Bodycon Galforce / Act.5 ( written in 1997 )

( Prescription )
This was an example which a text could affect on our feeling. If you could feel a shaggy one on your face, it was successful. It was written all by Japanese, but you did not mind. When you open this page, you could feel this weird one. It was just okay to scroll the story. This was THE POWER by THEM.
In 1997, these had slimy ones more. As a reference, I also uploaded them below. These had stronger abnormity than this page.

If you could understand Japanese language, you would understand how authors were put on brain-busy situation when they made a new story. In this story, I also expressed as it was. The world which reality and fiction were mixed up was. You could realize how the creators were interfered by something.

As the reference, I translated the story below after Japanese text. If you read it well, you might have understood what were the icons created in your mind. By the way, the words lined red marker were the parts which THEY falsified my original text. They had changed the text to the old one somehow. The text we could read was the mixture of old one and new one.




ACT.5 歌う愛のトレンディ大作戦



 この日の会議には、いつものメンバー、国士武僧(こくし むそう)、崇杏子(すう あんこ)、蒋参元(しょう さんげん)の3人に加え、若ぶりな男女ペアが一組参加していた。二人とも若くしてMJ-12のメンバーに選ばれた優秀な改造人間たちである。

 女のほうはウェットなショートカットが特徴的なキャリアウーマン風の女、恋縫(れん ほう)であった。これは世をしのぶ仮の名前であり、本名は音鼓(おとこ)ひでりという。見た目に気が強そうであったが、本当に気が強かった。

 男のほうは流支万岩(ながしまん がん)といった。
 もちろんこれも仮の姿である。本名は娜苑月人(なおん げっと)。見た目には30代の落ち着いたエグゼクティヴにみえる。現実世界では俳優として成功していた。








































 壁にある大型モニターには、とある街角にある洋服屋の今が映し出されていた。ボディコン戦隊のリーダー・志津麗奈(しつ れいな)が経営しているブティック『ロゼ・アルジャン』である。


 モニターには、『rose argent』という小粋な看板が飾られた店の風景が映し出されていた。店の奥に、ここでマヌカンのバイトをしている瑪茄社奈伊(ばかじゃ ない)の姿が映し出されている。ちなみにこの店の店長は門幻菜乃(もんげん なの)であったが、今日は店に出勤していないようであった。

「まずはこのブティック、ロゼ・アルジャンを舞台として恋愛ドラマを作ります。主人公は現時点では特定しません。店長の門幻菜乃、店員の瑪茄社奈伊、八田弥代(やだ いやよ)、あるいはアルバイトの辺那八津子(へんな やつこ)。リーダーの志津麗奈(しつ れいな)をうまく話に取り込むのが最も効果的かと思いますが、うまく話に取り込めた者を今回のヒロインとします。










「―――ちょっとミリタリーなヒロインは夢見る女子高生。いつもステキなベトコンとの出会いを求めて戦場を行ったり来たり。彼女のあこがれは幕僚の山完都(さん かんつ)大佐。でも彼女に大佐は高根の花。彼の前ではうまく口を利くこともできないの。






















*      *      *



































 ∥ こくしむそうは まほうのじゅもん をとなえた。 ∥
 ∥                    ▽  ピロピロピロピ~!
 ∥ ナガシマは うんめいてきなであい をした。   ∥
 ∥ ナイは うんめいてきなであい をした。 ▽   ∥










 荒川渓流下り~to the Yumenoshima~ミスティック・ナイトクルーズ。



『えー、ホントですかぁ? 私も、一度あそこに行ってみたかったんですよ。そこに流支万さんと行けるなんて、夢のよう。。』















 しかし表の看板には“rose argent”と書かれてある。やはりここは彼の目指すブティック『ロゼ・アルジャン』である。客の合間には商品の服を着たマネキンが立っていたが、しかしそのマネキンまでが競馬新聞を握りしめている有り様であった。




















『魔法; 光の門と影の門の間を流れる不可逆的な川の流れの中にあって、その回帰的な有限性の無限性に融合されていく時の泉より摘出された黄金の斧。しいていえば、それは月。アムール』(by.アリオッチ)←おいおい













「はい。アノ=ナガシマさん、1-2 百万買いっち」

「あ、イヤヨ。1-2 百万買いっち」


「俺も、1-2 一万買いっち」

「ワシも、1-2 五千買いっち!」


















 ∥ こくしむそうが あらわれた!               ∥
 ∥ すうあんこが あらわれた!                ∥
 ∥ モンスターは いきなりおそいかかってきた!        ∥
 ∥ すうあんこは こくしむそうをまもらねばならない…。    ∥
 ∥                         ▽   ∥
 ∥ こくしむそうは りんりいいんかい のじゅもんをとなえた。 ∥
 ∥ こくしむそうは りんりいいんにへんしんした!       ∥
 ∥ さくしゃは でんげんをきった。              ∥
 ∥ とつぜんモニターがきえた!               ∥
 ∥                         ▽   ∥
 ∥ こくしむそうが にげだした!              ∥
 ∥ すうあんこに1919ポイントのダメージ!!        ∥
 ∥ せんとうがしゅうりょうした。          ▽   ∥
 ∥ パーティーは13Gずつのしゃっきんと203ポイントずつ  ∥
 ∥ のけいけんちをかくとくした。                        ▽   ∥
 ∥ すうあんこはレベルアップした。             ∥
 ∥ パクリが2つアップした!                ∥
 ∥                         ▽   ∥
 ∥ ウソが9つアップした!                 ∥
 ∥                         ▽   ∥
 ∥ つみが1つアップした!                 ∥
 ∥ バージョンが2.9.1になった!                ▽   ∥






















*      *      *

 山完都(さん かんつ)、通称カンツ大佐は、また本部から理不尽な命令を受けていた。














*      *      *



















*      *      *









「おい、二百山コーチ! アンタが先頭に立って突撃するんでしょ!」
















√ 教えて~ くだ~さい。この世で ハゲが 治せるのなぁらば…♪
  すべての~ オヤジに~ ハゲ薬 与えてほしい~♯
  ア○○カ 効きまーすか?
  サ××スは どぉーですか?
  僕の大切な 毛がまた抜けまーした♪♪
  教えて~ ください……♭


 八津子は爆弾が掘った穴に隠れながら、そう思った(目本音楽著作権協会審査No.203 ウソ)。八津子はくだらない戦いに巻き込まれたと思いつつも、じっと戦場から脱出する機会をうかがった。しかし下手に顔を出せば敵に撃たれるだけである。

















「あー! 愛宝センセーが逃げてるぅ!」







 八津子は戦う覚悟を決めた。彼女は近くで倒れていたサラリーマンから携帯電話を拝借すると、暗刻指令(あんこー しれい)に電話し、ボディコン戦隊の出動を要請した。敵は女子高生も襲っているので、ボディコン戦隊が出動する大義名分はいくらでも立つ。











































































《新戸町サファリランド; 新戸町CCパークの南に位置する野生動物放し飼い地帯。都会のジャングルに本物のジャングルを、という訳分からない都市緑化計画の名目のもとにサファリ化された公園。入園無料。ジャングルの動物からサバンナの動物まで、生の生態を観察できるとってもアニマルな場所。(新戸町カサデラス調査隊)》

「――大佐! 後方からボディコン戦隊!!」














































《やはりエロいっっ!!》(.by 皆の声)

*      *      *








 すると、手前のモニター画面が切り返され、そこにまた戦場には不釣り合いな満州服に赤星の毛皮帽という姿の小男が現れてきた。MJ-12の改造人間担当、蒋参元(しょう さんげん)である。

 国士武僧は非情に言い切った。ちなみに蒋参元の本名は綿反品鑼一(めんたんぴん どらいち)。謎の中国人ではない。










 それはドリモグ(ドリリング・モグラ・グループ)の名曲『ROB!ROB! ROB!』なのかもしれない(目本音楽著作権協会審査No.204)。














(ACT.5 エンド)

( Translation )

The Bodycon Gal-Force

ACT. 5 Trendy Musical with Love

Here was the B13 floor of Casa de New Door City (新戸町カサデラス).

