The seizure by The Mother

It was supposed to be important to know the structure of The Mother and how she would seizure our society with using USE and TALK. Maybe it was likely impossible for us to remove The Mother, but it was likely possible to weaken the influence by The Mother. Because THEY told that they would seize our society by the level of how much the society was corrupted. In short, we could have lived peacefully, if we would not go a wrong way. It was included from whether we were making the society corrupted to whether we would get a wrong choice in the future. For example, if our future people changed the history by The Vertical Movement, we had to be afraid of living in a changed society. We had to keep a stance only to move The Parallel when we would interfere to other intelligent lives.

In exact, once B-Country declared they even could do The Vertical Movement ( could change the history ), I could SEE their power weakened by someone rapidly ( 2022-2023 ). Someone supposed to remove their interference. It was supposed the time when we could get the technology of time travelling was the time when we were not regarded as boys and girls. We had to be against the power of THEM. After this, I could often hear THEY told B-Country was dead. It was not certain the time when they were declined. It was much safer to stay in boys and girls rather than to consider to be against THEM. Even in a new intelligent life would be declined, we only considered it a fate. Even in The Mother or other powers would seize Japan, it was considered as a fate. We never saved them except for The Parallel Movement. But if a new intelligent life would assault by The Vertical Movement, we would be capable to be against them by Vertical operations. The Vertical Wars ( the struggles of changing timelines ) always set the winner on the elder intelligent life. After negotiating with THEM, we would destroy a new comer with no pity.
During to stay in these stances, The Mother and other powers would show the mindful eyes to us.

It looked better to stay in the eternal boys and girls for us, but no one escaped from aging. THEY actually looked fatigued a little by continuous battles, so they might have released this management if they thought we were safe. As they told they never released one thing formally, it just looked a deceit to decline our society, however, we should have showed such stance to prevent the Vertical invasion. Doing this, we aimed to live as eternal youth. To see B-Country, getting a time-travelling technology was not equaled the death. It was just supposed to be easy to be died. The negotiation with THEM was supposed to be important at that time.

But fortunately, we did not have such technology so that we could stay in boys and girls for THEIR sights. We could be people of science. To SEE THEIR WORLD, I mostly could SEE such people of whom lived in the world of eternal life or Great Voyage in The Universe. We lived in the age of easy to survive. As the future people, I mostly could SEE Future Earth men and Leo people. As THEY prohibited the interference from the future, therefore, they had to move this age. THEY recommended to keep an observational attitude to B-Country and Future Earth men. A and C and D-Countries were supposed to come here by The Vertical Movement, but they could easily interfere. Previous intelligent lives were supposed to be easy to interfere by some reasons. It was because THEY were also prohibited to interfere by this rule, so that they were supposed to become easy to interfere. There seemed to exist a loophole, the latecomer could interfere to previous intelligent lives by moving to A-Country. But the persons to move there were just waiting for dying. It was seemed a place to exterminate bad people. If you would want to change our history ( ex, kill Hittler, etc. ), never move to A-Country. It was a fate. If he was a hero, the bullets were escaping from him naturally. We stayed in The Parallel.

The Mother was supposed to exist for this management. There were supposed several types of The Mother, it was not certain how many there were. The above invaders were put under their controls, they were used the interference by a lot of purpose. They looked doing freely, but they had both what they could do and what they could not do. To see their behaviors, they often contacted with upper people. It was a complaint for them or an order to them. They often looked up at the sky when these TALKs were heard.

