

Information about Gekokujo ( 下剋上 )

Suddenly one of The Girl shouted in the air, " Gekokujō treatment ! " --- I could not understand what she wanted to say. It was supposed to be wrong for THEM of that I had won Pachinko extremely ( but I just earned 20 thousand yen yet because I only did 1 yen Pachinko ). Anyway, it is a characteristic idea for THEM which is showed a wrong use of word. Gekokujō ( 下剋上 ) is not used for such a case. THEY always add another meaning to original words ( In addition the more, it is not correct for the ...

Information about Chili

--- The Industry were accused only to use THE VOICE for negotiating with me. Whether they usually would control avatars by THE VOICE, they have not negotiated with me directly, yet. They always can USE THE VOICE from too far distance to me. They are anonymous mafia-like who always hide their own leader. Rarely we can know the leader. Maybe he is not here. He is dead already. In 1994, The Box and his fellows repelled Ooishi who tried to survey the behind-the-scenes about me. Because they were afr...

Recent Conference with The Industry

The Industry seemed to negotiate with America. They insisted on that recent California wildfire was owed on me. --- It was supposed THEIR self-performance which THEY usually did or just a lie which THEY also did. The analysis to know the truth was needed for long time because we don't have the way to investigate its behind-the-scenes. There was no way except for we would pick up THEIR sayings. But The Industry thought it easy to tell only a rumor. In my experience, it was a true criminal of whom...

Recent Conference with Yakuza

It is about 25 years passed when I saw The Yakuza. It was from The Uzi did ' Marunage ' to Yakuza in 1996. ' Marunage( 丸投げ )' is Japanese slung which means ' throw all things at.' Japanese intellectuals often make new slung to have doublespeak. Another mean was ' throw it to right party.' ' Maru ( 丸 )' is a magazine which the right party prefer to read.Many Japanese were supposed to kill by this action from Yakuza's leader to innocent people, but no one knew the behind the scenes. And I did not ...

The Ratings of Perceived Humiliation ( Canossa Scale )

When my first novel was unsuccessful on the contest ( in 1995 ), I could HEAR The Ghost of some Japanese Imperial Family said a complaint to Japanese Media. He said, " One Canossa." --- This Doll watched TV program too much. He said about a TV program which had once broadcast. The title was ' Humiliation of Canossa.' It was a parody to express the battle of Japanese bubble economy comparing to history. It became a fashion to say, ' One Canossa.'But for Japanese Imperial family did not suppose to...

Information about A-Country

The Name of The Rose ( 1986 ) Main Actor ; Sean Connery : Based on the same title of novel by Umberto Eco For Future Earth will suppose to send the agents to A-Country, they brought a lot of information about A-Country. To get these information, The Afterlife of The Earth become little excited. But most of them have been already heard by THEM. The issue of discussion is concentrated on whom had made this coronavirus pandemic. It did not seem to exist on the original history ( but second original...

The Order of The Intelligent Lives

SDFA-E seemed to maneuver their space fleet to G-Country. I could hear THEIR screaming in many times.And SDFA-E had caught a twitter by Neon and sent to me. He said, " Our home is not found..." --- The Neon was seemed to separate with G-Country. Not B-Country's. They had revealed on B-Country, and then revealed on this Earth, too. The planet of G-Country was supposed to destroy while sticking to THE GAME. The Neon had both face of justice and evil, while they talked good things, they conspired e...

The Destruction of G-Country

Coming to Spring, while I continued describing about the agents from G-Country, THEIR CCU ( The HAL ) was falling into dysfunction.The HAL would execute the agents who were found by death ( delete execution ) until now, however, it gradually could not execute this rule by the reason of the function of self-protection. The HAL could not stop own system. THEY ( The Agents ) were a part of this system, therefore, THEY were the persons never to die how much they were bashed. THEY could continue bash...

The Conditions of Armistice

When I declared the war with THEM in 2016, it lead to the war with Japanese Media. Because The Japan was supposed a group of THEM. Japanese Media wanted to get THE POWER, so they continued using THEM. Although they could TALK. Not only The Japan but also Japanese Media could TALK.The ability of TALK meant that they could USE however, they could not understand it. They strongly denied themselves as The Aliens. So The Japan was a group of the normal people in The Earth. Japanese Media continued th...

Recent Conference with Japanese Media

The Wide-face reveals on my delusional sight, and continues TALKING whole a day. He annoys me even when I am working, He would aim to make me a mistake. His orange-colored background covers me on my mind even after he disappeared. I become hard to control myself. What a human scum for only think it okay to do anything of that he could become easy. He is bashed by Japanese Media at this time. He never mind the sufferer would feel it in trouble.In 1993, he even thought so. The Uzi transacted with ...
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