As usual, at that day, MJ-12 ( Mahjong Stick Twelve ), the evil secret society of sexual harassment, continued to discuss how to destroy the Bodycon Gal-force sleeplessly.
There were the usual members —— Kokushi-Musō (国士武僧), Sū Anko (崇杏子), and Shō Sangen (蒋参元), in addition, there were a young male-female pair also participated in the meeting. Both of them were excellent cyborgs who were selected as members of MJ-12 at a young age.

The woman was Renhō (恋縫), who looked a career woman with a wet short haircut. It was a secret name but her real name was Otoko Hideri (音鼓ひでり: no boyfriend ). She looked strong-willed, but she really was strong-willed.

The man’s name was Nagashiman Gan (流支万岩).
It was also a secret name, but his real name was Naon Getto (娜苑月人: hunt a girl ). He looked a calm executive in his 30s. In the real world, he was a successful actor.

Although the two were slightly different in background, they were both famous on TV as trendy entertainers. That was why they asked for help in this operation.

Sū Anko presented her operation in front of Kokushi-Musō.

“……Until now, when we have faced at the strong enemy the Bodycon Gal-force, we’ve challenged them with force.
But to see the defeat of Tenbō (テン坊) and Chibō (チー坊), the Bodycon Gal-force have shown their professional skills by taking a step back and running away to win against our brute force.”

“They’re still doing it even though still green.”

Renhō said.

“The only reason they can fight so calmly is because the Bodycon Gal-force are a highly trained organization.”

“Do you really think so?” Kokushi-Musō blurted out, but his words went unheard by Anko.

Anko continued her presentation.

“A good organization has a good chain of command. The first we should do is that we will destroy this chain.
If we can draw into this chain then destroy it or disrupt it, it becomes a great advantage to win.
However, the chain of command, as is a ‘magnificent world’, is so strong to destroy.”

“Their world is so spiritual that we cannot destroy it physically, mah,”
said Shō Sangen. He was a mad scientist of MJ-12.

“Yes, that’s right,”
Anko agreed it, with little surprising.

“A complete spiritual world is perfect. It is proven by China’s 4,000-year history, yah”
he adds. He said something out of his character.

“If there is a way to destroy the command based on that elusive spiritual world, it is that we are going to create a special spiritual world superior than theirs, then drive it out, and take it over!”

Kokushi-Musō listened to her story admiringly, but asked her back,

“Is there any other spiritual world that can break through such an unrivaled world?”

“I don’t know,” Anko said.
“But I can find the difference between their self-righteous world and ours. The Bodycon Gal-Force is not ‘trendy ( in style )’. They’re too self-centered to be fashioned!
I found there an opportunity to exploit the Bodycon Gal-Force. Fortunately, only one of them is blessed with a man. So I called two stars who are now trendy. Come on, Renhō and Nagashiman Gan”

Anko introduced them to Kokushi-Musō.

“What if, one day, the members of the Bodycon Gal-Force were suddenly caught up in a storm of trendy love? Even though they are women, they can’t help but forget all and get caught up with this love storm!”

“Here’s the plan.”

The time Anko said so, Renhō snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, the lights were turned off, the whole room was plunged into darkness. The stage assistants who dressed in black appeared in the darkness, started moving so hard, then left a diorama in front of Kokushi-Musō, and ran away. It was a panoramic diorama of New Door City, but it was not certain what it was for. The assistants made it with sleepless again!
Anko and Renhō had stood in front of them, a spotlight was put on them by the assistants. They were now, dressed in white lab coats and black glasses, as like researchers.

“To talk about ‘trendy’, it’s my turn.”
Renhō declared so, adjusting the wrong-suited glasses.

” Renhō, you too……”
Kokushi-Musō muttered regretfully.

“I will get the Bodycon Gal-Force cornered to an everlasting love storm,”
Renhō said. Anko continued.

“We have prepared the name of this operation. The operation name is ——

—Trendy Musical with Love —
  ‘Please tell me that you love me forever in the name of a marriage proposal for the 101st time,
  even to the ends of the earth.’ (too long)

—That’s all.”

As she spoke, some BGM began to play. The melody, which evoked sweet, sorrowful feelings of love, was by the famous singing group “Off Road”.

“I forced the famous group “Off Road” to write this song especially. Whenever the camera will catch my face with zoom-in, this song starts playing suddenly and emotionally.”

Renhō declared it positively.

At this time, the reason why this song started playing suddenly was because someone somewhere had caught a close-up shot of Renhō. It’s not clear the method, but as soon as she entered the camera frame, the song started playing suddenly. There were a lot of assistants dressed in black at the around of her, they were always trying to catch her face. It was as like they were making a drama.

“It does not matter but, Anko. Does this operation name clear the copyright? I don’t care if you offend the original copyrights as like some author did it then update the version soon.” ( cf. I stole the concept of My Dear Future from Japanese TV a little before. )
Kokushi-Musō was a bit worried.

“It’s okay. We have nothing to do with copyrights (no good). In any case, it’s only a story this author would be punished (Stop it!).”

Anko declared so clearly.

Kokushi-Musō kept a distance from this operation. He decided to observe it.

Anko got into the point.

“Now, tell you our plan.
First, the setting is here, at the boutique “rosé argent” in New Door City.”

A large monitor on the wall showed the current state of this shop on the street. The boutique “rosé argent” was managed by Shitsu Reina (志津麗奈: what a rude ), the leader of Bodycon Gal-Force.

(to be continued)

The monitor showed a scene of a shop which signboard was stylish and named “rosé argent”. In this shop, a clerk was there —— Bakaja Nai (瑪茄社奈伊: you’re fool ). The chief of clerk was Mongen Nano (門幻菜乃: it’s my curfew ), but she didn’t seem to be at work today.

“First of all, I will create a love drama setting in this boutique, rosé argent. I have not yet specified the main character. The main characters will be the chief of clerk, Mongen Nano, and the clerks —— Bakaja Nai and Yada Iyayo (八田弥代: no, I can’t ), and a part-time worker, Henna Yatsuko (辺那八津子: you’re crazy ). I think it will be best to catch the manager, Shitsu Reina, into this story, but I will regard anyone whom I can catch into this story as a heroine.
For now, I choose Bakaja Nai. I think is the best target, as the main character.”

The monitor showed Bakaja Nai yawning boredly at the counter.

“The story starts from accidentally meeting Nagashima (Nagashiman Gan) with this heroine. She feels so lonely in a workplace because she is surrounded by women. She meets the cool, trendy and conservative young executive man, Nagashima.”

“Make them meet each other at any costs —— their shoulders hit each other on the street, a big mistake at work is for him, he repairs her on the street, they meet each other at a drinking party by chance, she think wrong for him whom had molested her on a train, in fact, they are both molesting fellows —— I don’t choose to get in touch.
Anyway, they both get to know each other, then Nagashima begins to visit her store. However, it occurs another drama. Nagashima was the former lover of Mongen Nano, who is the heroine’s boss. This dramatic reunion makes a delicate love triangle between them.”

“Her boss, Mongen Nano, wants to get back Nagashima’s love, but he cannot forget about the heroine. Things get complicated, and the heroine is cornered to quite a bad position. With friction between her boss and Nagashima, the heroine is unable to bear it and runs out of the store, going on a journey in search of new love.

Thus, one member of the Bodycon Gal-Force was gone, creating an unbearable rift in this group. Their chain of command will be in pieces for a long time. But this love storm will not stop there.

A new love creates a second heroine.
The heroine of the second love is set to be Henna Yatsuko. She is a boyish high school girl who knows nothing of men, and she would have no mean against this love storm. Thus this trendy drama is changed from being about office ladies to being about young girls.”