There were the ground powers and upper powers existed, the main powers were in the upper. We could not fight with the upper powers, but there was supposed a place to fight with the ground powers. THEY considered it a sacrificial pawn. Maybe we could bash them freely. ( but I did not recommend to remove them at the point of getting the sample ). And it was often seen that somebody mind-controlled the persons who lived on this Earth. They both resembled each other ——- I called the upper mind-controller as “PLAYER” and called the mind-controlled persons as “AVATAR”. In other posts, I called this AVATAR as “The Intruders”, but it was not certain that they actually had intruded this Earth. But to see Nakatra, I could SEE he complained about his life to SomeONE. He answered it laughingly, ” If you want to meet him, you had to become Chikan.” ( 1994 )

As an example, I drew the case of 1990’s Japan when something strange was seen. This Mother was supposed what Haat told her as a good player to create The Hell of USE and TALK ( 1996 ). She was supposed a self-replicant computer did, and was good at creating a human-direct network. Rei people suffered this network, once they all moved to the sleep mode.

This Mother repeated executing a cyclic routine, then made people capable to TALK. She started from getting a permission to USE and TALK, then AVATERS started spreading bad rumors by TALK, and then their talks were heard clearly, in the end, they justified their activity with a strange logic. That was ” ( Japan ) repeated itself “. It was supposed that the phrase ” History repeats itself ” changed so.
She was dancing a death rondo until the target would suicide or kill somebody. After did it, she maybe continued dancing, which was not certain because the target had still survived in this Earth ( it was me ). She only wanted to establish the human-direct network so that it did not matter whether the target was dead or alive. It was only a reason. However, she was supposed to be safer than others. She could mind-control people, but she could not change any history. Tambar-2 was only waiting for created a new history which I would do Chikan in my high school ( 1992 ). To do so, a different machine was needed supposedly. She only showed a Parallel movement.
She got a permission of USE and TALK without any permissions clearly, she regarded what AVATARS did TALK as a permission. Then she enhanced the range of TALK to other innocent people. But for many people felt it strange, so she justified this world. Many AVATARS were mind-controlled to say strange things. It was seen that Tambar-2 mind-controlled Japanese Media men by ventriloquism in early 1996. The time when Haat said ” Make her doing it. She’s good at playing.” was this after. Tambar-2 herself appeared on my mind in the latest 1991. SomeONE explained to The Rough for there needed a permission of monarch in Spring, 1994. In short, the causality or the timeline looked wrong.
If she could not get any permission, she began to TALK ” I can’t breathe ! “, then she made somebody capable to TALK. She regarded it as a permission. Then started enhancing the range of TALK. The denial of USE and TALK gave a rest just for a little while.

To know the behaviors of The Mother, I explained the stories of the victims above. These were the stories in the range of which I had witnessed or could SEE.

Victim1: MichiroJohn
—— It was me. After I witnessed a threat by militarists to my father in 1986, they marked me. They sent a message to Gyoosha of that destroying my life. It was easy to destroy any life in Japan at that time. Money was stronger than justice. Gyoosha decided to kill me by the reason of that I wrote about this surveillance society. Mind-controlled men shot me, then they got to be anxious about what they had done. One person suicided soon. There were some unfounded parts of whom sent them and how they were chosen.
After I wrote my first novel ( 1994 ), they became noisy again. The Industry who had a connection with Gyoosha moved the around of me. The Industry heard what The HJ told ” Japan repeats itself ” then they told it Gyoosha. To hear it, Gyoosha were excited one-sidedly and told some unfounded things as like they knew well. According to them, I was a prime minister did and I was No.2 ( The Second ) did, but in a new repeated Japan, I was destroyed my life by The Emperor ( Prince at that time ). They even interfered to the emperor. They wished to get an order to kill me. For this justification, they claimed that I was a bad man to create this repeated Japan. This strange logic was spread by The Industry, it destroyed my life completely. To refute it, I could not send a message by TALK. I realized that ” HEARD ” or ” SEE ” was different from ” TALK “. It needed a sender for TALK ( and maybe needed an enhancer to communicate ).
By the way, Japanese Education committee offered to use my novel because Japanese Media told the necessity of connection if somebody was used ( 1995 ). My father was a teacher so that they offered my success. But Japanese Media did not agree it because they just wanted a reason not to use me. For them, the man who talked about surveillance society was just a liar and had to be cornered. My novel was forgotten in the dark.

