added this task. I became watching many affected men who thought so. Another was make my life destroyed. Therefore, their strategy was to destroy my life, and the tactics was by losing my games of Pachinko. It was only the story I saved money, I could get along even now.

The Mother even became a trap for THEM, many of them started shooting Pachinko. It was danger unless you had known the turning radius of own airplane and its gravity effect. Otherwise, you crashed into the ground when your money was falling down rapidly. You should not fly as faster as you fainted away even. If there was a flight navigator and she was a God help, you could fly anywhere as she told the timing to break away.

Apart from such a joke, THEY supposed to create The Mother intentionally. Haraher once said, ” You Japanese are wrong rather. We do nothing if you’ve lived honestly ( 1995 ) ” He told The Mother was a tool to correct wrong society. But I had another opinion about his speech, it was that THEY made a reason when there was no reason. My experience was so. 1990’s Japan was filled with people who were affected something. They often told strange things. My dream to become a writer was interrupted such strange logics ( many Japanese believed I made this world ). They seemed to think it as a passing ceremony or something like that. If it were so, we should choose the better plan than best plan. The best plan was we denied all what they told ( our world would become no TALK and no USE ), better plan was compromising a part.

The Better Plan

・Not allow to interfere fundamentally
・Prohibit to USE and TALK
・Not allow the willfulness negligence
・Not do Witch-hunting
・Ask for an explanation against the interference

—— The content was the same as Best Plan. If it were enforced strictly, it would be the best plan, however, as we did not have the enforceable power against THEM, there was no choice for us without enforcing the better plan. We just had to start from asking a question for what they would do. This method was effective because they sometimes deleted this cyclic program when it was not logical. But it sometimes stimulated them, we should have done it carefully. They disliked to be asked about The Mother and The Repetition of The Aas. Not to use these words as possible, ask the questions calmly. They were a group of psychopaths.
By the way, this word ” psychopath ” could use the question. They wanted to be thought of as good men, so that they tried to behave as the men of legalism when they were called ” psychopath “. Even when they assassinate the person who called them so in secret, however. If they had already aimed your life, there was no problem to call so. It was just a story that your enemies were increased a bit.

Declaring the prohibition of USE and TALK was supposed to be effective. We could live in the world of no USE and no TALK for a while, because their system manager ordered to ban of USE and TALK. But under this circumstance, The Mother started to get a permission of USE and TALK. She said to us, ” I can’t breathe ! ” or like that. She tried to gain our sympathy. If we ignored her, she mind-controlled us to want to USE and TALK silently, then she regarded it as a permission. She got back her health.
According to THEM, she was a self-replicating computer so that she was never defeated. She had just only repeated her cyclic routine, however, her weak point was also there. The ban of USE and TALK could malfunction her temporally.
When THEIR TALK looked abnormal, this ban supposed to be effective. In addition, doing the routine which they had written newly was also supposed to be effective. For example, it was that I shot Pachinko and etc. From THEIR TALK, we could know the routine.

THEY could seem to escape from this malfunction by creating a new system, but as their network was supposed to depend on this system mostly, it would be effective if we could have made The Mother fallen into this malfunction.

To tell the more, excluding their agents ( The Intruders ) did not have to be done. It was just a story of not certain whether it was true or not, and even the more, they abandoned them with no mercy. THEY were such people. In addition, to see these suspicious persons, they only looked the affected persons by THEM. As THEY preferred to cause a disturbance of witch-hunting like ( there was seemed to cause such a case in the previous intelligent lives ), we should have done the opposite.

May The Universe in peace.

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