“Let me explain from here,”
Renhō declared, taking over from Anko.

Suddenly, the sweet and sorrowful Off-road’s music started playing in the background. Some assistant’s camera must have zoomed in on the face of Renhō. It looked like somebody would shout “Come on!”
But Renhō started explaining the story in a strangely girly voice (in the style of Minaguchi Yūko).

“The heroine is a bit military-ish high school girl with dreaming a lot. She goes around the battlefields for hitting a wonderful meet with Viet Cong. Her love is dedicated to San Kantsu (山完都). He is Colonel of this mission. But he is out of her league. She can’t even talk with him well.
To get his high impression, she goes attacking the Viet Cong camp, but she failed. She is severely scolded by the colonel.
Private Yada Iyayo only supports her. She encourages her brightly, but she is a troublesome who cannot distinguish between war and video games. The colonel is more attracted with Major Renhō, who is attached to the headquarters, than the heroine. The relationship with Renhō is growing up than hers…
One day, the Viet Cong attack with large numbers then her camp is thrown into chaos. The colonel’s unit is faced at a severe situation, and also the heroine is in chaos. But Major Renhō quickly reorganizes her unit, then rescues the colonel’s unit immediately. Renhō left her on the battlefield, because she cannot follow me. And then, we fall in love, get married, and have a happy ending. Oh, it’s wonderful…”

Renhō’s presentation finally ended in self-satisfied.

“—— Is there something wrong for the setting?”

Kokushi-Musō asked.

“No problem.”

Renhō declared clearly.

As something wrong for the setting is the story Bodycon Gal-Force itself is so, Kokushi-Musō did not argue it anymore. In addition, San Kantsu was a famous cyborg who had once belonged to a special force after returning from Vietnam War, so the character setting itself is not unreasonable.

“Anyway, the heroine and her friend are captured by the Viet Cong, and thus the Bodycon Gal-Force loses two important members again.”

Renhō added. Her story was ended, then Anko returns to explain the story.

“So now that the surviving members of the Bodycon Gal-Force, a third love storm would attack. What happens twice happens a third time. Our attack would not be ended here.
Next one is a story about love struggle with man and woman by handicapped.”

“The third heroine is set to Shitsu Reina. This time, the heroine is set to be a high society woman, so that sense, it is compatible with Mongen Nano. If she is not damaged by the first love storm, it is considered to make her this heroine. One day, Shō Sangen appears in front of her. Shizu Reina is an adult woman who is satisfied with her job but not with love. As usual, we won’t choose the way of contact. If someone has already succeeded in contacting the Bodycon Gal-Force, I think it’s okay to say that he is the friend. Shō Sangen, the ugly and short-legged man, falls in love with the heroine at first sight. As like it is the last chance, he makes a vigorous attack on her. The heroine is attracted to Shō Sangen, but he did not speak somehow.
Yes. He cannot speak…”

“The heroine, Shitsu Reina, keeps a distance from Sangen, but she is somehow attracted by his efforts. While she tries to understand what he is saying, she is gradually drawn into his mad otaku world, and by the 101st time, she is reborn as a cyborg unconsciously.
One by one, all the members of the Bodycon Gal-Force are caught up in the love storms, and those who can survive have already suffered serious love-scars, so they cannot fight with new cyborgs we have sent. Because the unit which has collapsed by internal struggle has no organized resistance. That’s all.”

Anko’s presentation was finished at last.

“You would be better to become writers.”
Kokushi-Musō commented.

“We will.”

Anko and Renhō thank him sincerely.

“All right,” said Kokushi-Musō.

As usual, they carried out an operation using a secret code name. In fact, they have their own “Magical Calendar” that they created themselves, and all of their events are governed by it.

“Let’s put this into action right away. Today is the 3rd day of the month Magical Chappy. Therefore, the operation name is Episode 3, “ What‘s the Daddy’s shop”. — Got it?”

“Sieg Zeon!”

Anko and the others responded with an anime-like salute.

(to be continued)

*                 *                *

Nagashiman Gan, the main member of MJ-12, wandered around New Door City in order to get the mind of Bakaja Nai. His black Autumn suit looked stylish, and he was constantly checking his appearance by the building mirror.
Whether his tie is crooked, whether his back looks crooked, whether the hairstyle is messy, whether others think he is strange, etc. He is now playing the role of “Nagashima”, who was a calm handsome man in his early 30s.
He got sensitive to the passions of women passing by him, but he continued to search for Nai, the target.

She was in the downtown area of New Door City, wandering on the street without any particular purpose.

Catching his target, Nagashiman brushed his hair back slightly. The plan had begun. He approached to Nai calmly. In his hand, there was a box with a cake inside. His plan was to hit and drop this cake down, using it as an opportunity to know each other.

That day, Nai was just wandering around town. She never expected to have such a fateful encounter with him. Her eyes were wandering through the town, and suddenly, she noticed a signboard of pachinko parlor. She instinctively headed to this pachinko parlor.
Suddenly changed the direction, and Nagashiman passed by her, with saying “Ahh.”

With this, his plan to hit and drop a cake was completely failed. However, he was not a type of discouraged by such a thing. He continued stalking Nai until he could hit and drop.

He intended to succeed in contacting Nai in a day. He waited for Nai to come out of the pachinko parlor.

However, no matter how much time passed, there was no sign she was coming out. Nai could get a huge amount of money from one pachinko machine. Still, he continued waiting. Love even required patience. Just doing that, he wasted the precious time for a half day.

It was already late at night, Nai came out of this parlor, after reached to the limitation of win. She held in arms with a mount of prizes.

His eyes lit up. The chance had come. She couldn’t see ahead well. He walked quickly towards her. They were almost crashed, but the last moment, Nai suddenly changed the direction for something remembered. She forgot to exchange the money. She turned towards the exchange office, and so on, he was just passing through the beside of Nai again.

“She can!”

He was amazed at how she could dodge the attack.

He crashed into the window of pachinko parlor, however, Nai didn’t notice that, after exchanging the money, she went home. It was so late today.

Nagashiman accidentally crushed the cake in his hand, but he is not a type of discouraged by such a thing. He threw the crushed cake off, then pursued Nai, who was hurrying home. Love always forced such sacrifice.
He tried to get in touch with Nai somehow, but the way looked like a salaryman who had gone to a wrong way like molesting. Actually, he could do it, but he didn’t think so because he thought it would hinder his plan. He would lose the fame as a handsome man.

While he was challenging, Nai arrived at home. He was only standing there in shock.

The wonderful encounter with her was put on hold today.

However, Nagashiman did not give up and walked around Nai’s house many times, with taking out binoculars to look at Nai’s room. He had to make the natural relationship somehow. Love required prior investigation. Pretending a detective, he investigated this area around boldly.
As the result, he found out that Nai had a bicycle. He was a bad man. He considered making this bike easy to puncture. He thought, when she was in trouble with puncture, he appeared suddenly, then become familiar with each other.
Nagashiman immediately put it into action.

He spent all night for making Nai’s bike more fragile, and even filed the tire tubes to make them more likely to puncture. His actions gradually looked like a crime, but it didn’t matter because his intention was sexual harassment from the start. Love was always risky. And even if she got hurt and he cured it, he could get familiar with her the more.

He then broke into a nearby bike shop, then stole some repair tools.

He was standing in front of her house until the next day. He had thrown caltrops all over the street, making it easy to puncture. These were that he had stolen from a nearby ninja house.

He waited for her to come out of the house, but she never went out for a day. She was off today. As she had earned her food the day before by pachinko, there was no need for her to go out.
Nagashiman could take his eyes off Nai, whose behavior was unpredictable, so he continued standing in front of her house. In the meantime, she got caught on a caltrop in the street, causing accidents involving two cars, three bicycles, and four dogs and cats. However, this was unavoidable. Love was a selfish own world, and never be afraid of making any sacrifices.