Victim2 : Female Idol
—— She became famous on TV commercial in 1995. The Dalk suddenly appeared on our minds, left a lot of comments. She did not TALK a critical thing or an unbelievable thing, but only said ” She is running ” or like that. She was so cute that many women likely felt jealousy. However, her TALK was likely effective to destroy her life. Weekly magazine did paparazzi she was waiting for something in a love hotel street. I knew there well because I lived there did, it was a place where a famous amusement arcade and Karaoke parlors were there. It was an impression manipulating that Japanese Media usually did.
By the way, I could not SEE her figure or HEARD her TALK to the end. I bought her CD but not SEE anything. Japanese Media were quite afraid of USE and TALK although they often did USE and TALK. They were unfounded people. She broke her mental state after.

Victim3 : Idol Singer
—— A famous singer everyone knew. His agency bankrupted in 1996, then the company men which he had belonged did became noisy. A tall man told in the air, ” Do you understand if you’re against us ?! ” —— It was a usual scene in Japanese companies. They were so arrogant and forced to obey. His junior singers were frightened his speech. He was not only doing TALK but slso conspired something. Somebody did TALK to him, ” ( We ) had destroyed him. The guy would be okay to frighten only….” To hear it, he just grinning. The guy was also very famous. In my delusional eyes, a tall man and medium-tall man were often seen. They looked resembled for me. They repeated some conspiration. They supposed to spread bad rumors. This company was finally disbanded in 2023. Vices could survive so long.
By the way, THEY did TALK about his singer life that his success was something wrong. There seemed people could succeed in their life and had to fail. I was rather to have to fail. As this strange choice was even seen in Japanese ( connections and money were important ), THEY supposed to get mixed with those Japanese ( or those Japanese were mind-controlled )..

Victim4 : Entertainer
—— Myakejima volcano explosion occurred in 2000, an Akiko-type girl became noisy. She did TALK, ” He made it.” She looked to owe this responsibiity on me. But for there was no reason on me, so she tried to owe this responsibility on an entertainer who had a same name. He was enhanced his mind then I could hear his VOICE. He said, ” Is it me ?! ” But he was innocent so that his voice could not be heard soon.

Besides, they were supposed the victims —— a female singer who sang about seventeen, a female singer who sang about graduation, an animator who drew a story of worms, a singer who sang about Christmas Eve, a novelist who wrote about galaxy wars, an idol singer who asked a death, a porn actress who met me, an idol singer who met me, an actress who met me, a prime minister who met me, an actor who was made fun for a monkey, a radio personality who witnessed THEIR ventriloquism, a band man who wore Nazi uniform, a cartoonist whose name was ” tank “, a female singer whose name was ” apple “, an entertainer who happened a bike accident, a entertainer’s trio who were aggressive, a duo whom I donated money on the road, a band which name was ” a pack of lie “, a band which name was same as a famous trumpeter, an actress whom I was casted in a sexual commercial, etc. I abbreviated these issues because I could not catch THEIR TALK well.
As her character, THEY seemed to assault people of whom they had never seen before. For example, THEY told that THEY had never seen my first novel like before ( 1995 ). She supported this assault. She wanted to use these matters as her arts in their world or the next intelligent lives. Buredoo said with pleasure, ” His stories are ours.” —— They stuck to music and story. It was supposed for THEY could deal with easy as data. THEY preferred easy listening like than others. Because it was supposed to be better for BGM.
The case of an idol singer whom The Emperor was a fun was that I could SEE well. Right Party ( people around of Upper Emperor ) threatened her a lot. The openness policy by Upper Emperor made the vices become arrogant only. Japanese Media continued prohibiting USE and TALK with doing USE and TALK. It was quite painful and then corrupted our society. The reason of the above vicious company could survive so long was on this background.

