The Ratings of Perceived Humiliation ( Canossa Scale )

Humiliation of Canossa ( 1077 )

When my first novel was unsuccessful on the contest ( in 1995 ), I could HEAR The Ghost of some Japanese Imperial Family said a complaint to Japanese Media. He said, ” One Canossa.” — This Doll watched TV program too much. He said about a TV program which had once broadcast. The title was ‘ Humiliation of Canossa.’ It was a parody to express the battle of Japanese bubble economy comparing to history. It became a fashion to say, ‘ One Canossa.’
But for Japanese Imperial family did not suppose to watch such TV programs, it was THEIR self-performance. At that time, I could see The Doll of Japanese crown prince ( He said, ” I did not say.” ), and I could see Kamuro ( imformer ) around the Imperial Palace. To see the phrase of ‘ One Canossa,’ Japanese Media supposed to become arrogant and look down on Imperial Family. However, they needed the imperial standard somehow, they tended to become The PLAYER for Japanese Imperial Family. The Industry often did it without permission.

It was quite out of fashion for present Japanese. It was even strange why they took a permission to the government. They did not know this country’s state. Maybe they were THEM …

Nonetheless, it supposed to meet my standard which I would use the words of that THEY said ( Using THEIR words would lead close to mention about THEIR WORLD ), so I chose this word for the rating of perceived humiliation. The intention of using this grade was to predict THEIR disasters. There was the necessity to know THEIR humiliation because THEY conspired something only to think about THEM.

The Ratings of Perceived Humiliation ( Canossa Scale )
GradeLevel of HumiliationAction for HumiliationDelusional actions
( 1 )
harassed a little sometimes say a complaintrarely SEE the complaint
( 10 )
disgustedsay a complaintsometimes SEE the complaint
( 100 )
quite disgustedsay a complaint strongly often SEE the complaint
THEY think it a problem
( 1,000 )
feel a denial of own personalityget angerWATCH the complaint
THEY conspire something
( 1,000,000 )
think to stop this humiliationshout to stop this humiliationWATCH the complaint with anger
THEY start counterattacking
remove this humiliationnothing to saytry to kill the target
THEY must attack
trillionremove them allwarn them before exterminationtell their own fate

This grade was used the method of an order of magnitude higher, because the level of human’s humiliation was supposed uncountable. It was also easy to understand the difference on site. Ten, Thousand, Million — very easy to understand the hearing.
If you SEE something strange delusion, you should ask back, ” How much is your canossa ? ” — If THEY answered nothing, it was supposed very dangerous ( thousand level or higher ) . If you could SEE THEIR answer, it would be okay for THEM ( thousand level or lesser ). But some of THEM would conspire something to SEE it. It was million canossa for them. And there was a problem of that this grade even had the hundred level of The Canossa for THEM.
But if you could get The Canossa from THEM, you should get the numbers of this grade in the same time. You would get THEIR considering number.

0- ( 0, 000, 0000, etc. ) was supposed to mean THEY were The Zero ( THEIR agents ).
1- ( 1, 100, 1000, etc. ) was supposed to mean THEY were agents for The One.
3- ( 3, 300, 3000, etc. ) was supposed to mean THEY were disgusted for The Third Party ( B-Country or others ).
4- ( 4, 400, 4000, etc. ) was supposed to mean THEY were disgusted for THE GAME ( Ookura’s or Ogura’s disturbance ).
5- ( 5, 500, 5000, etc. ) was supposed to mean THEY were disgusted for THE GAME ( Tambar-2’s disturbance ).
6- ( 6, 600, 6000, etc. ) was supposed to mean THEY were disgusted for THE GAME ( The Repetition of The Aas ) or The Six ( conspiration of Riku-Shaa六社会 ).
7- ( 7, 700, 7000, etc. ) was supposed to mean THEY were disgusted for THE GAME ( Yuu’s disturbance ).
9- ( 9, 900, 9000, etc. ) was supposed to mean THEY were disgusted for THE GAME ( Yuu’s disturbance ).

— THEY rarely mentioned about 2-. As The One ( 2- ) was supposed to defeat by this number. 8- was supposed Tamber-4’s disturbance but it rarely could be HEARD. And 9- was also. Most of THEM said the number of 6-.

Until this time, I could find the levels of THEIR humiliation. These were below.

1 canossa : THE GAME
10 canossa : The Peaceful Invasion, Tambar-1, Alii
40 canossa : Tambar-4
50 canossa : Tambar-2
60 canossa : MJ-12
70 canossa : cut-in a delusional scene
100 canossa : Imperial Japanese headquarters, CCU, Yakuza, Matrix, MIB ( agent ), cuckoo’s nest
200 canossa:Intruding, Death Stunt
300 canossa : MIB ( movie )
400 canossa : USE and TALK, Ookura
600 canossa : collaborate with The Industry
700 canossa : Yuu
000  canossa:Global Warming
1000 canossa : Haat
3000 canossa : The Intruders
6000 canossa : The Repetition of The Aas
4000000 canossa ; doing USE
6000000 canossa : The lie of Repetition Aas, become The Industry
6000000000 canossa : write this story, doing THE GAME
0000000000000 canossa : change timeline, do Time Works War

— To proceed expanding rumors, THE GAME and The Peaceful Invasion were reduced to low level ( THEY agreed it so ). But for prohibiting to argue above matters, THEY would prohibit to talk about USE and TALK. THEY tried to do it within delusion. And If you suffered six billion Canossa, it would become escapable for THEIR killing. THEY preferred to be praised up, so that it became writable to make THEM admire.
It was effective for your story changed to another. If you know THEIR disliking characters, it was also effective way to write THEM as villain ( Alii, CCU, etc. ). I could SEE some THEIR humiliation on the movie of MIB and Matrix but, THEY allowed them as that these did not make sense. It was supposed to be important for no sense.

By the way, 6 million Canossa was the more awful than 6 billion Canossa. THEY had a room to kill others. THEY were quite strange as like mafia or Yakuza. But there also have the way to mention about. It just destroyed THEIR energy supply or removed THEIR triggers to make events.
And doing THE GAME was seemed to suffer the assassination by Rei people. They supposed to suffer it by future intelligent lives ( The Species ), so that they hated it. I could HEARD some of THEM were warned by Haraher or other Rei people. THEY did THE GAME at that time. The original of Haraher was supposed the first chairman of Riku-Shaa, who suffered THE GAME a little. At first, they supposed to keep an observational attitude for new intelligent lives, after seeing the failures of The One and other new intelligent lives, they seemed to change the observational attitude to interference.

More to tell, Rei people thought The Industry for a problem. It was possibly for the remnant of The One’s intruding. In the planets which were occupied by The One, they would have supposed to have the real power as negative authority. It was one of THEIR conspirations by whom had preferred THE GAME. Their originals had already supposed to die because it was a sin which worthened thousands of deaths. But they only quoted the title of Agatha Christie‘s novel as ‘ And Then There Were None ‘ ( 1996 to now ).
— Rei people offered to save this crisis if we would change the mind. It is not only use me ( maybe one of it ). Yoshua Country would suppose to find it all and won this crisis quickly.

May The Earth in peace.

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