The next day, finally she appeared outside.

But she went to work on foot……

Meanwhile, another car was caught in the caltrops and crashed. Nagashiman finally had to admit that his plan was failed. It was difficult to contact her on his own. So he stole a mobile phone from that crashed car, then called to the headquarters of MJ-12.

“……Nagashiman failed to contact Nai,”
reported Sū Anko, who received the phone call.

“I see…”
At first, Kokushi-Musō listened to the report in the air.

(to be continued)

“……Nagashiman failed to contact Nai,”
reported Sū Anko, who received the phone call.

“I see…”
At first, Kokushi-Musō listened to the report in the air.

“Ya, this is Nagashiman. I ask you a meeting with the target as soon as possible.”

The voice on the phone was being monitored by the headquarters, but Kokushi-Musō did not respond it yet. However, he was in style calling by a mobile phone.

Kokushi-Musō was hesitating for a moment what to do, but he didn’t want to continue this rambling conversation, so he decided to just chant a magic spell.

Kokushi-Musō emerged!
Kokushi-Musō chanted a spell.
           ▽ piro piro pii——
Nagashima got a fateful encounter.
Nai got a fateful encounter.

—— Thus, Nagashiman got had a fateful encounter with Nai, then he decided to visit the boutique where she worked. He’d already created the scenario how to make his encounter with Mongen Nano so fateful. That’s in his head……

(From here, it was in his head)

……In order to deepen the love with Nai the more, I wore a traditional and stylish black suit, then visited Nai’s boutique, in the name of “coming by at work”.

“Hi, Nagashiman-san!”

As soon as she saw me, she said in surprise. She just met me by chance, her mind was already on me as like loving so much.

“I got a chance coming by at work. So I dropped,”
I said, hiding my eagerness to see her.

“Thank you for coming here, even though you are busy.”

She thanked me with a sales smile. There was still some distance between us, but there was no doubt that I had a good impression of her. Just a little more. So I decided to bring out a special prop.

“Here are the tickets.

Arakawa River Rafting to Yumenoshima —— Mystic Night Cruise.

“I have two tickets, but no one to go with. I ask you go with. How about tonight?”

Nai’s eyes lit up when I said so. The Arakawa River was now that the most gorgeous and hip-hop place all people hairy became hustle was. She always wanted to visit there.

“Oh really? I’ve always wanted to go there. It’s unbelievable to go with you.”

She became innocently happy. It was likely the hottest honeymoon night for me.

Suddenly, my mobile phone rang.
I quickly took it out and dealt with the unexpected task. I demonstrated to her that I was a capable man by completing this task.

“You can treat your job well, can’t you?”

She sighed in admiration for my work then sent me the more passionate gaze. She looked pretty so much than to think it a capable man just doing such a thing, but I put my phone away then took out my ticket instead.

Seeing this, her eyes changed the color.

“Nai-chan, who are you?”

Suddenly a voice came from inside.

When I turned back, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was a familiar figure. The person who appeared from the back of the store was Mongen Nano, who was the only woman I had once trusted. She had become the manager of this boutique now. Her face, with its friendly sales smile, met my gaze, and it gradually changed to a surprise. Something of destined one was bursting between us at the moment……

《Come on!》


Suddenly, somewhere, the Off-Road’s song started playing. Some assistant’s camera must have caught a Renhō ‘s face by zoom-in.
As that song started playing loudly all around, everyone of there looked around in surprise, then asking, “What’s going on?” or “What’s wrong?”
Nagashiman was also brought back to reality from his scenario in the head, and he hastily looked around. Because someone’s camera must have captured a Renhō ‘s face.

Assuming from the volume of song, she must be there in very close. If the camera turned to Renhō’s hard-looking face, it would be the end at all. Everything would start going for her.
But fortunately, Renhō was nowhere to be seen. Nagashiman couldn’t help but sigh in relief, as he wanted to meet her only in the last moment.

While worrying so, he arrived at the boutique “rosé argent”. Pulled himself back to reality from the world he immersed in, he straightened the collar of his suit. He could threw it off completely. Then, with acting as Nagashima, he stepped into his destination, rosé argent.

“rosé argent” was bustling with customers at that day.

Nagashiman first stepped into this shop, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He considered it that he came into a wrong place. There were many men who were gr asping newspapers, and horse racing radio was played for BGM.
But the signboard at outside was “rosé argent”. It was definitely the boutique he was aiming for. Mannequins dressed in the clothes between the customers, but even the mannequins were grasping the horse racing newspapers.

Mongen Nano was sitting at the shop counter. But she was only glaring at a horse racing newspaper with smoking a cigarette. It was that he didn’t know well however, she was a unique horse racing fan.

The customers were glaring at her for long. They were greed for getting money by listening to her predictions. So they were paying all attentions for Nano’s every move, then creating an strange atmosphere in there.

Anyway, Nagashiman decided to look for Bakaja Nai.

She was standing there, next to Nano. She was busy taking the betting orders by phone. He emerged ahead of her, brushing his hair aside, then gave her a gentle look.

“Hello. Do you remember? This is Nagashima at that time.”

Nagashiman, acting as Nagashima, looked into Nai’s eyes, then spoke so. His hot gaze stealing her heart was not right, soon she looked away. She was busy with the betting order. She just considered he was one of the horse racing fans hanging around her. It’s no wonder. He was holding a horse racing newspaper in his hand unknowingly.

— “It can’t really say so much, but if you go there, you’ll find yourself with a horse racing newspaper in your hand,” said an insider. —

“Ha!” —— He exclaimed in surprise, threw the horse racing newspaper down and checked his clothes in a nearby mirror. After remaking his face a handsome man, he emerged ahead of Nai again. However, the red pen was still stuck in his ear.
He couldn’t notice it, then sent a gentle look again. But she did not notice his existence for so long. Stuck to the betting orders, her eyes were not on him. It could not be helped, he would talk to her again.

“Hello. I’m Nagashima, the person who met the hearts the time when met the shoulders.”

He spoke so, Nai finally noticed his existence. However, there was no reaction the after. Whether the spell chanted by Kokushi-Musō was wrong, she showed a complexed reaction. It was like she remembered, or not remembered.
So he talked to her again.

“Hello. I’m Nagashima, the person who met the hearts the time when met the shoulders.”

Heard that, her eyes began to sparkle.

“Ahh! At that time. It’s you. A Super Cub crashed into you then danced by naked?!”

Her response was quite strange.

(to be continued)

*                 *                *

“Ahh! At that time. It’s you. A Super Cub crashed into you then danced by naked?!”

Her response was quite strange.

“Y-yes. That Nagashima is.”

He was also confused, but anyway, he went along with her story. It seemed to work wrong for Kokushi-Musō’s chanting. He cursed the accuracy of leader’s spell, but there was no way.

Magic: A golden axe extracted from the fountain of time, in the irreversible flow of the river between the gate of light and the gate of shadow, where the recurrent finiteness is fused into the infinity. If it were said, it’s The Moon or Amur”

(by Arioch) ←What?!

“It’s been a while. What’s up with you today?”

Nai asked Nagashiman. He was taking out the ticket when his eyes met Mongen Nano. She was standing nearby him.
Nano just turned her head to him, when she noticed Nai was talking to someone, but as soon as her eyes met him, she suddenly stopped moving and began to look at each other.
Both were gazing at each other for a while.

“That Nagashima-san?”
She asked his name.

“Yes, that’s right. That Nagashima is.”

He was surprising at the unexpected contact with Nano, he immediately shifted to a different love mode, the next love romance.
It began the scene2 : “A surprising reunion.”
Nano’s eyes were opened widely as if she reminded something, and his eyes also widen in sync.