USE and TALK themselves was supposed be seen in 1980’s even. According to my father, he told that a researcher about Military Confort Women on Great Japanese Empire said, ” the characters of documents were alternative.” —— Actually, I witnessed the document about Jeju incident had alternative characters ( 2003 ). It changed the content alternatively whenever I researched from the internet. It did not deny this issue from the start, it denied the issue gradually. There was a possibility of that somebody rewrote the content on the net, but what the above researcher said was the characters on the books.
As I experienced the published characters were changing alternatively when I read the documents about my classmate at my high school offended murders ( 1997-1998 ), I could understand well what this researcher said. I even experienced it when I argued with Right Party ( 2003-2004 ). The comments on the net were changed even when I had published it to papers. Before it changed, I became hard to read it, and when I had read it with my best effort, the characters looked floating. After a week around passed, I could read it normally. But the characters had changed. I realized it that Right Party could use and there were some time lags to change.

They likely had changed own history to write it so before, because changing the published letters was supposed so hard. Papers and inks were not changed specially the before and after. Characters were aligned straightly without any misprinting. They were so, but the writers looked strange. The case of my classmate did, the writers was dead by illness before my classmate executed by death sentence, in the case of 2003, the writers used strange Japanese language. It was hard to understand. People around of him continued saying he was mad in the air.
It even occurred now. I could sometimes confirmed my posts and pages changed. But they were not changed alternatively. It looked effective to say so. THEIR activity was weakened. As THEY took a stance as observational attitude, so they were not allowed to do it apparently. They were only used for the demonstration to show THEIR POWER.

The latest change was supposed to create by Tesaki, whom spread a rumor that The Emperor destroyed my life. According to THEM, he was there when I was shot in 1992 ( I did not witness him ), he would want to get a permission to kill me. He changed my page ” The Constitution of Showa Country ” to this.

( Before )
Article 8. No property can be given to, or received by, the Imperial House, nor can any gifts be made therefrom, without the authorization of the Diet.—— We cannot understand what they want to tell, but you only memorize that The Emperor is definitely right. He never offend a mistake, no wrong. He is absolute.
( After )
Article 8. No property can be given to, or received by, the Imperial House, nor can any gifts be made therefrom, without the authorization of the Diet.—— We cannnot understand what they want to tell, but you only memorize that The Emperor is definitely right. He never offend a mistake, no wrong. He is absolute.

( now )
Article 8. No property can be given to, or received by, the Imperial House, nor can any gifts be made therefrom, without the authorization of the Diet.—— We cannot understand what they want to tell, but you only remember that The Emperor is definitely right. He never offend a mistake, no wrong. He is absolute.

The Constitution of Showa Country
We, The Japan, acting as peaceful people, but the situation of present Japanese constitution which fuckin' America have given. However, we cannot declare to abandon this constitution, so we will make a shadow cabinet, then make Japan fallen into double standard. We are the shadow cabinet, all Japanese are deceived that the real cabinet is our government. We always demand the restoration of Great Japanese Empire, so we will reject and revoke all constitutions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts in c...

A part of red marker was supposed his change. The part of blue marker was that I rewrote. The part of red marker was seen within a draft. But I was using a spell checker, so I never offended such a mistake.
Tesaki said after in the air, ” I failed it “, but maybe it was succeeded. THEY had small-minded unexpectedly, so they could do such strange things at the case when they were threatened by Yakuza, etc. When I found it and rewrote it, suddenly Tesaki Type man appeared in the air then disappointed, ” He changed it soon.” —— I might have seen his PLAYER.

I memorized both I corrected this misspelling and not, I did not become to be certain which was true. My memory became fuzzy. But for I used a spell checker, I could believe I did. Tesaki in the air strengthened my belief. In THEIR world, any persons who changed history seemed to become strange. They were cornered to death. Soon, THEY showed his dead body to me. He was sentenced by death. We had to be in safe custody of him at the point of getting a sample.
The person who were changed his history even occurred a strange thing. My boss in my company said, ” You looked floating recently.” —— I only excused it to say, ” I’m walking with my feet contacted on the ground.” People around of him might have been able to detect the difference.