《Come on!》


Suddenly, that sad theme song started playing between them. Both got excited again for the fateful song played.
By his passionate gaze, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes got watering. He was worried about Renhō was emerging with this song, although he couldn’t take his eyes off Nano, he just continued gazing at her passionately.

“Your eyes has the worth of a million dollars. You’re beautiful…,”

said so, he walked towards her.

“I’m defeated your eyes…”

Nano looked away, seemingly worn down by his sincere gaze. But the next moment, her eyes suddenly change the color, and she fired off a buy order,
“Yes, That Nagashima, buy 1-2 by a million dollars.”
To tell the truth, she was doing a black business here secretly. Upon receiving a large order unexpectedly, her voice somehow rose. She misunderstood his pickup line

“Hi, Iyayo. The buy order, a ticket 1-2 by a million dollars.”

Nai immediately called it to the betting office. She also misunderstood his line.

“I’ll buy 1-2, by 10,000 as well.”

“I’ll buy 1-2, 5,000 as well!”

“I’ll buy 3,000!”

From the people around him, similar purchase orders started. They all followed Nano’s order.
Nagashiman hurried to stop Nai, but he couldn’t. She was so busy to treat the buying orders that she did not notice Nagashiman’s pleas.

“Have I been framed?”

He was stunned, but there was no way to run away from this. He had no intention of spending a million dollars on a bet, but there still remained a mission to be familiar with Nano.
So Nagashiman took out his phone and decided to call the headquarters of MJ-12. But when he realized he was holding the horse racing newspaper in his hand, he hastily threw it away. He picked up his phone then made a call.

But there’s still a red pen stuck in his ear……

“Yes, this is the headquarters of MJ-12, a secret society of sexual harassment which has rented out the entire B13th floor of Casa de New Door City, mah,”
Shō Sangen answered from the phone.

“This is Nagashiman, but it’s not plotted the point of that Nano and I once loved each other. Please ask the boss to make it properly.”

He yelled at Shō Sangen. Their conversation was being monitored by Kokushi-Musō and Sū Anko with telephone. He interrupted their conversation.

“No way. Buy off this author.”

He refused it coldly. As Nagashiman was only a character, he could not do such a thing.

“You must do it, otherwise you will fail it. Make Nano and I were once loving each other. I can’t create the love triangle well.

“Your excellency, if you don’t chant the spell again, my plan will be ruined,”
asked Anko, too.

“You never know what will happen,”
Kokushi-Musō threw the words to Anko.

“Do something about that,”
Anko asked again.

“The responsibility is on you.”

It became a parting shot to Anko.

—— Suddenly, the author’s computer was hacked.

Kokushi-Musō emerged!
Sū Anko emerged!
Suddenly Monsters attacked!
Sū Anko must protect Kokushi-Musō…
Kokushi-Musō chanted a spell of Ethics Committee!
Kokushi-Musō transformed to a member of Ethics Committee!

The author turned off his PC!
Suddenly the monitor turned to blank screen!
Kokushi-Musō ran away!
Damaged to Sū Anko by1919 (I’m coming) points!!
Battle finished.
Party got every 13G debt and experienced by every 203 points.
Sū Anko leveled up.
Offence of copyright increased by 2.
Deceit increased by 9.
Guiltiness increased by 1.
Her version became 2.9.1 (にくい: hateful)!

—— Thus, the character’s challenge to the author was prevented by the author’s amazing tact in turning off his PC, and Nagashiman’s trendy operation was also ended in failure.

Nagashiman was alone, standing at the pier of Yumenoshima. He was glaring at the setting sun……

He brushed his hair back then lit a cigarette he was handing. He took out the tickets for the Arakawa River Cruise which he went with Nai, ripped them off then threw them into the sea. He was always a handsome man.

“Is that your all?”

A female voice came from the behind suddenly.

When he turned back, she was there, Renhō.

“Have you given up on Nai-chan, by such a thing?”
Renhō gave a lovely cheer. Her eyes looked brilliant in the setting sun.

“I’m not as persistent as you are,”
Nagashiman retorted.

“I was thinking to appear as your current lover or something, but I cannot appear in such situation,”
Renhō said, giving a lovely glare to him.

“Is that your all?”

“This operation was failed. It’s better to give up.”

“Failure isn’t our option on MJ-12.”

“Shut up! It’s your weird BGM changed all the conversation to be weird!”
He said angrily.

“—— I understand.”
The smile disappeared from Renhō’s face.

“I’ll tell you the reason why you lost.”

She said so with anger, walking quickly towards him, and sent him a kick.


He was falling into the sea, keeping a handsome man.

“Because my scenes were too few!”
She replied, Then relieved from all things.

It’s not sure whether it was the true reason for their defeat, but it was not the end of this operation, from here, a trendy school drama with Renhō would be begun——

(to be continued)

*                 *                *

San Kantsu (山完都), commonly known as Colonel Kantz, had received an unfounded order from his headquarters again.

“Do you want me to become a person of whom Henna Yatsuko looks up to?”

“Yes,” said Renhō.

“Henna Yatsuko is a gun mania, so that you’re the perfect person for this mission. I’ve arranged for you to be her school’s physical teacher, so get her attention to love.”

Renhō said in a commanding tone.

He was over fifty and still being under command by kids like Renhō, but he was originally a specialist who belonged to a special forces unit during the Vietnam War. The reason why he pledged his loyalty to MJ-12 was because he was fascinated by the personality of Kokushi-Musō. But he ended up in this situation.
For MJ-12, he worked as an intelligence, but formally, he was the head detective who manages the Kants Detective Agency. He was famous in this job as a Viet Cong (Vietnam complex) man. However, he was a bald, strong man, and has no experience of romance. Nothing to say, neither with a high school girl.
He had initially refused this mission, but when Kokushi-Musō asked him to cooperate with Renhō’s operation, there was no choice but to accept. However, he was not good at love affairs, so he passed this mission to a subordinate in the same business.

The person chosen was a new-coming detective, Haibara Amarōta (榛原亜麻郎太).

This man was not a young executive like Nagashiman, he was a bright good-looking youth. With the influence of Colonel Kantz, he became independent as a detective and even set up an office in a corner of New Door City. Colonel Kantz called him by mobile phone, and forced him to do this mission.

“……That’s it. You must intrude the school where the girl named Henna Yatsuko goes, as a physical teacher Guadalcanal Kantz, then attract her.”

He told so as like giving an order to his soldier.

Although the mission was unclear, the intruding to a girls’ school openly was good.

“An executive named Renhō will back up your activities. Do your best. If you’re successful, You’ll become Pinfu (ピンフ) or other.”

He said such a matter that Amarōta still couldn’t understand, and hung up the phone one-sidedly. He was primarily an investigative specialist, not a combat trooper.
The staff officers of MJ-12 spent too much money on such strange operations, he could not use money for the investigations so much, which often interrupted his activities. In addition, he did not want to drag into this kind of job, the love affair. He thought such an unfounded mission was better for using a novice man like Amarōta. He was a sacrificial pawn.

However, speaking of Amarōta, he couldn’t help but just grin with intruding to the girl’s school.

*                 *                *

As the bell rang for the start of class, Renhō appeared before Henna Yatsuko and her classmates. She was their recently transferred teacher, Ms. Aihō.

“Today’s physical class is an off-campus training session. For this, I’ve invited a special and wonderful teacher. Here’s, Mr. Guadalcanal,”
said so, she was calling out to The Colonel Kantz. However, the man who appeared was Amarōta, who wore a jersey.

《Come on!》

Suddenly, Renhō’s face was zoomed in, then the sweet and sad melody of Off-Road began to play. Previous trendy operation was still going.
The sudden music caused everyone to look around in confusion. Amarōta either did not heard about this music, so he just looked around in confusion, too.


Renhō exclaimed cheerfully, running towards Amarōta.

Waving her hand, she ran up to him, but suddenly kicked him down. He was hit his face hardly.

“It’s not Colonel Kantz!”
She retorted severely.

“I’m here on behalf of him. It’s his order,”
Amarōta tried to explain, holding his nose.

“Oh, is that so?”

“Don’t attack me,”
She said coldly.

— No one can attack her! — Amarōta.shouted in his mind.

Renhō was angry at Colonel Kantz’s betrayal, but since she had introduced him as Guadalcanal Kantz, it couldn’t be helped. She decided to punish Colonel Kantz later, then continued the plan with Amarōta as Guadalcanal Kantz.
Amarōta was following to Renhō and stood at the girls. He looked at his target, Henna Yatsuko. He heard that she was a pretty girl with two-blocks short hair, but when he looked around her, there were many similar faces lined up. He could not find her.

Renhō introduced Guadalcanal Kantz then began to explain about the outdoor lesson.

“Today we will be going to Central Park of New Door City. Guadalcanal Kantz will give you the details.”

Said so, Amarōta took out a document and read it aloud.

“Operational Duty (…?)
The activity of young baldness became stronger in Central Park of New Door City. The battle over the baldness and its anti-baldness medicine was going on here every day, and the problem of young baldness cannot be ignored even for high school girls.
You all will also be dispatched to Central Park of New Door City, then will occupy the enemy camp and obtain the information about baldness. That’s all. (…?)”

He just read it out following as Colonel Kantz told. As Colonel Kantz didn’t tell the details, Amarōta had no idea what it would mean……

*                 *                *

The roar of cannon fires came from the further.

☆ Bom! ☆ Bom! ☆ Bo♂m! ☆

Bombs beat the enemy’s camp so hard on the hills ahead.


A bald man roared angrily.

By this order, the salarymen started crawling out of the trenches then began a fierce charge towards the hill. They all were arming with bags and umbrellas as weapons. But they were all bald!

Renhō also ordered Henna Yatsuko and the other students.

Following this order, the female students, wearing camouflage pants and helmets, began to crawl out of the trenches. However, Amarōta still kept in his position, not crawling out of the trench. He couldn’t understand this abnormity of high school girls suddenly starting a war, but none of the girls around him thought it abnormal.

“Hey, Mr. Guadalcanal! You must lead the charge ahead!”

Renhō grabbed his neck, then mercilessly threw him out of the trench.

“It’s not my story!”

He screamed. His story were enjoying the exercise with the bloomers of high school girls! (←just selfish imagination), but now everyone was wearing camouflage pants. His face was filled with the frustration as his ulterior motives have been leaked.
Renhō pulls out her gun from her waist then pointed at him.

“Charge or die!”

She threatened him showing the gun. Whether she will kill him truly, she went to a heavy machine gun nearby her, then started firing mercilessly.


He hastily ran off to the top of the hill, reminding that he had to become a person Henna Yatsuko was attracted.

Anyway, speaking of Henna Yatsuko, she and her classmates were at the rear side of the troops advancing to the top of the hill. However the front-line troops were running up the hill under heavy enemy’s gunfire, her line still could march on foot.
It’s not the matter for her as the battle over the baldness and the anti-baldness medicine, but she went with the flow. However, she didn’t have any weapons. Instead, Teacher Aihō handed her a bamboo broom. Did she want her to clean the battlefield up? Yatsuko picked up the binoculars then looked over the attacking forces charging near the top of the hill.

(to be continued)

Looking through by her binoculars, there could be seen a fierce battle going on up the hill.

The charging salarymen were like shaking the earth, but the enemy was well-organized. They unleashed the barrage of machine gun fire and bombs from their bunkers and pillboxes.

Continuously, the lines of salarymen were cut down, the bombs blew them away. There were many wigs on their heads flying to the sky. Soon, the hill was covered with miserable salarymen.
But they never gave it up by such a thing. They continued charging, after being over their comrades, then cut down by the machine gun fire. It looked like the aliens who could move after dying.

But the charging lines were quickly annihilated, then the high school girls, including Yatsuko, were stood at the front. But the machine gun fires were attacking to them mercilessly.

Suffering their attacks, the high school girls were screaming and running away in all directions. Yatsuko also hurriedly ran into nearby the cover. The bombs were exploded around Yatsuko, her classmates could not help but screaming. There was no chance to attack anymore.
By this, the charge which was not certain who ordered was ended in complete failure. Silence returned to the battlefield, and there only saw the miserable salarymen who could move slightly on the slope of the hill.

From the battlefield, it’s not sure who was singing, a sad music was played.

√ Please tell me, if you can cure the baldness completely…♪
  Please give us the anti-baldness medicine~~♯
  Does A****a work?
  How’s the S****s?
  My precious hair is falling out again.♪♪
  Please tell me……♭

“Oh, it’s the ‘The Guard**n’s Song’.”

Yatsuko thought so, hiding in a cover (Jahon Music Copyright Association Review No. 203 — Lie). She also thought she was in trouble with the worthless battle, but waited for an opportunity to escape. But if she emerged the face carelessly, she would only be shot down.
Suddenly, a man wearing a jersey ran through the nearby of her. It was Amarōta, Teacher Guadalcanal. Half crying, he was running towards the enemy camp. It was as like he was escaping from something.

“Hey! It’s danger!”

She was calling out to him, but her voice was unheard. Amarōta could not help charging to the enemy camp.

“—— A man in a jersey charging ahead!”

A soldier shouted, Colonel Kuntz looked through by his binoculars in his pillbox.

He was now in the enemy camp on the hill, wearing a brown uniform with red rank insignia, a typical tyrannical state’s uniform. He participated in a military exercise held that day in New Door City as an ex-Viet-Cong. Nothing to say, this “Viet Cong” meant the Vietnam Complex.
Looking through by his binoculars, he saw a young man in a jersey was running towards among the rows of dead bodies.

“He is a teacher at some school…”

He said the impression.

“Shoot him down,”

said so, a soldier pulled the trigger of machine gun. Colonel Kantz thought it natural.

He watched it by binoculars for a while, but suddenly he made the shooting stopped. He realized it was Amarōta. The barrage of bullets about to approach was just escaped from him hairy.

However, because Amarōta was being shot at from the behind as well, he didn’t notice the enemy bullets were stopped, then reached to the enemy camp. It was that no one could do it. But he still kept running. He couldn’t stop because Renhō continued shooting.
All the enemy soldiers overlooked he was running. It looked like he was about to reach the top of the hill. But Colonel Kantz quickly moved from the pillbox then rushed into him. He stopped him with his body.

“Are you troubled in the baldness, too?”

He shouted at Amarōta. But he hadn’t heard that Renhō would use this battle as her operation.

“—– What?”

Colonel Kantz suddenly appeared on him in military uniform, and he was confused. He did not heard that he was in there either.
Renhō’s machine gun bullets caught up with them and passed between them. Hit by gunfires, Colonel Kantz immediately ducked down to shield him.
His soldiers got Anger with Colonel Kantz had been shot, the machine guns fires were all opened at once.

The barrage of bullets was concentrated on Renhō’s machine gun, in fear, she ran away from the battlefield, forgetting about her mission.

“Hey! Teacher Aihō is running away!”

A high school girl was standing up and pointed at her, who was abandoning her students.

Hearing this accusation, Yatsuko turned back. Sure enough, Teacher Aihō was fleeing the battlefield. Her escape was very quick, soon she was out of range of the enemy camp.

“Too quick!”

Yatsuko swore in a strange way.

The high school girls booed all at once. But now it’s not the time for that. It was dangerous unless they could destroy the enemy’s pillboxes. It would be dangerous to escape from here.

“If we can’t, there was no choice……”

Yatsuko decided to fight. She borrowed a mobile phone from a salaryman who was down nearby her, then called the Bodycon Gal-Force. As the enemy was also attacking high school girls, it became the reason to dispatch the Bodycon Gal-Force.
She might have been capable to transform into a Bodycon Gal-Force then fought them alone, but she didn’t want to do such an embarrassing matter, so she just waited for her friends to arrive. She told her classmates to hide in holes, then moved to the machine gun which Renhō discarded. She used it for her weapon.