It was supposed to be better to say so, when such alternation was found. Not saying so, there was a case THEY changed freely. I wrote a lot of stories in the past, there was a story that THEY tried me to look mad.

Supposed a case which THEY changed

THEY once changed my story with their favor. The story below was not the sentences which I uploaded on the net, but a draft which I had saved in my PC. I was surprised at this change, however, THEY did not feel bad with saying, ” He wrote it in a draft. ( 1998 )”

My Dear Future / P-rated
THEY inserted the words of "jerk" and "shit" to the title. I remembered to add "shit" to the title but I only added "jerk" in a draft. Nothing to say, I did not upload this word.

The technology of changing characters was seemed to restrict on what the target once had written, changing entire sentence was supposed to be hard for THEM, because their Upper People did not allow ( It did not mean to be impossible for them ). There were some rules for THEM. They had to do the bad things by following this rule. Their commonly excuse was that, ” It is something wrong.” —— It was a logic that was okay if they could deceive the target.

Therefore, our countermeasure became to declare this abnormality. THEY did not do it openly. In the country which had the restriction of speech, we should have left a place to declare this. We could weaken THEIR USE by this. THEY were afraid of something. As the time this story became alternative, it was also the time I confused the document about my classmate did looked alternative, so when you found this kind of declaration, you even had to pay attention for changing history. This technology was seemed to prohibit by Upper People, the time somebody offended, it seemed to become the time THEY could USE. They could borrow this technology. But it was not certain whether THEY could change history. Tambar-2 failed to change my history in 1992. As it was supposed to prohibit using it on my high school age, they seemed to fail it. But for they could change history in 1992, the documents about Military Comfort Woman of Great Japanese Empire might have changed the content at that time ( I often heard this story ). Japanese Right Party could do the same things as THEY could ( USE and TALK ).
As THEY became noisy when THEY would have done USE ( like Tesaki’s TALK above was heard ), you should have paid attention for something wrong was happened. But if you changed your history, it was only ended in changing your mental state a bit. Never minded. The attackers who changed history had a strange history from the beginning. They were supposed to change their life entirely. THEY said Tesaki was a Chikan.

The Countermeasures for USE

・Declare the something strange
・Just wait for the attackers were broken
・Promote yourself dramatic
・Express your policy

The declaration of something wrong happened looked most effective than others. THEY stopped doing it openly. As it was stronger, you could weaken THEIR POWER the more. For this, you should have guaranteed the freedom of speech. At least, you should have excluded it for the restriction of speech. Otherwise, like the world of 1990’s Japan was waiting for you. They did it for being afraid of people wrote anything freely on the net. But as they guaranteed the freedom of speech formally, so Japanese Media just banned it in the air. To do so, they needed another power to control people, they depended on whom could TALK, then the society was ruled by double standard. It quite became the sweets for THEM. THEY could do anything freely in the name to control people. You never did such a stupid thing.

After the declaration, it was better just waiting for their decline. Foreseeing their actions was hard ( sometimes we could know it from THEIR TALK however ), and the more, it was hard to stop it. It usually became the countermeasure after THEY had done. As they had already been destroyed their life, just waiting for the decline. There was a way to attack them to know the behind the scenes, I did not recommend it well because there was a risk THEY would disturb the more. In 1990’s Japan was so. To be against the criticism, THEY insisted on how much I was wrong. THEY supposed to do USE only for this. Nobody in Upper people stopped it except for the criticism by TALK. THEY were good at negotiating to move them. THEY succeeded to promote Japan looked so bad.
It looked a better way to reduce their money instead. Because they had already become poor when we appreciated their existences. Maybe they had already had done USE and TALK. Just playing Pachinko, they caused the bankruptcy easily. Drawing them into the gamble or something of monetization, their target escaped from there at the last moment. If they caused an addiction to do it, they self-destruction on its own. No one blamed the target. It was also effective to make THEM forget their mission. They were the creatures to stick on something so much.