Meanwhile, up on the hill, Colonel Kantz was persuading Amarōta.

“……So don’t worry. I’ll give you one pillbox. Just following my order, you will look like a great commander. Do your best!”

Colonel Kantz said so, handed Amarōta a submachine gun and two grenades, then got him out of the cover.

It was just a problem for Amarōta to be handed weapons, for whom had no experience of war. However, it was no concern about Colonel Kantz, so he ordered his soldiers to shoot him by machine guns, not to hit him. It was for increasing the realism of the battlefield. Now Amarōta had to run through the battlefield again.

“Enjoy the exercise with the bloomers of high school girls!!”

Repeating his dream, he had to run down the hill.

To increase the realism, Colonel Kantz threw a hand grenade at Amarōta.


It exploded at his feet around accurately, blew him high into the sky. He lost his mind by this blast, then fell into a hole where Yatsuko was hiding. It was a skillful support by Colonel Kantz.

(to be continued)


Amarōta was in a strangely soft and warm feeling, as like he was sleeping on a bed. He was wondering if the hit by bomb made him so, like a dream, gradually regained his senses.
He looked up, it was there Yatsuko’s face, in front of his nose.

She looked a pretty girl when Renhō introduced her, but up close, she looked even prettier. Her clear skin was without any blemish, and the boyish face was slightly blushed.
Yatsuko instinctively looked away by his gaze, and then he realized his hand was on her breast.

It realized that he had unintentionally touched her breast and quickly stepped back (In mind, lucky wow!).

She was embarrassed by a missile man who suddenly came flying at her, forgetting to pull out the Killer Shotgun, just flushed her face by red. It was the first experience of such a thing, so she didn’t know what to do. But his up-close face looked good unexpectedly.
She wondered what to do with this man, but he pulled away his hand before she could pull out the Killer Shotgun, and that was all up.

“Sorry (Lucky).”

Amarōta apologized. But she couldn’t send any responds. She just blushed the more. Both looked at each other for a while. It did not look like doing it on purpose, so she decided to forgive him.

To hide his embarrassment at what he had done, Amarōta immediately carried out the plan.

“I stole weapons from enemy.”

Said so, he took out a submachine gun and a grenade which received from Colonel Kantz, and handed the grenade to Yatsuko.

“Destroy the pillbox in front?”
She asked him.

“Yes, so,”
said Amarōta.

The pillbox in front is the position which Colonel Kantz told they could get. He had to fight there smartly here then become the man she looked up to.

“Right. Let’s do it.”

He said so, pulled the safety pin of a grenade. Yatsuko took a heavy machine gun up to her front, then prepared to attack.

“Let it control by grenades and quickly take on!”

To show a good commander, he spoke the words that Colonel Kantz had taught him in advance, arranging them in his own way.
Although he didn’t look like a good commander for Yatsuko, but understood the order. She nodded silently.

She showed her upper body from the cover, threw a grenade at the pillbox. Not long after, Amarōta also threw a grenade.
Her grenade exploded in a pillbox.

“Let’s go!”
Before Amarōta gave an order, Yatsuko roared so, then jumped out of the cover. Yatsuko began to charge towards the pillbox, firing boldly with a heavy machine gun on her hip. Her action was so quick.

Amarōta, who had to fight smartly by getting ahead of her, also started charging after her. To think so, something caught on his foot. He stumbled forward. The sling cord of his submachine gun was tangled in his first step.


Amarōta fell down hard.

He stumbled forward and couldn’t help grasping something. In front of him, there were Yatsuko’s buttocks.
He clang to her body, his face pressed into her buttocks. His weight caused the suspenders of her camouflage pants to fly off, and her pants slid down.

She screamed and quickly grabbed her buttocks.

Bloomers appeared on the battlefield.

Her butt was pressed by Amarōta’s face, but with her camouflage pants pulled down to her ankles, she lost her balance just like Amarōta and fell forward.

《What the hell!》

Fell down from the face to the ground, she turned and glared at Amarōta, who was clinging to her leg. His leg was tangled up in the sling of the submachine gun.

To see her angry face, he hurriedly explained his action.

“I don’t do it purposely. The string got caught around my leg. See!”

He thrashed his feet in the air, trying to untangle the tangled gun’s code. But she was sending a suspicious gaze.
This man was something strange when he suddenly flew into her like a missile. It was so when he had appeared as Teacher Guadalcanal, who came here specially for today. He just looked a stupid man. She began to wonder if it was just a sexual harassment, but it did not look like on purpose.
Anyway, she decided to ignore him, and re-aimed the heavy machine gun. Fortunately, there was no counterattack from the enemy.

Amarōta is afraid of her cold attitude, however, to keep his dignity as a teacher, he quickly stood up.

“Let’s take the pillbox!”

He shouted, and restarted to charge. Colonel Kantz had told there were no enemy in the pillbox ahead, so it was safe. He rushed there, like running away from her. He quickly took it over.
Yatsuko no longer trusted him, but paying attention for the around, she pursued his way.

Coming to the pillbox, he found Colonel Kantz was waiting for.

“Well done.”

He showed all smiles as he could see the bloomer of high school girl on the battlefield.

“Next, take the bloomers off.”

He said something irresponsible, forgetting the mission.

“But we can’t lose our points anymore, you should get out. Now we’ll start counterattacking, so you will retreat with fighting smartly. Don’t worry. We’ll keep your safe. Get all the high school girls to take on a safe place. It’ll raise your trust up. Do you understand?”
He said so briefly, quickly left the pillbox through an escape route.

After his leaving, Yatsuko showed her face from the pillbox’s muzzle instead.

“Where’s the enemy?”

She asked, peeping into the pillbox.

“They ran away.”

He just said so.

(to be continued)

The location was now the B12 floor of Casa de New Door City.

The four members of the Bodycon Gal-Force were gathered in a conference room, excluding Yatsuko.

The room was covered in dark, but suddenly the monitor on the wall was lit up, then the face of Commander Ankō (暗刻指令) was appeared. He gave an order.

“I received a message from Henna Yatsuko. She informed me that salarymen and high school girls were caught up in a war between the baldness and the anti-baldness medicine at Safari Land in New Door City Park. Yatsuko was actually caught up in this battle……”

“Yakko-chan, is she bald?”
Yada Iyayo (八田弥代) wondered.

“I don’t know. She’s always bold however,”
Bakaja Nai (瑪茄社奈伊) replied.

Commander Ankō said,

“Henna Yatsuko and her classmates were forced to participate the combat in the name of a class subject. It also proves that the management of offensive power is kept by the semi-forced conscription.
This is a serious challenge to Japan that proclaims the renunciation of war. In addition, it cannot be overlooked from a humanitarian standpoint.
Therefore, you all go to Safari Land in New Door City, rescue Hena Yatsuko and the others. And get the testimony that proves they were forced to fight. It’s just around the corner, so please go there immediately. That’s all.”

Commander Ankō said so, then cut off the communication one-sidedly, as usual.

“Is the story big enough?”
Mongen Nano (門幻菜乃) commented.

“Is it okay to do a war in Japan?”
Nai asked. But it was nonsense for expecting the reality on this story.

“There was a bomb exploding in the street a bit before. That’s a war,”
said Iyayo. She did not understand what was going.

Shitsu Reina (志津麗奈) quietly stood up, realizing the mean, then addressed everyone.

“War is aside, but it cannot be bearable for innocent girls had to fight. Let’s go and rescue Yakko-chan and the other girls right now!”

No one disagreed.

The war was there just in a five-minute walk, so the bodycon Gal-Force arrived there very quickly.

Safari Land in New Door City Park: A free-roaming wild animal zone located on the south of this city park. Give a real jungle to the urban jungle —— by such a concept, this safari park was created as the urban greening project. Admission was free. It’s a great place for animals, where people can observe the live ecology of animals from the jungle to the savanna.

(New Door City Research Team)

“——Colonel! Bodycon Gal-Force in the rear!”

As sudden Bodycon Gal-Force, Colonel Kantz was surprised. He turned back in shock. At the top of the hill, there stood the Bodycon Gal-Force, who were out of place on the battlefield completely. They all had already finished changing to their suits.

Reina picked out a credit card from her beautiful breasts, kissed it lightly. Then, like whispering but boldly, told her catchphrase.

“It can change the city’s color, as is the graceful and beautiful Cattleya, Rouge-Aldan Reina!”

Nai held the pachinko balls between his fingers. Then held them close to her cheek. She talked sweetly, playing with the balls.

“Sweet and bitter youth age is like the scent of hydrangeas dropping a dew. As is the hydrangea faintly dyed blue, Aquamarine Nai!”

Nano was holding a whip in her hands, considering who to punish……

“The dandelion, which bounces back no matter how many times it is trampled on, is a symbol of the earnest girls’ heart. As is a special male of Bodycon Gal-Force, Primrose Nano! (I can say my catchphrase now!)”

Iyayo played with her hair, searching for the split ends…

“The wreath of daisies is the wish of innocent girls. A prayer for the knights. Combine the flower to flower —— It’s a war! As is the flower of love dedicated to the knights, Cherry-Pink Iyayo! (I could say too, but a bit strange!)”

As soon as they finished the catchphrases, they showed the four troops version of their signature posing, with the unfounded movements. They even showed the flash in their background, it was unclear what the meaning was, however. It was the scene when Bodycon Gal-Force appeared.

They took out their weapons, immediately went on the attack. Credit cards, pachinko balls, and bet-losing tickets — such special weapons flew across the battlefield.
The enemy soldiers soon caused the demoralization, by these special weapons. They were against bald men, but they were not against the bodycon gals.

“Oh, we cannot get a girlfriend if we were against Bodycon Gal-Force forever!”

“My wish is only to see the bodycon gals!”

“Sorry. I dropped from this mission.”

The soldiers were a group of mercenaries. Mercenaries had the less morale. Soldiers here and there began to slip out of the camp.

“Don’t attack people who are fleeing!”

Reina gave an elegant order to the fellows.

It made the soldiers easy to flee, their morale was weakened more. Those who continued fighting were added the merciless attacks.

(to be continued)

With the arrival of the BodyconGal-Force, the soldiers around Colonel Kantz began to flee one by one. In front of civilian-like attacks, they could not fight with their weapons which suited the battlefield. It was did out of place!
Colonel Kantz cornered the attacking force about to annihilate, but it was not his goal. For him, making Amarōta fight smartly was the mission.

However, speaking of Amarōta, he just continued blown away by bombs, he did not look smart at all.

Only Yatsuko is fighting so hard.


Amarōta was blown again by a bomb.

Facing a fierce attack, Amarōta and Yatsuko had to flee from the pillbox. Yatsuko also cannot grasp the situation, simply shot down anything that caught her eyes.


The blown Amarōta flied into Yatsuko’s chest, while being shot by her machine gun.

“Why do you jump into me?!”

She screamed and dodged him.

“Ain’t you do a sexual harassment?!”

“N-no. It’s not!”

He excused himself in bleeding. He just wanted something to lean on, but the figure walking towards her, undoubtedly looked like a zombie.

“Hi, Yakko-chan. You again shoot the man.”

Suddenly, Iyayo’s voice comes from the battlefield.

When Yatsuko looked around, she saw four Bodycon Gals standing stood on the hill, where smoke was still lingering.

Unconsciously, the enemy had disappeared from the battlefield. Colonel Kantz gave it up to fight, then retreated with the remnant of his soldiers.

“Even if a dummy shot, you shoot without thinking, you’ll never get a boyfriend.”

Nai said so.

“You can’t say it!” Yatsuko thought, but

“Sorry. It’s not a dummy shot…”
was only a thing she left.

“Oh, sad……”
At those words, Amarōta fell into despair, bleeding a lot.

Amarōta was down at last, reflecting on his life. (But this is a story so that no one died)

“—— Her breast was really soft…”

This was his last words.

“He’s really erotic!!” (.by everyone)

*                 *                *

“——That’s The End.”

To watch by the monitor that Amarōta’s was gone, Kokushi-Musō declared the ending of this operation. In front of him, Sū Anko ver.2.9.1 was standing.

“Noh, its nat meant De End yeto.”

Despite some bugs looked by the update, Anko ver.2.9.1 did not admit the failure. However, Kokushi-Musō convinced the failure at the time when Renhō had escaped.

“The third love storm has already bequnケケケ”

She announced the launch of a new operation.

Then, the monitor showed a small man in a Manchu suit with a red-star fur cap, who was seemed out of place on the battlefield. It was Shō Sangen. He was a specialist of creating cyborgs on MJ-12.

“How dare you take part in such a plan……”
Kokushi-Musō muttered coldly. By the way, Sangen’s real name was Mentanpin Doraichi (綿反品鑼一). He’s not a mystic Chinese.

“Now, let’s go back to school!”
Reina told everyone.

Yatsuko’s classmates said so in unison. The way back to school was like a picnic.

But in the behind of enjoying the picnic mood, the third love storm was already creeping up to. It was a little earlier for the Bodycon Gal-Force to enter their beautiful ending.
Bodycon Gal-Force were surrounded by high school girls, so that they could not notice Shō Sangen was approaching from the behind. But with he was really small, no one could catch him in the eyes.

In this time, Yatsuko’s classmates were willing to the liberation from fighting, asked Bodycon Gal-Force innocently.

“How do you keep a good proportion?”
“Where do you buy the clothes?”
“How do you dress the body-conscious clothes well?”

They each questioned them so much and never left them. Reina and the members were so busy that they didn’t even notice the small man beside them, who tried to communicate by sign language.

Sangen, who played the role of “a man who speaks of love in sign language,” has been studying hard all night for this day, but no one notices his efforts. Trying it hard for everyone to notice his existence, he moved to a position where Bodycon Gal-Force could see him, but with all the Bodycon Gal-Force were busy for high school girls, they all couldn’t notice him at all.

That was the end of his operation…

For that, the story did not have a punch line, so there played a nice music. By this way, it would have looked like a nice drama.
While Sangen continued his futile efforts in front of Bodycon Gal-Force, some nice music started playing in the background, as if everything was going well.
It might have been the song “ROB! ROB! ROB!” by Drimog (Drilling Mole Group), which was a famous music band. (Jahon Music Copyright Association Review No. 204).

Anyway, Sangen’s futile plan was ended, sublimating beautifully… .fin

“It’s better to end quickly,”
Kokushi-Musō commented. He never cared about his effort. He just wanted to be free from this operation as possible.

“I requested the fast ending like Act 3,”
he added. By the way, the story is about five times longer than Act.3 (compared with our products).

“But it’s not the end,”
said Anko ver.2.9.2. She had recovered her body by fixing the bug.

“We’ll carry out a new operation to add the more damage to them.”

“Isn’t it a pointless effort?”
Kokushi-Musō retorted, but it only infuriated her.

“We must not give them any rest!”
Anko insisted hysterically.

“I’ve prepared a new operation. This time, it’s a detective story. We must beat them with this detective story. The title is——

— Detective Story —
Dancing and roaring to The Sun in Western Police of Detective Edition with pure heart

I was too busy to think about, so that I will steal all detective stories.

“Have you cleared the copyright?”
Before Kokushi-Musō asked so, a death scream came from Anko.

Her version was risen up again.

However, as many bugs were detected, this operation was canceled. Kokushi-Musō felt relieved.

(ACT.5 End)

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