Promoting yourself dramatic was supposed to be important for turning things. Because Their Upper People kept a stance of observational attitude, and THEY were superior to negotiate with them than us. We could SEE THEIR conspiration than us or The Afterlife of ours. The Upper People looked just the viewers to want to watch new stories, they likely threw out The Mother or THEM to see a new story. In there, we had a chance to turn things. They preferred the wisdom rather than the conspiration which the upper class in Japan usually did. It was better to behave like the wisemen in the age of Three Kingdoms. With the wisdom and courage, we would defeat the enemy. It was more important for them not to consider destroying us. For example, after accumulating the facts of that THEY bullied me, then showed the facts of that THEY bullied all Japanese. There remained the facts of that THEY might have tried to seize Japan after. If this attempt looked cheap, they allowed to destroy all evidence to bully or concentrate them all as on my matters. But THEY failed both. All things looked different far from these.
We never expected to defeat THEM by the negotiation with them. It bothered them, and they disliked such conspiration. We would win this battle with wisdom and courage, which they wanted to watch. They would have supported our operations.

Expressing your policy was also important for the prevention from THEIR USE and TALK. They could follow this rule, and The Afterlife of ours also could support us. But THEY tried to neutralize this policy by repeating USE and TALK. I declared my policy in 2005, which was that we reduced USE and TALK gradually until it vanished, however, I could not achieve it even now. I could SEE many persons would try to ban USE and TALK, but no one achieved it. In the hell of USE and TALK, they all were cornered to do it. So that, I conspired to pretend to allow USE and TALK, My Guardian Spirit destroyed THEIR bases one by one. The base was sometimes on human ( The radiation was severe ). We succeeded to weaken THEIR TALK, but we could not accomplish it now even. There supposed to need the knowledge of human-direct network. If it was known, THEY would have stopped the interference because their bosses kept a stance as observational attitude.
Anyway, it was good to declare the policy. the people who disliked THEM became easy to move.

There was a rule of ” You don’t know “, THEY underestimated us as we could not understand the functions and structure of USE and TALK soon. The Advantage was on THEM. We had to destroy this advantage. Otherwise, we had to live in the hell of USE and TALK this after.

The structure of spreading the rumor by TALK

It was supposed to be hard to destroy the cyclic routine by The Mother, because it was as same as the gift of The Heaven ( it was the gift of The Hell, however ). We should have been better to give up to remove it. There was no way to remove it. THEY told that they prepared it for the mirror which reflected our society. It meant that it was wrong of us.
Nothing to say, it was a false charge at all. Society was so easy to corrupt that no one could stop it. It did not become a reason to interfere. But debating this issue, they excused it that they tested us. They wanted to say it was Labours of Hercules like that. —— It was impossible for human.
It was better to ignore THEM first, but when we were fallen into this situation, we had to fight. We could not defeat The Upper POWER like The Mother, however, we could remove the ground POWER. There was phenomenon to be amplified THE VOICE while TALKERS were repeating TALK. We stopped this. We isolated them and put under our control. As they had small-minded, they lost THE POWER soon when they were surrounded. The Mother and their PLAYERS abandoned them soon, then prepared the next one. We continued this surround. As we would have appreciated them on the situation of that they were cornered, this siege was easy. Just with one or two insults, they would be surrendered. It was not certain whether they were cornered by THEM or they cornered themselves.

Even after The Mother lost any TALKERS ( Enhancers ), she tried to get a permission to TALK. It was a danger to allow to TALK, because it was one of USE. But it did not seem to become ” Clear and Present danger ” immediately. Because their Upper People confirmed it when many people had trapped it. If you asked a permission, it was good to leave a permission. And soon ran away from there. THEY would do USE or change our history whenever they wanted. It was not wrong of you. It dared to say that your society was wrong. The world such interference could be done was. Somebody would have been against THEM instead of you. You should have kept in mind that THEY were just serial killers. You never denied their actions strongly, and you never agreed with it even. You avoided the point then ran away anyway.

Copied title and URL